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Messages - bbPandass

Pages: [1]
this worked for me. the qstaff needs to inhabit both hands showing the icon in each. A new command should be made /(d)equip hands to empty or fill both at once. If you are going to do that it would be nice to have another for /(d)equip armor. Both these commands could be used to equip sets. Two handed weapons or two weapons of the exact same type as well as a full set of enchanted or otherwise identically named armor. drifting off topic now.

It really doesn't seem to go into either of the hand slots though... it's as if it slips up the a**... So now one as a stick up their.... Really am baffled at how to get it out... And apparently when there is a stick up your bum... You sadly receive no training in pole arm and spear and, are still yelled at by the guards... It's almost enough to make one appear.... well... As if they have a stick up their.....

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So Im Just Curious,
« on: February 09, 2012, 06:29:36 pm »
Well Yeah, I sort of had that idea down.
So, if you pass the character again who gave an alias, your char would know them by their alias, but... You the player, should probably not add them to your friend list, [i tend to do that to know who i could most likely run into]

Very simple. Your CHARCTER only knows what they hear via IC means. You character does not see any text that is marked as OOC --- such as text in [square brackets] ((double brackets)) {{curly or whatever}}

You have to ignore all OOC information. Your character does not know everything that YOU  the PLAYER knows.

You are not your character.

Hope that helps....

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Beginning as a magic user
« on: February 09, 2012, 06:24:36 pm »
A some what related question?

Is it possible to become an 'apprentice' of more than one way?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So Im Just Curious,
« on: February 09, 2012, 06:19:44 pm »

If you introduce yourself as someone else, or someone introduces themselves as something other than their name, like say my name was [Rebecca] and i said [Becky] or [Call me Sam], your character wouldn't be able to add them to their friend list? or does that even matter?

To some extent it is not possible. I have made it a practice from early days never to introduce myself correctly. There may be some times when I have but for the most part if someone asks me who I am I say "you can call me bud." Few people actually call me that but some do and NPCs always call me by name if they use a name of any kind rather than a description. e.g. 'good kran' or 'gemma.'

of course it doesn't help that I prattle on in gossip and bilbous is always attached to my comments.

She may be up against a permissions problem. There is a thread about that if memory serves. You could test that theory by having her run things as root, or admin or whatever windoze calls it.

- Nova

Admin, Yeah we were going to see if we could try it that way. But she may just not be able to try PlaneShift. ):

I read the threads i could find...

Well first of all.

she downloads it, installs it updates it, the same problem happened , so she uninstalled it, reinstalled it. she figured like other games it didnt get installed correctly.

she has all the settings in pslaunch, set so it wont be that harsh of a lag,

then she goes to create a char. and somewhere in there. The client crashes...

uhmm... ):

No offense but your picture does little to convey the problem. Perhaps if we knew more details...

I was to lazy to write out her computer info, or cut it, but getting the picture there was, actually more work than i probably would of had just typing it out...

but Her game shuts down in character creation. is there anything else i need to tell you to help? [fixxed]

All i figured out was switch to, psclient, instead of what she was doing, using, pslaunch? Imma mac, not a pc, But when she switched to psclient, it committed suicide somewhere in, or around, character creation, idk... ...

[ :offtopic: I know that sometimes my computer is just to powerful for other computers,,, so maybe we should just stop skype for her to do it, im on skype when i play planeshift]

Its not like i know what im doing, so a little help?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So Im Just Curious,
« on: January 27, 2012, 03:03:29 am »
smote    past tense of smite (Verb)


   1. Strike with a firm blow.
   2. Defeat or conquer (a people or land).

Laanx is a god in planeshift.. Blackflame is another... sort of horribly evil terrorist sort of god. Hence, Laanx smote this poor confused blackflame worshiping soul xD

( Picture a bolt of lightning tearing from the sky and turning someone into a pile of ash! )

Sounds Dangerous.  :sweatdrop:  :sweatdrop:  :sweatdrop:

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So Im Just Curious,
« on: January 27, 2012, 02:07:04 am »
what is 'smote' mean?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So Im Just Curious,
« on: January 26, 2012, 06:04:19 pm »
To give you a better answer, there are two types of death in Planeshift, "Common death" , and "True Death" aka Permadeath.

With common death, the character fades from view and reappears in the death realm - fully alive and healed/restored.

With true death, the body remains and needs to be hauled off to a burial well ( such as the howling well  on bdroad1 ) for proper disposal. They do not return.

This is a concept that applies to both role play and the game settings. True death can be cause via various poisons, annihilation of the body, or when smote by a god. Its generally up to the player to decide if he wants true death. There was one case that I know of where a player was forcible permakilled by Laanx due to consequences of his role play. There was another a where a character (Donari) was permakilled after an in-character trial due to rp consequences.

Whisper Bless,

Thanks that is a wealth of knowledge. But It brought up the question of who drags of the body to the Burials Wells? I always sorta wonder, when I come past that subject.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: So Im Just Curious,
« on: January 26, 2012, 04:16:32 pm »
For the most part it is just good RP, obviously when a few other players are connected with the event.  There are however times when a GM might deem it necessary to "end" a character for certain reasons, but that is a whole other issue.  Be sure to read game policies and such, should you have any questions about this. Or you can ask other players in /tell.
Thank you,
There is so much stuff to read about this game, Its Hard for me to remember it all. But I may have passively read answers to most of my questions. I should just pay more attention.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / So Im Just Curious,
« on: January 26, 2012, 03:51:43 pm »
I've been noticing talk about 'permanent death' [or so]. Sense I started playing again. I think it was there before, But I just didn't really pay that much attention, I wasn't to curious about most stuff in the game.
So is it really possible for a character to just permanently, Die? Or is this more of an RP type of thing when, it seems appropriate... Hmm...

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Welcome to Planeshift
« on: January 26, 2012, 12:20:35 am »
All I know is to take notes on quests.
Taking a 6-8 month 'sabbatical' and then coming back to, not only a new version, but vague quest descriptions, and no details... Well its just a bit confusing.. But it does serve as an excuse to... do pointless things until you get something right...

Mac OSX Specific Issues / If I updated my Mac
« on: January 25, 2012, 05:34:46 pm »
Sorry, just wondering if I would still be able to play PlaneShift, if I updated the version of my mac, which, I really need to do.
Right now; I have my lovely; 24 inch iMac OS X - Version 10.5.8
I have sort of been eyeing the Leopard and Lion .
I also want to get some more memory cards. [of topic if i have more memory will my computer over heat slower? or is memory not the issue there... Even so I still want more memory, Sims 3 is slowly hogging it all up]

Or maybe, I buy the updates, + a Windows laptop [?] and... [kill myself] uhm scratch that... [kill myself] and use my iMac for my Photography.

I could have probably found the answer on my own, eventually, or just figured it out,
from trial and error, but I wanted other peoples opinions if you please?

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