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Topics - jorrit

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Final Lego Competition!
« on: February 07, 2005, 01:53:46 pm »
All eleven rounds have finished and now it is the final competition. From the 33 winners there will be 10 grand prize winners. Since both I and my daughter won, so we have two chances for a grand prize (btw, the grand prize is that your model will be made into a real Lego box and you get 25 copies + 5% of profit on sales). The competition url is:

Competition URL

To vote you must register at:

Registration Link

My model is the gas station model (author jorritTyb) and my daughters model is the small castle (author maaike272).

Vote fairly and thanks for your support! Note that you can vote for multiple models.


The Hydlaa Plaza / Last Round in the Lego Competition!
« on: January 31, 2005, 07:50:56 am »
As you may know I\'m participating in a lego competition. Currently it is round 11 (the last round!) If you like you can vote for my (and other models). To vote you need to register (fully free and anonymous) at Registration Page.
The competition url is here, my daughters models are here and my models are here!

EDIT: ok, it is ok now... On the other hand it seems that I won in round 10!!! So thanks for the votes then :-)
Greetings and thanks for your support!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Round 10 of the Lego Competition
« on: January 25, 2005, 12:43:08 am »
You may probably remember that I am participating in a lego competition for some weeks now. Today round 10 has started and again I\'m participating in this. The idea is that you download a 3D lego construction program and with that you can build upto five models for every competition round.

The lego competition url is:

Competition URL

To vote you must register but registration is fully free and animous:

Registration Link

If you want a direct link to my models you can visit:

My Models

You can vote for more then one model but vote only for the best models!

Greetings and thanks for your support!

At this moment we are starting an extensive debug session of the server (running it under valgrind for people who know that tool). That means that the server will most likely be down for several hours. Hopefully we\'ll find the problem that causes the server to go linkdead so often.


General Discussion / ANNOUNCEMENT: Server Down
« on: January 10, 2005, 03:06:11 am »
At this moment we are starting an extensive debug session of the server (running it under valgrind for people who know that tool). That means that the server will most likely be down for several hours. Hopefully we\'ll find the problem that causes the server to go linkdead so often.


The subject says it all. The updater should now be working again.


Please use 24 or 32 bit display mode (i.e. millions of colors). CS doesn\'t perform well in 16-bit display mode.


The Hydlaa Plaza / A Personal Request
« on: December 22, 2004, 02:48:25 pm »
I guess this is highly off-topic here but then again that\'s what this \'hydlaa-plaza\' forums is made for :-)

I\'d like to point your attention to a competition that is currently running at The url for this competition is: The idea is to make a virtual lego set with a 3D program that you can download from their site. The selection of bricks you can use is limited so you have to do with the things you get in that set.

Me and my daughter (nearly 7 years old) are also participating in that competition and we can win if we get sufficient votes. So if you like you can vote for my models, for my daughters models, and of course for all other models. Vote honestly for the models you like most. Of course I hope you will vote for my models :-)

The registration link (which is totally free and they don\'t even ask for your email to confirm the registration) is at registration link.

You can find my models at my models.

And my daughters models at my daughters models

Vote honestly!

Greetings and thanks,

General Discussion / MacOS/X users should...
« on: December 03, 2004, 09:04:08 am »
read the main site :-)


Development Deliberation / Compiling PS with mingw
« on: July 29, 2004, 05:03:22 am »
After some struggling I finally managed to get CVS/PS to compile cleanly using mingw+msys combination WITHOUT tweaking of the generated Jamconfig. The only thing you need to do is \'reimp\' to convert the mysql library for mingw (see docs/compiling-mingw32.txt for instructions) and from that point on you can configure and compile PS like on linux (at least it worked for me).

I put the required changes in CVS about an hour go so anonymous cvs will probably be updated in max 4 hours from now.

Let me know if you have any issues.


The Hydlaa Plaza / Call for Artists for Crystal Space Demo Game
« on: May 04, 2004, 03:35:56 am »
Hi all,

I\'m the project manager of Crystal Space which is the 3D engine that is used by the PlaneShift project. Crystal Space allows for some nice 3D visuals but unfortunatelly we don\'t really have a good demo of this (aside from PlaneShift but that one is too big to include with CS :-)

So we are planning to work on a small FPS shooter game that will serve as the demo game for CS that other people can use as a base for their own games and projects. I will do the coding of this game myself (possibly with help of some others) but I can\'t do the artwork. So I\'m trying to recruit some people who would like to help me with this project. The theme of the game will be Science Fiction.

All artwork that is contributed for this project must be contributed under an GPL like license. i.e. so it can be used for other free projects without restrictions (but not for commercial projects unless you have no problems with that).

To start the game not too complicated I would like to see artists work on two levels:

  • Ground based level using terrain engine and bulidings on that terrain.
  • Space station level.

Let\'s talk about the ground level first.

I\'m imagining this level as a big alien landscape (doesn\'t have to be on earth) so we can use our imagination here. On that landscape there should be sci-fi style buildings.

For this level we need to integrate the landscape engine with buildings and other objects on the terrain. I would recommend making a terrain that uses the same principles as are used in data/terrainf/world (the fixed version). For the buildings normal thing/genmesh combinations can be used with portals going to the inside of the buildings. So every inner part of a building is a seperate sector.

If someone is willing to work on this level I would like to have a chat with him/her (either by email or on IRC) so that we can discuss how to make this level and I can tell him/her what the tricks and tips are and how to actually create a level like that. In the mean time I\'ll ask Talad if he has new updated exporter for 3dsmax so that we can potentially do this with 3dsmax. The alternative is to use blender/... for the buildings and insides and then make the terrain heightmap some other way (with a paint program?)

For the space station level I would like to see a big space station which rotates around some planet. For the planet we can use a big ball mesh with some nice alien texture on it and we can use a skybox similar like in csdemo to simulate the stars. Again, someone who wants to work on this should talk with me about how to do this and what features we want here.

I also need models. We need at least the following models:
  • At least one male player model.
  • At least one female player model.
  • At least three ugly creatures.
  • At least three weapon models.
  • Model for health pack.
  • Model for booster pack.
  • ...?

The male and female models should be able to use different skins (I think sprcal3d allows that) so that we can have some variety as soon as we want to do multiplayer. As I told before the model should use cal3d. There are various ways to make cal3d models. I\'m not an expert here but I believe several people on this list already have some experience with that).

Then we need sound effects. I think we need at least the following sound effects:
  • Sound effects for every type of weapon.
  • Explosion sound effect.
  • Footsteps?
  • Die sound for every creature.
  • Grunt sound for every creature.
  • Die sound for male player.
  • Die sound for female player.
  • ...?

Then we need background music. Preferably in OGG format. Preferably music that fits the SciFi theme

Obviously we also need 2D artwork for the menu system and textures.

You can often find me in #CrystalSpace at Also you can mail me at or

General Discussion / New release of MB
« on: April 14, 2003, 04:38:15 am »
In case you didn\'t already notice. There is a new release of MB. It features equipping of weapons, faster load times (sometimes 5 times faster or more!), /say for local messages and /shout for global, and several other fixes.


General Discussion / Tip: Howto improve speed of MB
« on: March 15, 2003, 03:12:03 pm »
If you have a video card with 64 or 128 meg video ram then there is a way to improve speed (and also lag) when running MB.

First tip is of course to upgrade to the 007 release. If you can\'t use the updater then check for more info about that.

But there is another thing you can do. In c:\\Program Files\\PlaneShift\\data\\config\\opengl.cfg you will find the following four lines:

Video.OpenGL.SuperLightMapNum0 = 12
Video.OpenGL.SuperLightMapNum1 = 148
Video.OpenGL.SuperLightMapNum2 = 48
Video.OpenGL.SuperLightMapNum3 = 0

If you have 128M ram on your video card (NOT main memory. I\'m talking about video card memory) you can change these values to:

Video.OpenGL.SuperLightMapNum0 = 15
Video.OpenGL.SuperLightMapNum1 = 185
Video.OpenGL.SuperLightMapNum2 = 60
Video.OpenGL.SuperLightMapNum3 = 0

This will enable MB to use more video memory on the card for textures and it will improve speed. If your card only has 64M RAM then those values may perhaps be too much and decrease speed again. You\'ll have to experiment but if it is not optimal you might try something like 14,160,55,0 for example.

A very short summary: the first number is the number of 128x128 textures used for lightmaps. The second number is the number of 64x64 textures and so on. Every pixel of a texture takes 4 bytes memory so you can calculate yourselves to how much memory that corresponds. Also keep in mind that the video card memory is also used for other things. Don\'t use it all up. I recommend using perhaps half of it for this.


General Discussion / Other MB Shots
« on: March 10, 2003, 05:29:17 am »
For those who have trouble getting into the game:

Crystal Space Site


General Discussion / Vote for PlaneShift!
« on: January 21, 2003, 03:22:21 am »
If you really like PlaneShift then you should vote for it at:

PlaneShift is already fourth place there and only needs four votes to go to second place. That would put it above NWN :-)

You need to register to vote though.


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