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Messages - katyana

Pages: [1]
Openal is installed. I figured he had mac. I uninstalled everything, reinstalled & saved it in my documents instead of programs. I also made sure VBO is on. It worked!!!! yeah!! Now I am tired and need to go to bed. But I will have fun with it tomorrow. Thanks everyone for your help.

Where is my application folder? My  file .exe not .dmg

I had a problem like this.  If you have already tried my solution, please disregard (and sorry!).

I would download the game, open the .dmg file, place the app in my folder and then run it.  Never successfully.

I had to eject the .dmg file I had opened and then delete it.  Only after doing would I go to open the app for the first time.

Let me know if that works, I hope it does, and hope you are still around and reading...

Please explain this more clearly for me. I am not all that technical.

Hi Katyana, this crash is very weird because you are using a very compatible system. I'm using a 64 bit Windows 7 and an nVidia GPU too and I never had troubles. Where you able to play the game in the past? If yes, what changed from that time? What are the options you configured into the launcher?
Mine are:
  • enable full screen not checked
  • skin elves
  • texture quality highest
  • Particles High
  • Enable Grass not checked
  • Enable weather checked
  • Enable Shadows not checked
  • Enable Bloom not checked
  • Enable HDR not checked
  • Color Depth 32 bit
  • Anti Alias 4xQ
  • Anisotropic filtering 16x
  • Loader Cahe not cheked (but I'm pretty sure it works with this checked too)
  • Background Loading World
  • Enable VBO not checked
  • Sound Enabled and set to OpneAL

I hope this can help you!  :)

I have done everything on this list. I have also tried running from psclient. I have never been able to play. I have spent much of the last two days trying to play this game. The current download is 32 bit. I tried the others & played with the settings with them as well. I don't understand. I can play Lord of rings, Elder Scrolls(all) & several other online boring games. I even changed it so my firewall allows PS.


 I still have the same problem. I have also tried running as admin, no difference. I have read through everything here & some of it may as well be another language. I am at a loss as to what to do now. :(

I have installed & uninstalled several times. I tried both mirror & torrent. I am now trying 32 bit torrent download. After this I will give up.  The game crashes after clicking play. It loads the start screen in the training area & crashes there. I want to play the game but this is ridiculous. I have cleaned & updated my drivers & comp.
My system is: Windows 7, Intel Core i3 cpu 540 @ 3.07 GHz 3.06 GHz
4.00 (3.87) usable memory
 64 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GT 520.

Please help........

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