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Messages - Wolfmane

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General Discussion /
« on: July 13, 2004, 02:40:33 am »
Hi Grono, thx for creating #planeshift-guilds it has now proven to have been prudent  :) . But for pitty\'s sake let\'s not confuse the issue and create even more  8o  bad enough we have to take this action as it is ....

Anyway ppl, due to mismanagement and power-abuse on irc channel #planeshift @ quakenet it has been necessary to rectify matters by moving the official Planeshift fan channel to:

#planeshift-guilds @ quakenet    

Hope to see you all there!

Guilds Forum / Party, Party!
« on: June 20, 2004, 01:20:32 pm »
The King is DEAD, Long life the ORDER!  8)  

21:00 GMT BE THERE, or miss the last event worth noting in Hydlaa before CB comes out!  8o

Guilds Forum / AO Celebration PARTY!
« on: June 20, 2004, 01:17:19 pm »
AO 1st Anniversary: 20/6/04  

Sunday the 20/6 is the first anniversary of AO in its ressurected form. The Arcane Order is ages old with its origin now lost in the mists of Yliakum history. One year ago the all but dwindled out flame of the Order was rekindled and the Arcane Order reconstituted by three mages.

To celebrate this AO is holding an in-game event in Hydlaa at 20:00 GMT on 20/6. All are welcome! Interested parties may view the AO website   for more information or contact AO in IRC #arcaneorder @ quakenet  

Hope to see many Yliakans join us. DON\'T miss this party t might be the last event worth noting in Hydlaa before CB comes out!

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 18, 2004, 04:39:32 pm »
Congratulations Windwalker!

Wind is not new, has been around in PS for a long time. Previously been member in another guild but has now joined the ranks of AO. We are honoured to have you Wind  :D

AO 1st Anniversary: 20/6/04  

Sunday the 20/6 is the first anniversary of AO in its ressurected form. The Arcane Order is ages old with its origin now lost in the mists of Yliakum history.  One year ago the all but dwindled out flame of the Order was rekindled and the Arcane Order reconstituted by three mages.

To celebrate this AO is holding an in-game event in Hydlaa at 20:00 GMT on 20/6.  All are welcome! Interested parties may view the AO website  for more information or contact AO in IRC #arcaneorder @ quakenet

Hope to see many Yliakans join us  :P

Guilds Forum /
« on: June 11, 2004, 04:06:01 am »
Hi Zeph, thx man and great to hear from you too. Come around to #arcaneorder on IRC and let\'s have chat.

Guilds Forum / Insert an image into your message
« on: June 11, 2004, 03:38:04 am »
Hi everybody,

Wolfmane, aka Illyria the White, has been ressurected from the dead for some time but had her beautysleep for a while and is now \"presentable\" again.  8)

AO has the pleasure of celebrating our 1st anniversary as an active PS guild on the 20th of June. Axsyrus and other members have done a lot of work on the celebrations, and Axs has promoted the occasion in the PS community. This is just my little penny in the pond to spread the happy news.

Anybody interested in more info or attending our celebrations online feel free to pop over to our IRC channel #arcaneorder @quakenet.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Wolfmane shows but doesn't tell .....
« on: November 15, 2003, 08:20:43 am »
Ok I haven\'t been around for a week and I see Kada had, sort of, taken up my challenge for show and tell  :D . Although funnily enought the pic seems to have disapeared again so I never got to see it ..............

And now I see Gronomist also posted so I\'m in sh*it street as I need to keep my commitment and post but don\'t have a reasonable or recent picture. So, for now, I post one that is about 5 years old in my more \"confused\" younger days  :P

But in thruth, alas, this is me:

Ok Grono now we\'re quits  :D  I promise not to bug you about THIS anymore ........

Guilds Forum /
« on: November 12, 2003, 10:27:09 am »
Hi Druke,

We need to move the Forum to a new server, Axsyrus and Elscouta is working on it together with Tepsu. So let\'s hope they get it done soon for I agree it is more than annoying.

Guilds Forum /
« on: November 08, 2003, 05:34:53 pm »
Welcome back above-ground Forsaken ones! Some people confuse being under-ground with being buried  8o

Good luck with your recruiting!

Guilds Forum /
« on: October 28, 2003, 12:03:06 pm »
Well if the Cable want to be hated, let\'s hate them. Best way to do that is to ignore them to death, so if they post don\'t respond at all just delete it.

Anyway, Ordo is a great concept and you lot seem to be a nice bunch so let\'s get the thread back onto something constructive.

I was wondering what angle the guild intends to take in Yliakum? In other words, are you going to act mainly as a unit pursueing common goals or is the alliance looser in the sense that each members pursues their own goals and you all helping each other with that. Not that I want to pry and if this is sensitive then just ignore me too  :D

So many guilds intend to get power and dominate the world, although I think it highly unlikely that any will ever succeed since gameplay is unlikely to make that possible. Very few actually have constructive goals and the aim of achieving something.

For example in AO one of our goals is to build a library on Magic. It will be private and collect as much knowledge on magic in Yliakum as possible. Yet it will be open to a select few that have shown a true commitment to magic. In otherwords working for a cause that has a value of it\'s own in Yliakum.

Well if you are not confused yet .... I have to stop anyway cause Moogi hates longwinded post.  :D

BTW Xolon I did answer your question in OI forum on the song I quoted.

Guilds Forum /
« on: October 28, 2003, 10:57:00 am »
Yes, these guys are mean! But a hell of a nice crowd, so give them a try and see. If it doesn\'t work out they will kill you swiftly and painlessly.

Good Luck guys

General Discussion /
« on: October 28, 2003, 09:19:09 am »
Ahem, ......

Now now Grono be nice to people here  :D

Basically Vodka what you can learn from this is you don\'t want to get into a battle with Grono. If she can do THIS with her tongue, imagine what she will do with a sword ............. *shudders*

Guilds Forum /
« on: October 27, 2003, 02:10:31 pm »
Sad to hear you left SH Caldy but the reason is clear and the way of going honourable. As for the new known member of SH, Aramys, congratulations and good luck with the good work SH is doing .... ahem .... we think, rather hope so, anyway  8)

Guilds Forum / Promotion
« on: October 27, 2003, 01:59:31 pm »
Hi all, thanks for the warm welcomes all round. I was especially touched by Alucard\'s warm and heartfelt welcome  ;(  :D

We are happy to announce that one of our staunchest members has deservingly been promoted to the highest possible rank in AA, bar Council itself, namely that of Arcane. This is an honour we bestow on the best of the best only. Arcane is to us Mages what would be akin to a General in an Army.

Congratulations Morgy!

Granted or negated Wishes /
« on: October 24, 2003, 12:52:48 pm »
The idea is good, especially familiars that you have to earn the trust of and keep if you want them to stick around. Also the idea of permanent death for familiars is great and would certainly add drama. The idea of having to use your empathy fits in well with the overall concept of PS and that one needs to use charisma to have good relations with animals (ex. aninmal trainer) already in the PS concept. Sharing blood could be a good idea in \"summoning\" or acquiring a familiar. Personally I like the idea of befriending better than the idea of summoning familiars.

As there seems to be a lot of interest in this idea maybe we can get some Dev comment on this thread ......

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