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Topics - Gharan

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In-Game Roleplay Events / Order of the Blade
« on: December 11, 2006, 12:35:57 pm »
Gharin takes a seat on the steps outside of the arena, exhausted from training. He closes his eyes and tries to invision the competitions held there lately. Something to push him a little harder. Suddenly an idea smacks inside his head, feels as if harnquist hit him on his helmet with a hammer. "Trias!" slips out his mouth unintentionally. Gharin comes up with a plan where everyone has a chance to win in a competition, not just the fighters.

Gharin contacts Coneitic to speak with him about his idea, they meet on the steps. Gharin discusses the plan and asks Coneitic for his help. As it involves trias, Coneitic quickly agrees to help. He nods to gharin with a smile on his face. Without a second to react Gharin pulls out a hammer and smashes it into the side of Coneitic and watches him fall to his hands and knees on the steps. Just as quickly as the attack Gharin drops the   hammer and unsheathes a iron shortsword and puts the blade to the back of Coneitics neck. "I want this done legitamitly", he says "if anything is funny about the money your head will be kicked around the streets of hydlaa, and your body strung up at brado's".

Gharin sheaths the sword and puts away his hammer. He helps Coneitic to his feet and holds out his hand.... "All i need you to do is take bets, and keep names". Coneitic tries to smile but grabs his side instead, "no problem, i'll start at once"

Coneitic starts posting letters on every surface he can find, reading:

                                                               TOURNAMENT RULES: 

         Order of the Blade                                                           Iron Fist

1.Any weapon may be used                                                      1.No weapons
2.Any armor may be used                                                         2.Any armor
3.No magic                                                                             3.No magic
4.No potions                                                                           4.No potions
5.No stat raisers                                                                      5.No stat raisers

Prize:Silverweave Short Sword                                            Prize:Silverweave Dagger

Betting:Odds are double or nothing and you may only bet on a winner please see Gharin Devile to place your bets on this tournament.

Entertainment:We are still looking for people to run some kind of entertainment if you think your guild will help come and see me.

We have already had alot of entries for both competitions and the prizes will get bigger with the more entries

[Tournament will be held on Sunday 17th of December at 8PM GMT in the Arena]

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Sword bug
« on: December 04, 2006, 08:52:28 am »
At the moment i'm training sword at a high level and instead of losing my target my character simply stops hitting, this is similar to the melee bug but is happening alot more often, infact its every few seconds and makes training impossible.  :)

General Discussion / City Guards?
« on: November 27, 2006, 01:22:14 am »
Whatever happened to the City Guard and is there leader still around i believe they are great for certain RP but that's just my two cents.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Doing a /who
« on: October 29, 2006, 10:36:03 am »
Last night i tried doing a /who enlightened and i crashed instantly and when i tried it again the same happened.I then tried /who elemental and it worked.I got in touch with someone from the guild and they tried it and also crashed.They had 19 people on at the time could that have something to do with it?I also tried it when they were down to 12 and it worked and i didnt crash.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Stock casting
« on: October 22, 2006, 02:36:21 pm »
I am sure you are well aware of this bug but I'd like to ask a question on it:

At the moment Stock casting in Hydlaa is full of junk and yesterday i got someone who had items in it to try and remove them but he couldn't and there has just been a server reboot yet all items still remain.

How are these items removed?

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Constant crashes
« on: October 19, 2006, 01:12:16 pm »
I'm experiencing crashes every 4-15 minutes and its been happening for a week now does anyone have any ideas what it could be?

General Discussion / Ulbernauts
« on: October 18, 2006, 04:31:54 pm »
For the past week or so theer has only been one ulber inhabiting the ruins. Have the other two been removed.

General Discussion / Farewell
« on: October 16, 2006, 07:51:18 pm »
Since starting this game ive had alot of fun but one person has really spoiled my game (you know who you are) even after refusing to rp with them (not that they even rp) they still continue to ruin my game.

I reached my boiling point tonight and called them a few bad words in open chat and have been reported and if i think its as bad as i think then i am getting banned so i bid all my good friends farewell i will miss you all.

is there a GM i can send my log to for this because the 5 minut log wont show the full picture?

General Discussion / Pet problems
« on: October 16, 2006, 04:53:57 pm »
I've done a search and couldn't find anything so here goes:

I have had my pet around 8-9 months now and still he disappears after little more than ten minutes yet i see some pets that stay in position for hours on end.

Is my pet bugged or just dumb.

Gharin Devile slaps Littledevile

General Discussion / Crafted weapons
« on: October 14, 2006, 05:57:12 pm »
When crafting was first implemented i decided to collect crafted weapons made by my good friends and have over 15 crafted there was a world shout saying anything over 300/50 will be deleted.Im just wondering whether if the owner of the crafted weapons could keep his weapons if he DOES NOT use them.

Ive spent over 500k buying these weapons and never plan on using them they are simply collectible in my eyes.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Good old HAGS
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:41:09 pm »
Mordaan from the explorers used to hold a game of HAGS both in Hydlaa and DR on a friday night but they seemed to have died off recently and i was wondering if i was to host the event and give prizes out to winners would anyone actually be interested?

General Discussion / Duel Points
« on: October 09, 2006, 10:26:40 pm »
[if this is the wrong place please move to the appropriate place thankyou]

I thought it might be fun if we all shot up our current duel points to see who has the most [daft i know but im intrigued]

Im currently standing at 71.59

[my moneys on unar]

gharin mumbles still cant kill her

General Discussion / Advice for evildoers
« on: October 09, 2006, 05:52:14 pm »
I have recently being trying my hand at a bit of evil RP and have found no matter how much i try i am slandered OOC what advice can be given to someone trying out evil RP? Or is it just not welcome in PS

General Discussion / Red Way
« on: October 09, 2006, 10:05:31 am »
Im unsure if this is the right place to post but here goes:

Apart from Gharin Devile i have another char called Behrin Regonis,he is maxed in red way so i proceeded to take some red potions so i could test out the meteor glyph,i took quite a few and crashed and when i re-logged my red way is stuck on 263 and everytime i duel im losing like 10DP and above.
I know DP aint important but i dont want to lose 10 everytime i lose so is there anyway to correct my red way or am i better off deleting him?  ::|

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Melee bug
« on: October 08, 2006, 05:10:29 pm »
When meleeing a monster often you will stop attacking and will have to retarget..

Im sure this is a well known bug but i thoought id post it anyway.

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