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Topics - Garris Shrike

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Guilds Forum / The H'okyba Da Ojaveda-Join Us!
« on: March 22, 2007, 02:30:01 pm »
This is for any Enkidukai who needs a clan and is a warrior of any sort. Heres the jargon! \\o//

*Garris nails a flyer to anywhere he possibly can within running distance of Brado's*

-To all warrior Enkidukai! If you believe you have the skill to become a valued member of an honored clan, look no further than our mercenary guild, the H'okyba Da Ojaveda. In our native tongue, Enkien, this means Claws of Ojaveda. Thing you are up to the task? Bring the required items to one of our elders, or the chieftain. (Blayze, Alliva, Edicho, and Nefert), to get in. [please see the requirements at: , the clan website.] Good Luck to all of our new prospects!

*Garris goes back to Brado's to chug some ale*

Fan Art / .
« on: March 07, 2007, 03:23:50 pm »

Fan Art / PS Fan comic!!!!
« on: March 05, 2007, 07:59:14 pm »
I had an ingenious (maybe) idea, that we could make a comic that encompassed alot more than just a main character and worthless supporting characters and such. With the talents of one or two great artists, and LOTS of suggestions and story lines, I think a comic that let each character that YOU have take a niche in the comic! It would be written through suggestions, and if you have a character you want to be put in it, feel free to do so! First, though, some thoughts.

1.   NEED ARTISTS!!!!! Xythe, if you felt like a comic, and ANYONE else, please PM me and leave the subject as "new PS comic artist". Anyone with artistic skills feel free to do so, but I remind you it will take some work to draw the comic, cant just zap it into existance.

2.   NEED SUGGESTIONS! I cannot write a comic all that well, I'm sure, so suggestions would be appreciated, and character ideas and such.

3.   NEED CHARACTERS!!! Probably up to 35 characters overall, but not alot more...Once we have an artist or two working together with me and you out there, then we can design characters that you send the ideas for into the comic.

There. If you like the idea, leave a comment. If you dont, or can think of something important to help it, leave a comment. Tell me what you think, and artists, without you, this won't work. We need a team onboard for it to work, and we need to work together. Thanks, all.

I seem to remember never seeing a Historian for PS, and I was wondering if you all needed one. I have several I can nominate, such as Draklar, Under The Moon, etc. and ikkle me.... and more. I think there should also be someone who could say, right books for Planeshift (I'd do it for free, if you trust my writing skills lol.) There are more qualified people, and it would be nice to sit down sometime with a complete history of Yliakum, or just a good book about the world of Planeshift and some of the goings-on there. Like someone could record a GM event in a story-book format and such. Just an idea to consider. I know, flame me. But heck.


Anyone with ideas who is reading this first post, please skim to the bottom and post them there.

Single Author Stories / The Teller of Tales
« on: February 28, 2007, 08:02:31 pm »

Single Author Stories / .)
« on: February 23, 2007, 06:19:45 pm »

General Discussion / Factions (What are they? How do they Work?)
« on: February 13, 2007, 05:53:52 pm »
Hi, I have a OOC question concerning the factions and such. First off, what are they, how do they work, what are they going to do? Are they like guilds, or are they separate? I would like to know, so thanks to anyone who can answer it. Any ideas on em might help too. :thumbup:

Single Author Stories / .
« on: February 07, 2007, 12:00:56 pm »

A lean, wiery Enkidukai by the name of Garris Shrike sat in Th' Broken Door, twirling his blades carelessly. It seemed there was nothing left in his life to do, he had survived it all. However, he was not yet ready to be done with life yet, the fire in his green eyes pushed him on, telling him to go further, to experience the highest reaches of Yliakum, the lowest points in the whole world. His eyes slowly looked up, regaining a portion of their old fire, the fire they had experienced in the fights against evil, neutral, and anything in his way. He WAS the asassin, the master of his craft, deadly, yet composed. Why should he let go of himself, why should he live on just to be...nothing. He felt a twinge of rage, a long-entrenched death-lust kept inside of him. He sheathed and unsheathed his claws. Why should the world soon forget the name of Garris Shrike, leave him for dead among the old Enkis of the past. He was in his prime, the muscles worked to an inhuman strength, the blades he held had the lives of countless victims on them. He WAS mortal, and yet he felt...immortal. The fire of his eyes built, glowing stronger with each thought, wanting to break free of their constraints. He needed more, needed someone who was as skilled as him, and a veritable army. For now, with almost nothing left for him to do, he wanted The Bronze Doors, an immortal resting place for so many creatures, humans, and other races. It was his goal, to perhaps gain new life, to never die, to live on in the legends and in life, to gain control of a sanctuary for peace, and yet war as well. He WAS weak, once, but no longer. For as it is said, Enkidukai are not normal. Cats may have 9 lives, Enkidukai have at least 99. He flexed his muscles, and strode through the door to seak adventure and companions who could share it with him, a dream of his own, worshippers, one could call them. For he may have been evil, or he could be good. But it all depends on the point of view, doesn't it.

[please feel free to embellish on the plot details, and whether we should take over the world as well. *malicious grin*]
[heres a little pic of me for anyone interested. ]

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