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Messages - Umpapa

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Development Deliberation / Re: Next Update/version
« on: February 19, 2007, 06:35:31 pm »
I was wondering when we could start subletting the houses. lol  Also what about neighborhood Associations.  ouch those fees get hefty.

But that would mean better tax breaks when the Taxes finally start hitting.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Re: Kittens are always cute.
« on: February 18, 2007, 09:21:43 pm »
Those are some great pics. lol  Link. haha great stuff.

Forum and Website Discussions / Where is the old guild recruitment section?
« on: February 15, 2007, 10:49:59 pm »
I am probably just blind, but I don’t see a section labeled guild recruitment any longer.

Pardon me if this is not the right section for this.  If needed feel free to repaste this in the right section. Thanks.

I have gotten my brother and a co worker to join up now.  I cant speak for them but I am looking for a guild that has a good smithing group.  I am interested in Smithing both weapon, armor and blacksmithing.   I have apprenticed out to a master weapon smith in Real life in the SCA for several years, so I have a strong interest in this trade skill.

I play mostly in the mornings during the weekdays and constantly on weekends.  See you online.


General Discussion / Re: Mining early day heart aches.
« on: February 13, 2007, 09:29:17 pm »
I am not so sure about that.  I walked up to the furnace in the starting city and there was several materials just setting in there.    ahh unless you mean you can see it but not take it..

General Discussion / Re: Mining early day heart aches.
« on: February 13, 2007, 09:00:45 pm »
Ahh ok I will ask in game.

Thanks.  :thumbup:

General Discussion / Re: Mining early day heart aches.
« on: February 13, 2007, 08:58:03 pm »
I did have a question that bugged me.

If I put metals in the furnace.... can some one else take it? Even if I am standing there guarding it?   

I would think their would be a messasge like when your in  a group and some one wants to loot your drop.  " You won the item but do you want to let ?????? take it?"

General Discussion / Re: Factions (What are they? How do they Work?)
« on: February 13, 2007, 06:48:58 pm »
Coming from other games factions are usually just the opinions of groups of NPCs about your character.

Simply put, if you help them advance their ideas etc.. they like you and will give you greater acceptance with their group. \\o//
On the other hand if you harm them it is usually an uphill battle to win back that trust or respect they had for you. :@#\

I am not sure how it works here but that is just my past gaming exp in a nutshell.  ;)

General Discussion / Mining early day heart aches.
« on: February 13, 2007, 06:01:42 pm »
Hello all.

Ok I have re-written this several times over so hear goes.

I have searched through the forums for several days now.   I can not find any sections or post that covers basic trade skills or really getting started.  I mean for example role playing: My father was a very well respected miner.  Ok great that means I am sure I have seen my father go to work with some of his basic tools and even come home and talk to me about his day out in the fields digging.    I would think there would be at least some basic skill he would have imparted to me as well.   For example..  I was actually lucky enough today to meet some one who noticed I was having problems trying to figure out the mining and smithing process.   He led me on an adventure. He had heard rumors of fields full of ore and coal.  I mean I was headed out anyway right..  We gathered our supplies and head towards OJA ( I am sure I misspelled the name).  On the way he turns left and says lets check this valley I smell ore.  I looked at him crazy and said you can smell ore?  He laughed and ran into a small valley.  Glory be to he who wields the Two hammers sure enough with minimal effort on his part we pulled up ore right from the very ground he was standing on.  We did pretty well filling our bags with the ores.  It went well ok he did tell me to stop hitting me self in the head with the pick at least 2.. hmm or was it 3 times.   But the point is we found iron ore.

We made it into the town and headed to the shops. I sold my rat furs and other scaps I had found in the sewers to make some pocket change.  Later we checked the smith area and I found an upstairs area where I could practice smelting my ore into what ever it was you did with ore.  I tried several different combinations and even dropped some supplies behind the forge itself. 
By now I am sure my characters father was turning over in his grave.   I mean who would have thought that you just left the iron ore in the forge it would become molten Iron.   Warning.. Don’t eat the molten iron.  Why would I say that.. umm don’t ask I was hungry by now and had to drop my apples to make room for more ore.  Anyway back to the issue.  I then tried dropping it in the water..  and waited.. waited etc.  nothing.. picked it up with my hands.. ouch.. it was still molten iron.  I accidentally dropped it in some other casing contraption next to the water..   checked my other ore in the forge and wow it was all nice and hot now.   Whoops I misplaced my other one.. well when I finally looked at my message screen it said do you want to leave your  iron ingot in the other container.   I say my iron ingot.. no way.. give it back and so I opened it and sure enough there was my pretty ingot.   Well now I have a bag full of ingots..   My characters dad wants to die a second time from embracement and I feel I am still not moving towards being a miner yet.   ;)

Wouldn’t this whole painful process have been avoided by just having an npc training school, or my dads old mining manuals etc.. notes.. or his old equipment.

Yes it was kinda fun to role play but still it was annoying.

Strictly OOC. 
Isn’t there a way to find manuals or a trainer that will teach you basic ideas..

General Discussion / Re: 340,000 Player Accounts Registered!
« on: February 12, 2007, 11:02:24 pm »
those are very nice numbers an any book.

General Discussion / Re: I miss the sewers.
« on: February 12, 2007, 10:41:00 pm »
I miss the Crystals.  All my crystals gone... trias are ok I guess.

Misses "I miss using my shears on dwarves that come into the temple to swipe my crystals that spawned on the balcony.  lol You could literally time individuals that did huge patterns around the city and know when they would be running up the stairs lol.

General Discussion / Re: Alternate reality
« on: February 12, 2007, 10:30:17 pm »
That is a realy cool screen shot.

General Discussion / Hello again all.
« on: September 24, 2005, 02:16:29 pm »
Hello all

I will be poping back in tonight sometime. Long time no see for many I am sure.  

I just hope I can figure out all the new controls etc..
If you see a newbie guy getting owned by some starter mobs.. toss me a buff or some bandages.

Not sure if I will be playing Hadies or Umpapa but will be on none the less.

ok off to read that newbie manual again.

General Discussion / I would love to be in phase 2.
« on: October 16, 2004, 07:18:30 pm »
Well I can test for about 8 to 10 hrs a day. If you still need any one. I would love to assist you.

I run XP Pro sp 2
1.8 gig proc  AMD
512 ram \\
128 ddr video Nvidia
and also have 2 other systems of slower speeds i can test it on as well.

If you need me I am here.

Email is

I am in the USA and in Central Standard Time zone.

General Discussion / If you have room count me in.
« on: October 16, 2004, 12:22:45 pm »
Well I can test for about  8 to 10 hrs a day.   If you still need any one.  I would love to assist you.

I run XP Pro sp 2    
1.8 gig proc
512 ram  \\
128 ddr video.
and also have 2 other systems of slower speeds i can test it on as well.

If you need me I am here.  

Email is

Wish list /
« on: February 17, 2004, 04:08:21 am »
Great Idea Rumble.  I use Team speak. it is a free download.   I recommend it to anyone that wants to use it.  We can create entire chat rooms and sub chat rooms etc..

This would be a great way to increase the feeling of the game.  lol  I dont think my character is speechless. but for some reason he has to speak and with his fingers.

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