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Messages - Ealdred

Pages: [1]
Newbie Help (Start Here) / Re: Some questions from a new guy
« on: February 24, 2014, 02:41:18 pm »
Thanks for the answers :)

Is it possible for a player to reach maximum level in all skills (I'm not going to do that, just curious), or is the amount of distributable points limited?

Though the starting skills only make up a tiny amount of the reachable level in that skill, will they be added to one's skill level or just grant a head start?

~ Ealdred

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Some questions from a new guy
« on: February 23, 2014, 04:10:20 pm »
Hello everyone.

As the title says, I'm new. I've been looking at the character creation (which is incredible!) and have found the role I want to play; A doctor / healer / physician (make up more synonyms if you feel the need). Before I started experimenting with the character creation I did some research and ended up with some questions:

I want to focus on Blue and Crystal magic, but does Brown and / or Azure magic have any spells useful to this kind of character, too?

I want to make potions (as this fits the role), but I can't really tell the difference between Herbal and Alchemy skills. Would both be useful or can I do with one? What are the differences?

Final question (for now): Is there a fixed maximum for skill levels or will a character with Blue Way 9 be able to reach higher skill levels than a character with Blue Way 2?

~ Ealdred

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