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Topics - Pestilence

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General Discussion / History
« on: October 08, 2005, 08:17:44 pm »
Besides a history of how this world came to be and what gods we have it is just as important if not even more to know what the people here made of it seeing we need to play being one of them.

Some things you need to know for this. What are the differences in races and where did people fight over and fought wars over and such.

One of the things I mind so far is the octarchs. It is pretty hard to imagine how the octarchs came to be ruling the whole world with so much diversity and even two gods not to fond of eachother.

I therefor submit that the octarchs only rule the planes in name and don\'t always have the power to actually rule their plane.

A possible part of history

At first the planes were pretty much seperated from eachother. Ofcourse there were passages, but nothing large enough for profitable trade or routes for armies. Only a few adventurers traveled between the planes.

As Talad saw this he wasn\'t happy as he wanted the people to get to know eachother and the world to grow and so he stepped up to a great inventor Inogla and asked him to solve this problem.

Seeing as Inogla was a devoted follower of Talad he dropped to his knees and swore he would not rest till his mission was complete or untill his death.

He spend all his life on this dream of talad alright and the whole city worked on realizing their gods request. Right before Inogla died he saw the first elevators between planes work.

As time passes were the elevators entered the planes cities arose and soon the elvators were connecting 8 cities  each on it\'s own plane. The rulers of the cities were know as the 8 octarchs and soon became the most powerfull rulersas the 8 supported eachother and few could stand against the power of 8 planes cocombined and the wealth that came from the trade of the elevators.

Still some still resist and even now there are still cities that would jump on the chance of bringing one of the fabled 8 cities down and regain there freedom.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Leaving Planeshift
« on: September 10, 2005, 02:27:41 pm »
I don\'t know as many people on the forums as I do ingame but still I would like to say goodbye to all who I have met here.

I am leaving Planeshift as it can\'t interest me as it once did, also the lack of communication from the devs and strange progress is getting on my nerves.

Perhaps I might return aftter the next wipe who knows but for now I decided to take a break of PS.

I would like to say goodbye to the many friends I met. People in the DC like Rioth, Bodacher, Esserfin, Saleth, Tarel, Ganinos are just a few of the friends I made here, but also to people like Easton, Agara, LordBug, Tangera, Jabren and Netrhys. I\'ll even miss people like Karyuu who I but heads with so often and Phinehas with his sarcastic comments and Moogie\'s closing of threads ;)

I wish the best for you all and for all those friends that I made here as there are just to many to name them all.

General Discussion / Forum Mentality
« on: August 14, 2005, 08:34:20 pm »
A discussion about how people act around these boards. I have said before I didn\'t feel these boards to be as accepting as they could/should be. A lost of people are getting bashed without much reason besides thinking something the other doesn\'t like.

Some here seem to have an opinion of how things are supposed to be and can\'t accept if someone else doesn\'t feel the same way or even isn\'t sure it\'s supposed to be that way.

I personally like to ask everyone to please give people a chance. Just becuase they don\'t look on what PS will be in the end or what PS is at the moment doesn\'t make their opinion less worthy then your own.

Listen to what someone has to say and please try to find the good in what the other is saying. Even if this is hard sometimes. And mods and GMs please give the right example by showing this to other and to moderate the posts clearly ment to bash someone without really listening.

Wish list / Goverment and Politics
« on: August 14, 2005, 08:09:41 pm »
As PS goes for more realism I think it should be possible for the players to have influence on the governing of cities and lands and even become leaders themselves.

Now I have looked at how the politiccal structure is described and think the Octarch story doesn\'t really fit in my eyes.

First of Yliakum is described as one great city with planes each governed by an octarch, but with things like Akkaio and the huge plains this doesn\'t fit.

I would therefor suggest the devs use more of a cityleader system where eventually even players can become ciityleaders. Where he can effect things like taxes and where the money is spend like on cityrenewall or the guards or cityexpansion.

Have a council below the leader to have more positions that can be looked at and get politics in the game. I think this would also increase roleplaying as to become a leader you must ofcourse be well known

Perhaps at first one should work with guilds, but later elections could be held where people have to go to a votebooth and click on something where they can vote who they want.

Wish list / Excluding skills
« on: July 28, 2005, 07:14:23 pm »
Now we haven\'t have many skills working but think in the end we should have skills exclude eachother like if you learn one side of magic the one oposed to that you can\'t train anymore or should become harder to learn.

Specially with things like the \"views on life\" I have seen I think exclusion is a must as you ofcourse can\'t believe all the ways on how energy should be used at the same time.

This would also be fun with things like crafting were if you exclude some things you can get that one can make that and an other something else but nobody can make everything.

Perhaps a semiexclusion in advance were you will state what profession you will be trying your hardest to learn and those skills will be easier to learn while skills nothing to do with it will be harder to learn.

It would give the players choices but also make the choices important and make people obviously different from eachother in what they can do.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Guild problems
« on: June 24, 2005, 07:42:12 pm »
I did use search but couldn\'t find what I was looking for. I have to admit I don\'t understand how the search works sometimes as to what it shows.

Anyhow there are two bugs I would like to request get priority from the PS team to get fixed.

One is the promotion that isnt working. I know it\'s been reported already but it is really hard to keep a guild running in a beta if you can\'t promote people to fill up the gaps in leadership that are inevitable over time.

Two is changing guildranknames. I tried to change the names of ranks, but it just kept stating what the names where already in system and didn\'t change it.

These two bug together make it very hard to start new guilds online but also makes it hard to keep guilds that restrict admin to higher levels afloat, as the number of leaders decreases and the holes can\'t be filled.

Thank you for your time.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Mug spawn place?
« on: June 15, 2005, 08:26:11 am »
I heard people say there is a mugspawn place in the tavern but Platyna told me that should not be and that it mightbe a bug specially seeing mugs are so buggy atm.

I thought I should report it so it can be investigated by someone. I did find a mug there as have others but if it was spawned there or dropped by someone ofcourse is unclear.

Why someone would suddenly drop all these mugs ofcourse is the question so for now going with that there is a spawnplace.

Single Author Stories / Creation
« on: May 28, 2005, 08:50:50 pm »
An explosion of energy. This is what created the universe. As it was created there was one thought behind it. Undrus the All that led the creation. If he had been there before the explosion or was created by the explosion himself we do not know. As the explosion subsided stars were formed and the universe for the first time showed it\'s light. Not long after this more thoughts were born. Much like Undrus they were but were Undrus was ceating a universe these entities had limited powers although they could still destroy stars and build worlds with their thoughts the whole universe was outside their reach.

Then it went silent. awakening and experiencing the world the gods turned to Undrus wondering what they were made for, but Undrus was nowhere to be found. Now the gods left to themselves started experimenting and soon they had conflicts. Why the first war started we may never know but fact is it was defistating. Many gods were no more and others were little more then you and me almost no powers left. The universe first with numerous stars was a lot darker now.

This is when the gods started building worlds of their own. They seemed to have an inner need to build. And thus the stars got planets surounding them. The gods competing for the most beautifull worlds and the most interesting.

After ages as the universe grew older and the gods started to grow up aswell they didn\'t feel just worlds were enough and so one of the most powerfull created life to make his world even more interesting. Simple forms at first but soon more complicated forms were created and others followed soon.

The gods wounded from the war of the gods were now healing and some returned to claim their own world or were satisfied roaming the universe looking at the worlds of others.

One of these \"wandering\"gods was envious of one of the gods that had created life and to try and blemish this life he made it so intelligent life would form.

But his plan backfired as the gods found this even more interesting then everything before and soon many followed this example and made intelligent forms of life aswell. Most of the first did not survive long, but where the first fell others rose to take their places.

Not long after this two wandering gods found eachother and a world called Yliakum left behind by an other god.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Full log?
« on: May 10, 2005, 07:19:22 am »
In the octarch thread they asked for logs and I have to admit didn\'t look at them before (not sure I like having logs to begin with) but anyhow when I looked at them I saw they didn\'t see them up to today they end about a few weeks back.

Can the logs be full or something? I don\'t see it happening but I have no idea why it would suddenly quit  logging either ;)

Guilds Forum / Meriner Seraphim looking for a guild
« on: March 02, 2005, 09:21:56 pm »
Just so you know it isn\'t my second character or anything ;)

OK well Since I started playing thise game I have been a member od three guilds. I started helping a friend make a guild but he turned out not knowing exactly what in entailed and so the guild was disbanded and so I lwalked around then I joined the Guardian of the Way.

I really did like the guild. Most members were newbs I agree but I liked giving advice and seeing the ones you helped grow and even surpase you once or twice. It was a very active guild, but sadly the leader Hivver was gone for days at end and this ment things like promotions weren\'t being handled and things like building a website weren\'t completed and so I decided to leave them to look for an other guild

This led me to the Cabal. It is a longstanding guild and so I thought they must have active members. Sadly I found out the Cabal wasn\'t that active and atleast in my tiimezone I only really met one person. I only met one of the leaders online twice in planeshift. Seeing I left GotW for activity reasons I wasn\'t happy with this and after I waited and tryed to stur up things a little I decided to leave the Cabal. No hard feeling I hope.

So thats my guildhistory and that pretty much tells you what I am looking for. I am looking for a guild with active members and with enough to almost always have a few online. I don\'t mind if most aren\'t high leveled aslong as the guild has several helping them to grow and helping  fellow members is rewarded.

Thank you for reading all that hope to hear from guiilds soon. Can always talk with me in planeshift if you see me :)

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Oja road
« on: February 28, 2005, 04:38:53 pm »
Seems there is something buggy there to. The maps aren\'t in sync or something anyhow all I know is that when you  turn lefft at the fork and walk a bit on the turn where I think most people noticed you are going to an other mape you fall down and if your lucky you die. If not you fall on some hill where you can\'t get of and were you don\'t heal I tried to get of it by jumping back on the road and I died that way but then I didn\'t get spawned in the deathrealm. I tried spawn to return to the plaza but then it says you have 0% HP. Interesting in duels LOL ;) Haven\'t tried much after that hopefully it will be normal again when I log in again.

Wish list / Money: for the good of the beta
« on: February 21, 2005, 09:36:23 pm »
K not to complain or anything but at the moment we all know money is to hard to get. I mean in my opinion money shouldn\'t be easy to get but atleast a bit easier then Progression points becuase you also want some money left for fun.

Now why should the developers do this you ask? I mean it\'s a beta so don\'t complain. Well becuase it IS a beta. It\'s there to look for bugs and so people should be trying out things and with money being so scarce people aren\'t trying things out and bugs that deliver gold don\'t seem to get reported very fast by players.

Now how to get more money into the game? Well get things like making weapons to sell for money work as fast as possible and at first don\'t make it to hard to earn something on it. You can always make it harder as more ways to make money appear.

Second lets have more monsters drop stuff then the rat and the tefusang and the ocasional rogue/thug. This way people will try to kill other monsters.

The other reason ofcourse is that this would make it more of a game and more enjoyable to play and think thats the goal in the end to make a game people like to play.

just some typo\'s editted ;)

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Reset or what?
« on: February 19, 2005, 09:00:43 pm »
I logged in after a minute of downtime. When I logged in my inventory and the weapons I carried were gone. Is this the sweep or what?

If it is it should have been told. If not it\'s a major problem.

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Meriner Seraphim
« on: February 09, 2005, 08:08:04 am »
His story (it\'s in my description aswell)

As a child Meriner\'s village was stroken down by a disease. It is not known witch disease it was exept that it left hideous scars on Meriner. One of the few survivers of this plague he had no family left and was adopted by ffriends of the family that lived in an other village.

Though this family was kind Meriner never felt really at home there. The other children often teasing him with his scars. As he grew older his fur started growing back covering the scars. Now only some lighter spots on his fur are an indication of his scars. Ofcourse the mental scars weren\'t as easely hidden and as soon as Meriner came of age. He left the village to seek his fortunes in the city.

The only ones really close to him are the brothers he got from being adopted Alfdaur and Kronon who also came to the city in hope of a better faith. In the city he has not made many friends yet, but the ones he made he is always glad to see.


Comments anyone? Would like to know what people think does it fit the planeshift world?

Guilds Forum / Guilds: How would you do it?
« on: December 23, 2004, 05:41:14 pm »
I don\'t see much discusion going on here so I thought I would start one.

A lot of games have groups that work together on a comon goal in all games there are little differences on how those groups work. Alliances, clans, guilds whatever you call them the game you play makes it different. Now Planscape is not like most games and different to the games that are in the same catagory.

Now how does everyone see the guilds work? How do you see guilds get guildproperties? Should the guild demand 10% of the money members earn? Or should they ask members to give their old equipment to the guild?

What should a guild offer minimum?

Ofcourse some will depend on what options you will have in CB seeing I heared the guildsystem will have some differences to in MB. Only natural ofcourse :)

I hope to hear from others and if you have an opinion but it isn\'t an answer don\'t be afraid to throw it in the ring aswell. I am just wondering what the opinions are that people here have.

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