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Topics - Fanomatic2000

Pages: 1 [2]
Wish list / Messages above heads
« on: January 20, 2003, 11:50:18 am »
I think it would be easier if you could see the messages that players are typing above their head.
Something similar to \"Tibia\" would be good.
I just hate when you have to read what everybody is talking about in the box below. It becomes more easy if you could see what a specific character is talking about just by looking at them and read above their head.

You get my point?  :))

Granted or negated Wishes / Cool movements
« on: January 14, 2003, 04:45:29 pm »
Ideas pop up in my head like plants on steroids  :))

How about some fancy moves for all the different types of \"classes\" (I know there\'s no \"classes\", but you know what I mean).
If a martial artist wanted to show how good he really is, then he could instead of saying\"look, I\'m lvl 83\" show some acrobatics that would reflect how good he was.
A mage could show some small fireworks, and the warrior could do some cool swordmoves.
This would improve as they grew in levels.
How about a \"dance\" skill which could be combinated with the musician skill? Then an Inn-owner could pay dancers and musicians to entertain his guests.
I know this is a little fictive right now, but It would be a good thing to see in the future. :)
Good luck to you developers!

Wish list / Ideas about Meters
« on: January 13, 2003, 08:18:24 am »
I have thought a little about meters in the game, and this is what I would like to see.

1. HP meter  - The usual life meter, however with a connection to the stamina meter. When the meter gets very low you faint and it\'s up to the PC/NPC if they wanna let you live or not.

2. MP meter  - The usual magic meter, but with a similar connection to the Stamina meter.
Casting a spell can be a very hard thing to do, and if your level is too low (I mean your level in magic) it\'s possible you faint when you throw it.
If the spell is too powerful for your level you may even die.

3. Stamina meter  - The stamina meter is a very important meter because it shows how tired you are. It will continuosly regenerate by itself. I think that there should be beds where you can sleep to recover faster, and bedrolls if you\'re traveling.

4. Hunger meter  - You\'ll have to eat now and then. If you don\'t, your stamina will stop regenerate, and will fall instead. This meter forces players to buy food, and bring food with them on their journeys.
(Different races should eat different types of food)
If this meter reaches zero, you die.

5. Water meter  - The human body (and other races as well) Needs water to survive.
You can choose from many different types of drinks which is often sold at pubs. Some drinks will give you positive effects, and others will give you more negative effects (With some other positive effects as well).
If this meter reaches zero, you die.

6. Weight meter  - This is a meter I\'d love to see in a MMORPG. :))  It indicates how much your body weights, and it will depend on how much you eat and how much you train.
Just like in reality players gets fat if they eat too much and if they don\'t exercise.
I know this is hard to do, but It would make the game become more alive.

Wish list / Houses under water?
« on: January 09, 2003, 03:45:01 pm »
I don\'t know if somebody have already thought about this but..

I think races like Nolthrir should be able to live under water in houses or caves.
They could live in gigantic underwater cities where they grew seaweeds and hunted sharks. I think it would be great. :P Then you could ride on gigantic sea-horses and search for treasure in underwater caves.
(Ok, I know it\'s a lot of work, but it would be fantastic)

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