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Messages - Catchaotica

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Nightstalker
« on: July 18, 2003, 02:05:34 pm »
Nightstalker  Height:  10ft Shoulder:  6ft
Level:  advanced
Appearance:  Large mammal-like creature of Genus: Night stalker. This is one of many species that can exist.
Behavior:  The males (depicted) hunt alone and are very territorial and aggressive. If one is chasing you, and you can\'t defeat it, it would be a good idea to go find another because then they will fight w/ each other rather than you.
Attacks:  Claws pierce all but magically reinforced armor. Animal has some simple magic that enhances its senses and strength. When attacked, it will try to magically paralyze its adversary.

NOTE: Females are smaller, with more dull markings, are not as powerful and hunt in packs of about 3-7.
NOTE: I was going to add wings, but the paper wasn\'t big enough.
EDIT: added url:link to picture

Wish list /
« on: July 07, 2003, 02:26:48 pm »
love the idea of the dragon and the loot.

The Coloring looked good to me... classy and not nearly as painful as the stuff i force myself to do. ;)

General Discussion /
« on: July 03, 2003, 01:10:14 pm »
For the fighting, couldn\'t we just have an option, iIknow some diehard fps people that have a hard time with the whole \"Im not actually fighting!? 8o  X( \" thing.
So for them they can have a manual fighting option.
But for people with a slow connection they should be allowed to set up their account for auto fighting.

and I played ragnarok online (3D world 2D characters) , which i mentioned once before, when i played on dial-up, it actaully ran more smoothly than when i played with my dsl connection, (however, my service stinks with DSL).

I think we should keep all options open.

Wish list / help?
« on: June 30, 2003, 06:44:27 pm »
I would like to do the characteristics for a monster or two, but could i get a scale?
is ...
n00b -avg -experisnced
good enough

also i would like a scale for the strength for the animal


Wish list / Libraries
« on: June 30, 2003, 04:33:42 pm »
It would be interesting if the world was very limited in knowledge and resources in certain places.

So that the people in the game can write on these topics. I don?t know if this game is set up for something like this but it would be cool if there was a scribe skill or spell.  A few people could be Librarians, where their whole job would be to organize and transfer knowledge from one city to another.

To be exact: I?m thinking that many places shouldn?t have maps, and once a person wanders around in an area they the computer fills in a map for them then they go and sell it to the library. Then when all the N00bs come on they get that map in their inventory.

Or some spells shouldn?t be obvious, and certain things may need to be done to figure it out, once some one figure it out they can go sell it to the lib again. And it will be there for future magicians to read and learn about.

it would give the people that explore and discover some fame *this map provided by BOB*  and once everything is figured out, even if nothing is added to the game to keep the interest, the  whole going to a library and having to look something up *in an organized  way* would be cool.

waddya think?

PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: June 30, 2003, 04:18:24 pm »
Ya i like the idea of outlaw too, they should have WANTED posters!!!!


PvP,PK and Thieving /
« on: June 30, 2003, 04:04:31 pm »
player killing... i dont see why not.
Im for anything that makes the game more interesting.

One interesting thing that i would suggest:

Some ideas for making it easier:

I saw in another game, that if you die below a certain levle you lose no points and no junk, you cannot be stolen from.

Also an automated Police system to make life hard on people with bad Pk records. -- have to be tested. for what is a BAD pk record-- but if a person has a lot of complaints against him... from different people then he gets an angel of death to make life hard on him.. or banashed to HELL  for a while.

Also my idea for theiving, is that theives can only take the items off the \"top\" of the pouch that way if people want to protect themselves they put their important stuff on the bottom and use storage for rest.

Just some thoughts

also... is the society going to allow for wars?

Wish list /
« on: June 29, 2003, 09:17:37 pm »
yeah i kno,

A big concern of mine was that people would just create tons and tons of characters until they got one.

there are definately some bugs in the system

but  to make it more fair
the percentage could change.. ive thought mebbe 10-20% or we could just keep it to like 100 dragons; 500 (super?)heroes and 10,000 heros.

a friend of mine also suggested that you could unlock the ability mebbe, if you did some really hard quest or something.

Wish list / Lets name him Mr. Jigglesworth
« on: June 29, 2003, 08:46:31 pm »
Ok so most of my art is on paper, and i have to manhandle my sisters ancient scanner to get anything done.

but here is one picture. it is done with Jasc Paint Shop pro. and took me many many moons to complete.

I call it a Turran. The picture makes it look way more knobly that i mean it to be.

Species: Lizard (male)
Habitat: high mountains and very rocky areas (caves?)
click the link called: Turran

*edit: changed link*

Wish list / artist on board
« on: June 29, 2003, 08:29:40 pm »
Could i just draw monsters and have other people add desciptions to them?

Wish list / A bit of random
« on: June 29, 2003, 08:21:03 pm »
This may be a bit radical. >:D

I was thinking that it would be cool if a MMORPG had a random feature that would make a character become, a Dragon, or a hero or something.

What I mean is, About 5% of the time after someone creates a character, the computer runs the algorithm and they either get into the game as the character they selected... or they appear in a high mountain area as a giant and incredibly cool monster of awing strength. Or if they are a hero, they appear as their character with special  and awing skills that no one else has in the game.

Then they can then either terrorize the land (pillage and burn villages..etc.) ... or help the land. They should be really, really hard to kill, so that only another hero can kill them or a lot of people together. So that way it forces Human interaction and creates a sense of camaraderie.

Also they * the aggressive heros and dragons*should drop a lot of goodies like a NPC animal so that they are way worth killing even in a large group.

The only catch to being born a Dragon/ hero is that once you die your character is dead, and you regen as the character you chose (or just have to make it over again)

I figure that since this game is free.. that mebbe the idea could be at least tested.

Let me know what you think!

General Discussion /
« on: June 27, 2003, 12:47:21 am »
In Ragnarok online (an extremely limited game) they did have real time fighting. The player had only one move to perform but it seemed to work pretty well, when you weren\'t lagging.

I would like to see something that wouldn\'t just force you into automated fighting.  If something could be incorporated, that would be great!

General Discussion / The EZ controls guide
« on: June 26, 2003, 10:00:01 pm »
This is a suggestion to help noobs.

On the download page you should have link to a list of all the controls that are in the game.
SPACE:  jump
Page Up : look up
/help: displays help menu


and instruct the hapless noobs to go to that page and print out the information BEFORE they play.

let me kno what you think

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