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Topics - Wormtail_

Pages: 1 [2]
Wish list / Ideas on weapons and items...
« on: September 14, 2002, 04:52:29 pm »
I don\'t think there is a topic about weapons & items people want to have in the game, so I might as well put them here. Also, you can put in \'original\' items, like weapons that are not in any other RPG. You should put in the name of the weapon, description, and perhaps requirements to wield it and how good the weapon is(not damage since I\'m not sure of HP of monsters). I\'ll leave the obvious ones to you all, but I\'ll put in some of my ideas here. Also, this is similar to the monsters idea page, but is different than monsters for obvious reasons.

The following is going to be an example.


This weapon is a cross between a spear and an axe. Usually the wielder of this weapon gets to strike first(if that\'s allowed) as long as the wielder isn\'t taken by surprise. This weapon looks like an axe blade on the side of a spear with the top part completely metal. This weapon requires both hands to wield it. The range is 1-3, depending on how long it is and how skilled the user is with polearms. (If that\'s in the game, I\'m too lazy to check now. :P)

This weapon is pretty good(in damage terms, and look terms on a smaller scale :P ), if you can handle it correctly.

Note: Developers can delete/close this topic if they don\'t like it, but I\'d like it if they send me a message first. They can also snatch ideas off the ideas put here.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Hi everybody! I'm new here...
« on: September 14, 2002, 04:32:44 pm »
After lurking in these forums for a long time, I decided to register for the Planeshift forums. Anyways, I really like the idea of a free MMORPG for all! Speaking of MMORPGs, I\'m pretty sure I\'ll be of \'neutral\' alignment. I don\'t really want to be evil, although I\'m not exactly wanting to be good, either. Oh yeah, and I am not an active talker, although I\'ll be hanging around the Wish List forum quite a bit, I think. Well, see you all soon!

EDIT: I forgot to say that I am a player of Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion and Runescape(mainly, although AoK is preferable to Runescape). While I am editing this, thanks to all the warm welcomes! (Although I will stay neutral, no matter what!)

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