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Topics - LigH

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Wish list / The repetitive quest for any available quest
« on: December 30, 2013, 05:20:43 am »
Since the quest chains got implemented, and most quests now have a branch of indirect prerequisites, it gets harder with each solved quest to find another.

I know, hints to a next quest are being implemented and added to the end of a quest. But it is already known that such hints may fail because they don't take into account if I have other required quests done already (backtracking to every chain start, most quests will require several other quests to be completed to be available), and furthermore, such hints will be more helpful for a character starting with an empty list of already completed quests, but less for those who already completed a hundred before the hints get available.

Now imagine that I would have to scan all the NPCs between Eagle Fortress and Ojaveda (and remember, the fortress still has no Pterosaur station), each time I complete a quest, because each completed quest might make a quest from any other NPC available. Computer scientists, which complexity is that? O(n*log(n))? O(nĀ²)?

I wonder if a kind of "fortune teller NPC" could help which can give hints about NPCs with available quests, based on all current prerequisites, for some fee. Maybe just one random out of the result each time. Is that better than a slight visual hint to recognize a questgiving NPC?

Please confirm and vote, if you agree.

Yes, it may be a little inconvenience, but I never understood how it goes wrong, and because it can go wrong, it must be a bug...

I noticed several times that people are writing a reply to a whisper (/tell), and if I send them one just before they send them, this reply goes to me, instead of the addressed character.

The only syntax of this command I know is:

Code: [Select]
/tell <firstname> <text>
So if the command already contains the first name of the addressed character, how can it be sent to another one?

Is there a different syntax (not known to me) which sends the reply to the sender of the last received whisper, not containing the explicit name? This is the only way I can imagine how it can be redirected accidently.

General Discussion / Selective news coverage
« on: November 30, 2013, 02:13:04 pm »
PDXLAN raises over 14,000 pounds of food / $7,000 for Child's Play

No news station in Portland, Oregon, was interested in reporting about gamers who do something good and useful for the society (tmp).

But when someone runs amok, computer games are to be blamed first. Truth doesn't sell, only scandals.

General Discussion / Surprise: Treasure chests!
« on: November 27, 2013, 02:56:40 am »
It appears that one can find now treasure chests in different locations, all over Yliakum. Pick them up (warning: heavy!) and "consume" them (drop on your inventory avatar) to loot the treasure for some random content.
Please don't spoil the fun searching them by telling where they are! You know the policy...

There are a few things I wonder about, e.g.:

  • Will I find each of them only once for each character I have? Or do they respawn after {a while | loading the map}?
  • Will there be achievements if I found a certain number (at least 5, 10, 20 ...)?
  • Are there also dangerous (trapped) chests?

General Discussion / Friendship!
« on: July 30, 2013, 12:12:34 pm »

The Hydlaa Plaza / Rust In Peace, Iron Lady
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:10:40 am »
Margaret Thatcher, former Premier Minister of Great Britain in the 1980's, died today.

She left an eternal impression in the British People's mind:

Quote from: BenjiWilliamson
#nowthatchersdead We can have her funeral handled by the lowest bidder. It's what she would have wanted.


General Discussion / Tribal Dance
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:07:09 pm »
Be kwiet now - wewwy kwiet - now Ulbies and Trepors hunt you!

General Discussion / Re: What should an NPC know -Direction?
« on: February 05, 2013, 04:43:59 am »
Another of those "inconsistent" cases where "east" is still used like a direction. ;)

Dear Game Masters,

I wonder if I am creative enough to offer you ideas for events. Would you be interested at all? Would you be allowed to accept any, at all? Would I have to be excluded from an event I contributed?

If allowed and interested: How about publishing a very coarse topic and collecting more details to finalize a specific event plot in a not-so-public area, e.g. an IRC channel, protected by a part-time password given to registered contributors for just this event planning? As usual, the plots don't have to be too elaborate, enough for an hour, maybe with one sequel at most.

General Discussion / Raging Fever
« on: December 21, 2012, 08:41:24 am »
Passing a few animals in the Dungeon, also some Diseased Rats, I suddenly got infected: "You begin to experience feelings of cold and stiffness and a shivering sensation. You feel ill."

Was the rat the source, or some other character testing spells?


Yes, it appears that Diseased Rats might infect you while passing. The debuff "Raging Fever" will last some time and drain some stats. But a "Cure Disease" potion may reduce its time...

Nice one, eonwind. :)

General Discussion / Signposts teaching Settings
« on: November 16, 2012, 05:35:46 am »
In reference to an older F.R. task, I'd like to collect a few ideas which areas and sights would probably get an advantage from having signposts explaining the settings related to them, similar to {id. plates|signs|inscriptions|legends} (don't know which translation matches best the desired meaning) next to monuments and historical or tourism-relevant sights in our world.

The following list may contain more or less serious suggestions, and as subjective as opinions may be, I hope to see constructive replies preferred.

  • "Gemstone Path" near Gugrontid (just missing a specific description)
  • the Korogan (ojaroad) and Koberas (bdroad) passes
  • mossy ruins near Talad's Touch (bdroad1): Ylon Dynari or another former town? What could Nyshyn discover?
  • more of the biggest or more unique fallen/grown stalagmites/stalagtites, e.g. near Grok Idon, near the Leaky Rock
  • Zinc mine on bdroad1: "Brigand's Bowl" (remembering the rogue leader who dropped the best pies outside the cities)
  • small rock hills near the Explorer Outpost (bdroad2), looking similar to "Hermit's Hills" next to Shindrok's crater
  • the combination of ramp and dyke/levee between outpost and "Pick and Ore", with the Duppong tree in the valley, looking like "Tongue and Lip"?
  • the serpent road opposite the outpost, with the Tefusang herds; the narrow consumer valley beyond the "Guardian Stones"; the terrace in the far corner with Ulbernauts
  • the edge of the waterfall gap (bd_outer); the abandoned village; the lake and the mine to the left of the entrance; anything interesting to the right, e.g.  around the campfire?
  • some details about the Eagle Fortress, and maybe about the ruins where Canyt ... "works"?
  • the Derghir village (ojaroad1) and the Gobble village (ojaroad2) - a sign of warning, maybe even a name?
  • the valley where Enack can be found, the one with the coal and iron mines, or the four trees at the crossing?

General Discussion / Old Q&A Questions thread -- answers thread not found
« on: November 16, 2012, 03:26:06 am »
Q&A: Post Your Questions! (June)

This thread collected many interesting questions. Unfortunately, that was long ago. Karyuu is gone. And the link in the starting post is outdated. I was not successful finding the answers, and I bet there are still several questions without answers, even after the recent Settings additions (e.g. I stumbled upon this one while searching for "Ylon Dynari", if the mossy ruins near Talad's Touch and the Gugrontid passage are those of the legendary town, or anything else...).

Complaint Department / Running out of Night Mushrooms
« on: July 29, 2012, 05:51:30 am »
As we already know since May, Night Mushrooms around the Magic Shop spawn up in the air.

A few mushrooms used to spawn in the forest too. There are 3 hotspots. But there is a randomizer too. On one hand, the spawn is randomized among the three hotspots. On the other hand, the spawn is randomized in a radius around each hotspot.

And there is an invisible wall too, near one of the hotspots.

Unfortunately, it happened too often now that mushrooms spawned outside of the invisible wall, too far outside to be picked up. They are lost now (until a GM picks them up, temporarily, to get lost again, until this problem gets fixed).

Wish list / Enhance crafting with "determined studies"
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:56:25 am »
Yes, I know: Creating a tree view with all required subsequent transformations for a specific result might be optimal, but I doubt anyone would take this burden... so I have just a humble wish which might already be quite useful and also not too hard to implement:

The more you learn, the harder you can keep an overview over the content in your crafting books. And their technical presentation makes them pretty useless, anyway. They are not even sorted alphabetically among the blocks of transformations...

The "Study" window is only a little help. It presents the content of the previously read book with a smaller font and a wider window, so you can scan more easily through the content. But it is still the same huge amount of little ordered information.

I believe that already an optional filter parameter could give this feature a lot more use. In addition to the command /study you could allow a word which limits the listed transformations to those which contain this filter word (case-insensitive match).

See also: PS#5668

I am checking the new spawn positions of herbs, which have been spread mainly across ojaroad1. And I am quite disappointed. The one who decided about the new positions cannot have put much effort into it. At least he seems not to have much knowledge about botanics, and not much about the description of the items even.

Example 1: There are two positions for White Oak Bark. Under totally different models of trees. Which of those is the "White Oak" now?

Example 2: Hops is lying on flat ground. Have you ever seen hops fields? Can you imagine why they are raised to rank up around threads? They certainly need steep places to climb up.

Example 3: Threestem fruit lays around far away from any tree, although the description mentions "threestem fruit trees".

Example 4: Red Mangrove Leaf grows in a pond as well as on an average meadow. The second is improbable.

Example 5: Wyn Reed used to grow inside the Leaky Rock river, which was logical, as reed. Now it was moved away, why?

As drJack already mentioned in the thread about animals, more efforts have to be expected about herbs as well.

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