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Topics - Proglin

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Thus it ends.
« on: August 04, 2006, 05:44:32 pm »
Dear people of Yliakum, GM's and devs,

After having arranged over 12 tournaments, time for me to stop has come. It all began so great! The first ever Masters of Magic! the citizens loved it, the GM's loved it, and I loved it. Great names, like Janner, Satayne, Zog, Zorbels, Mysst, Ogu, Javeroal... they were all there for the very first tournament hosted by Proglin's entertainment. The business grew, and after a while I even set up an entire crew. Narita, Dylia, Setill, Zabrey, Illori, Ogu, Javeroal and especially... Gag. They all helped me out so many times and i  can never thank them enough.

At the first tournament, the GM's were so supportive! they transported the fallen warriors back to the arena, and helped me out as good as they could. Later on, they even lifted the winners untop of the great statues in the arena! But... Alas. Some one who has never laid eyes upon a tournament, decided they were not allowed to help me. My tournaments were called OOC, Powerleveling Propaganda, a cheap way of making trias and whatnot. I laid low fo a while, all the bad comments my tournaments got, kinda got to me. I put so many houers and houers  in them, just to improve the community. I became harder and harder to organise the tournaments. GM's no longer were allowed to help me, although there were some that wanted to. and in the end, Ojaveda got placed far far away, making it very unattractive for the Enkidukai to join in.

Although many things have screwed up my tournaments in the end, there are still only good good memories. All tournaments were great to host, and the players were all so friendly! My Bookie became a succes! the healers did their job well, the awards were always great and the people that sponsored me, or supported me never let me down. And Ozbi, Maelgwyn, Xillix, Ogu, Javeroal, Dowanger, and all the other warriors will always be "my proud warriors" as I liked to call them in my vanity.

Ofcourse I'm not leaving you all like this! I'll host one more tournament. an axe tournament. It will be on  a saturday, that much is sure already. but the exact date and time is still unknown. I ask you all, for old times sake, to be there, and to celebrate and cry with me. cause after all... even OOC-ly this business became very dear to me, and I would like all my friends, warriors, crew members, spectators and EVERYONE else to be there  \\o//

Dear people.... Thanks.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Help this noob ;)
« on: July 04, 2006, 03:39:22 am »
My friends! I got a serious problem! My English vocabulary is ok, at least, I like to beilieve it's ok.... But you guys use all sorts Abreviations I do not understand  :sweatdrop: Could you guys helpo me translate thae foreign language?

IMHO <--- my main problem

More will come ;)

General Discussion / PS nowadays
« on: June 09, 2006, 11:42:42 am »
Inappropriate logs removed. The issues are serious, but our forum rules still stand.

Now... dear GM's and ctizens of PS. I know these are just logs and they are easely tempered with, so they will not do as proof to kick these people out of here. This is a game, you do not know who or what is on the other side of the world, talking with you. Mane people come in PS with honourable intentions, and they can even become great friends.

For those who herassed people, those who scolded at people... think twice before you even think of saying anything like this, you have no clue how much damage you can do with something as simple as text. and GM's, I understand uyour situation and respect the system of not trusting logs, one thing i'd like to know though... Is a GM allowed to make a judgement call in situations like these? Cause I'd HATE to see yet another 14 year old girl, terrified like hell, come running towards me saying she was herassed in a ... "Game"

Just to gicwe a sligh indication of what we are actually facing... all this was said in the past 7 days... imagine how much was said in a month.

Fan Art / Proglin's Art
« on: May 31, 2006, 10:14:59 am »
Now... for the love of pete. Please remove this entire thread if it is not good enough, or you no longer like it. I'll try and put on as many art as I can. Mainly sketches, I'm guessing. Or art I'd really like to share with you.

And Seriously.. if it isn't good enough for ya, just post in this thread, and I'll ask for it to be removed.

Fan Art / Card Game
« on: May 14, 2006, 06:08:17 pm »
G'day all! I'm planning on creating a card game, A collectible one. I'm looking for people willing to make me a couple of nice pictures, and will be kind enough to throw in a couple of my own later on. Your pictures will be modified and put on the cards. Each card will be different and used in this card-game. More about this card game will follow, and the rule book will soon(tm) be available for everybody. I'm really looking for help, since I have a severe lack of artists in amongst my friends. Any questions? I'll be more then happy to answer, and please.... pretty please... Help me out here.  \\o//

In-Game Roleplay Events / The last tournaments Winners!
« on: March 15, 2006, 05:24:28 pm »
!! The Masters Of Magic results!

The tournament, that started it all, has yet again seen the light of day! It was a marvelous success! The powerful mages, witches and wizards drew a large crowd to the arena. Their blazes of fire, and arrows of crystal, rush through the arena to pierce or burn the mage\'s opponent.

\'\'\'The Minor/Medium-class\'\'\'
Due to the lack of participants in these classes, the two of them were merged together. But that didn\'t stop or proud mages from fighting for the victory.

The minor-class was once again exciting, and mde the people jump in their seats! Great spells, whit, and tactics, made this class more then worth while. Sayuluvic, Penult, Ripshol, Shigure, Elsiete, Firannis and Trale made one heck of a show for the audience. After the first round, there were four fighters left. Firannis, Penult, Trale and Elsiete.

After exciting Semi-finals only Penult and Trale, both members of The Warriors, were left to fight for the Championship and the awards. At first, Penult wished to yield to Trale, cause he wanted the best warrior to win. Trale asked Penult, to honour him with a battle. Thus the fight continued. After a marvelous battle, Trale took the title!

A battle between Firannis and Elsiete, determined the 3rd position. Elsiete won this one, due to Firannis giving up. So in the end... Elsite was 3rd. Penult became 2nd, and Trale came in first.

\'\'\'The Master-class\'\'\'
Great names from all over Yliakum, gathered once again, to participate in the Masters of Magic! Illori, Ocegues, Jorelle, Eolius, Zorbels and Satayne all were there to claim the title of \"Master of Magic\".

After an exciting first round, with an actual tie ... yes you read THAT right! a tie! Satayne and Eolius defeated each other at the exact same time. Later on, we decided to rely on System messages to confirm the winner. anyway... After an exciting first round, Ocegues, Eolius and Jorelle were the three mages, still having a chance at the title. Each of them, got to battle the other two once. The first one with two points, would win the tournament. In the first fight, Jorelle beat Ocegues. In the second fight... Ocegues defeated Eolius. And in the last fight... Jorelle beat Eolius. After this round, Jorelle had two points, Ocegues had one and Eolius Didn\'t get points. Thus leading to the following out-come: Jorelle in 1st place, winning 100k, a meteor glyph and the title of \"Master of Magic\". Ocegues, in 2nd place, winning 50k and an iron Battle axe. And Eolius, in 3rd place, winning a might glyph and 25k.

Well done! I thank all of you for making this tournament a great succes, once again! A special thanks goes to Kanalal, Ogu and Illori, the referees of the tournament. Usarik, the Bookie! and Gag! our security, healer and assistent host!

I thought i\'d create a thread where all missing things, that  are actually supposed to be there, could be discussed.

For example, i now miss the entire sewers, kind of trouble\'s me, cause i used to wonder there a lot, looking for interesting new things, and to help some of my new friends.

where can i find the missing file, and where do i put it when i find it [using windoze]

General Discussion / Elesiy's and Proglin's wedding
« on: February 19, 2006, 12:05:07 pm »
YAY!!!! At last, the time has come... Elesiy and I are getting married.

After the last melee Tournament, i announced the winners, and my sweetheart and i gave the proud warriors their prizes.

Elesiy thought she was only there to award the prizes, but i scared her pretty good, by dropping to one knee, and shouting \"Will you marry me?\"
The crowd went mad, and they all shouted \"YES\" \"YES\". Fortunately for me, she said.... yes....
I have never been happyer.

And now.... the time has come.... We are getting married :D

You are all welcome to come to the ceremony, in the centre of Ojaveda, and the after-party at Brado\'s Broken Door. It will be held at the 7th of March at 22:00 GMT. Please come, and get ready to have a great time :)

yours, Elesiy and Proglin

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Tag TEam Champions
« on: February 08, 2006, 06:30:54 am »
The Tag Team tournament drew many warriors and visitors. The fights where very exciting and overall it was a pleasure to whitness.

In 3rd place, Team Hverrjanor, With Einnol and Kolesa. They put up a great fight and managed to get verry far. In the finals, the competition was a litle bit to though, but yet, they wouldn\'t go down easily and managed to give the other two teams a great scare. The won a  great awar consisting out of a Gold ring, 15000 trias and a weapn collection.

In 2nd place, we got a team that is close to my heart. The Led Wings. This team was formed only two houers before the tournament started, buth the amazing power of Eolius and Satayne, not to mention their great teamwork, did the trick. Only one team could beat them. The proud runner-ups go home with an award of; A gilded hilt, 30000 trias, 2 handglyphs and a dark broadsword/

And now..... the team that came in first..... putting up a magnificent tournament.... The Purrrfect two!!!. This team got together 5 minutes before the tournament, and managed to give everybody a great scare. Maelgwyn and Xilix are the two beautifull Fenki that created this team. We all know Maelgwyn can fight, she has proven that on previous tournaments. But all of a sudden... out of nowhere... pops up this young Fenki called Xillix, giving the well experienced warriors quite a shock by demonsrtating her skillfull ways of fighting. The proud winners go home with a great award ; A ring of summon Fammiliar. 60000 trias, 2 handglyphes and an Iron Dagger.

This tournament, over-all, was a succes, And i would once again like to thank, Gag, Ogu, Javeroal, Illori, Gebo. Evaraj and Zabrey for all their hard work they put in the tournaments every time...

Also, and this is even more important to me, i thank the people that appreciate the work i do... It is not easy and it takes a lot of time, work and money to realise these events. All help is welcome, from you, the players, and the GM\'s.

Hoping to entertain you all more in the future,

General Discussion / want to gamble?
« on: January 24, 2006, 09:50:58 pm »
Now i have a few problems.....

Should Gambling be legal in Yliakum? if you\'d ask me, i\'d not hesitate one second and say \"YES!\" But as in every tricky business, there need to be some rules.

In my crew, for the tournaments i have a bookie. This guy is not there to abuse my tournaments, but to help me fund the next one. So please do not eyeball him as if though he is a rogue or something. he\'s ok, and helps to entertain you all....

Then next thing is this; What in the world is a 23746 sided dice? I think, when rolling dices, we should narrow it down to a few dices only....

the 2-sided one[a coin]
the 6-sided one[your avarage dice]
the 20-sided one[the yliakum dice]

Please give your oppinion on this matter....

/me mumbles \"PFHE! a 126345 sided dice.....

The next tournament is allready in the making! it will be known as the \"Tag Team Battle\". This tournament has two teams, of two players fighting eachother in every round. The winning team will advance to the next round. The team that wins the finals, will be known as the \"Twin Blades\". The weapons for the tournament will be provided by me and my crew, so no need to bring your own. All normal weapons will be allowed, and magic aswell.

The tournament will be at the 7th of February, at 22:00 gmt. I hope all the people of Yliakum will be there to have some great fun! Don\'t forget to bring some money, to place a bet on your favorite team, and to buy a beer or two of the beverage salesman.

The weapons supplied by Proglin\'s Entertainment will be the following:

Battle axes
Small Battle axes
Long swords
Short swords

As for the awards... This time, the awards will remain a secret untill the awards are given to the winners of the tournament. What i CAN tell you is that there are still some trias to win in the tournament, but they fade in the shadow of the great awards i\'ll give to the winners of the tournament.

General Discussion / Give Entertainment a boost
« on: January 20, 2006, 09:37:09 am »
Allright all! since i started to live here, i have been entertaining many of the citisens of Yliakum, Yet there are still a lot of people i miss at the tournaments. I do the best i can to entertain all of you, but i need some help.

Can you all give me some ideas on new tournaments, or the improvement of the ones i organised?

Also, i could use a few more crew-members, employees if you will. if you want a job, please contact me in-game.

It would be lovely if i have a few replies in a short while.  If you want to have a little chat, or a big discussion about your ideas, i allways have time for it.

If you have any new ideas, or improvements, you could go and have a look at is a forum in the site, where you can put your ideas. please place some there.

                   hoping to entertain you all,

In-Game Roleplay Events / The Melee Tournaments Winners!
« on: January 18, 2006, 12:00:16 pm »
The Melee Tournament was a great succes! all fighters did the best they could. the fights where either verry swift, or verry tactical.

The minor-class, being the bigest class in the tournament, really was exciting! Trale, Skner and illori all did verry well, in the end, we needed a sudden death kind-a-way finals. Skner lost both fights, and came in 3rd. Illori, won of Skner, but Trale was just to good, se illori came in 2nd, and Trale won the minor-class. congratulations from the entire crew Trale!

The medium-class was...well....erm....different. There were only two participants, Janner and Zorbels. Although the numb of the participants in this class was a bit disapointing, the fight was a good one, o\'course both players allready knew they would get a price, but still went for the victory in the class, Zorbels turned out to be the strongest in this class. Congratulations to you too Zorbels!

And then............. The Master-Class! due to Ozbi missing at the tournament, there were only three fighters in this class. Maelgwyn, Satayne and Proteous. All fought like crazy! they all wanted to win the great prizes ad the title of \"Brawler\" After several fights, Maelgwyn turned out to be the best melee fighter in all of Yliakum.
All Hail Maelgwyn the \"Brawler\" for her great work in the Melee Tournament, hosted by Proglin\'s Entertaiment

The Hydlaa Plaza / WHO? erm... WHAT are you?
« on: January 12, 2006, 08:23:12 pm »
You know google is really cool! try google-ing your name and see what your ps character really is! i myself am some fancy design programm, in italian i guess.  Please try it, it is great fun! like to know what you are? google will answer :D

In-Game Roleplay Events / proglin's entertaiment presents...
« on: January 10, 2006, 08:27:58 am »
there is a melee tournament coming up!!!

this will be a bit different then what we are used to, this time, to make sure all players can join, we intergrated a class-system. so it does not matter what level in melee you are, you can allwyas join in.

the three classes are:
minor [melee level 1 up untill 10]
medium [melee level 11 up untill 50]
master [ melee level 51 up untill 70]

the awards are good aswell

minor: [ entrance fee 100 trias]
1st:     5k  and an ulbernaut fur
2nd:     3k and an ulbernaut heart
3rd:     1k

medium: [entrance fee 1000 trias]
1st:      10k and a sword
2nd:      5k and a dagger
3rd:       2.5k

master: [entrance fee 2000 trias]
1st:      30k , a mug and the title of \"brawler\"
2nd:     20k and a mug
3rd:      10k

this fine tournament will be held at 22:00 gmt on the 17th of january. i hope yo see you all there. guaranteed fun for the entire family!!!

also new to this tournament is the bookie! place bets on your favorite fighter and gain 40% of your input + your input! zabrey will be the bookie, so start making friends with him :D

if you have any questions, you can always ask gag, zabrey or me
          -Proglin Unsir

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