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Messages - rooock

Pages: [1]
wen i use my updater in the middle says to press any key
i pressed enter and the updater closed
i tried again and wen i press other keys nothing appens
help meeee my upgrader is stupid (lol)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / conection timeout
« on: June 24, 2003, 07:00:44 pm »
i know i must reported to the bugs
but i cant theres a problem
but it doesnt interest now

ween i connect appears timeout. please check......
wat should i doooo
help meeeee


im geting maaaad


kiding ;P

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / how???
« on: June 24, 2003, 09:17:04 am »

i downloaded the 5 parts of primary download site and the reasembler on cesnet mirror
i run the DOS program and apears a new file: PlaneShiftV0.2.010
wen i double click the file apears an error with the message:
instaler corrupted or incomplete

this could be the result of a failed download or corruption from a virus

if desperate, try the /NCRC comand line switch (not recomended)

wat should i do
help meeeeeee

Pages: [1]