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Messages - Eroten

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I know this is an old topic but I wanted to give my input since I'm still pretty new to the game and have been slowly learning the mechanics and other features. I'm loving the game so far and people have been really nice but I do want to point out some of the bigger issues that might chase newbies away.

- Tutorial could be expanded to show new players the best place to grind at early levels, which is usually the arena. Maybe have the tutorial quest lead the player toward Harnquist to gear up and then straight to the arena where you'll need to gather clacker meat or something.

- I actually don't mind the UI and think it's very flexible but maybe from an aesthetic standpoint it would turn off a lot of new players. Having a more uniform design would probably help with this but I wouldn't consider this that big of an issue. One thing that would help though is maybe showcase the customizable hotbar a little better for newbies during the tutorial. Showing the corresponding key on each hotbar slot helps too.

- There's a lot of performance issues with the game, especially in Hydlaa. I'm not using the best PC but it should be good enough to run a game this old with no problem. But whenever I'm in Hydlaa, my framerate often dips below 20fps. I haven't tried the UE version yet though so maybe that fixed this issue.

- The movement and camera is definitely a big issue that probably chases a lot of new users away. The current tank controls paired with the floaty and buggy camera makes moving around feel very tedious, especially if your framerate is dipping a lot. I think you attempted to fix this with the third person follow mode but it still feels very clunky since you need to hold down the middle mouse button and you're still wrestling with the awkward camera. One thing I can suggest is make A and D  strafe keys by default, make strafing a little faster, and to make the camera more responsive to your mouse movement instead of making it glide around. The camera also bugs out often if you don't click on the center of the screen so it would be great if that was fixed somehow.

- Some of the quest descriptions could use some work. Not asking to handhold through everything but there are some quests that just don't give you enough information to work with and no way to look for more information ingame. For example, quest givers will tell you to send something to a specific NPC but doesn't tell you where to find them or if they're even in the same city. Even the NPC chat function usually doesn't work so you either have to run around aimlessly for an hour or check the wiki.

- Navigation could also use some work. Don't need a minimap but there needs to be some way to know which direction you're going. I think after playing for a while you get an idea of where everything is located but for a new player, this could easily make them get lost and quit. Without any sort of compass, the current maps are also useless since you don't know which direction you're facing.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Hope I don't sound too demanding or anything. I would just love to see this game grow and get better since it's pretty unique compared to both new and old MMOs out right now.

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