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Topics - Bereror

Pages: 1 [2]
Quite often I see partly transparent characters in the tavern. A sample can be seen on the following image.

Sometimes there are characters without heads, sometimes I guess there were totally invisible characters.

And it seems to happen in the tavern only, nowhere else.

Is this something that others experience as well? Or it is specific for my operating system, video card, drivers or the way they are configured?

Newbie Help (Start Here) / I am wondering
« on: October 07, 2005, 02:05:09 am »
Situation 1

Me walks deep in the sewers.
There is He, standing still.
A tefusang appears.
He hits the tefusang for 247 damage.
He kills the tefusang.
Me says: \"Hi\"
He says nothing
Another tefusang appears.
He hits the tefusang for 217 damage.
He kills the tefusang.
Me says: \"May I test my sword kills?\"
He says nothing.
A third tefusang appears.
He hits the tefusang for 263 damage.
He kills the tefusang.
Me says: \"Is your role to make sure that this monster never survives more than few seconds?\"
He says nothing.
Me leaves.

I know this has been discussed many many times. But it still seems to be a common case whenever you go. There are several well known spawn spots and they are almost always occupied by somebody who know only three commands: select, attack, loot. Even moving around seems to be too complicated.

Is leaving that spot the only option I have? Game mechanics work as the work, could you please at least try to pretend that you do not know where the next monster appears.

Situation 2

Me has a conversation with some other players at the Plaza.
He walks to us and challenges me to a duel.
Me rejects the challenge.
Me asks: \"Why did you challenge me?\"
He walks away.

Now, as far I know, this is the definition of a duel: \"a prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point of honor\".

So what was the point of honor?
How was it prearranged?
Who where the seconds?

Maybe devs would consider changing the /challenge command into /murder.

wants to murder you.
Me agrees to die.

Just had to write this before starting other more important things like earning my living etc.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Few questions about weapons
« on: October 05, 2005, 01:06:54 am »
After visiting many worlds, I arrived to the Yliakum. This world looks slightly different than any others I have visited so far. After looking around for a while I understood that not all the places in Yliakum are safe to visit. So I had to improve my fighting skills and get some weapons. Perhaps some people with more experiences could help me understanding the basics about weapons in Yliakum.

If one sword has a speed attribute 2 and another 3, then which one is actually faster?

Why can I equip with a sword with weight 10, but not a sword with weight 4?

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