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Topics - cmhitman

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The Hydlaa Plaza / S.A.T scores
« on: April 01, 2003, 12:09:14 pm »
I took a practice sat and scored a 920
I know, this is so stupid but I was wondering what other peoples sat scores where
(me, math:470 verbal:450)
any genius\'s here?
anyone with good tips on getting a better score?

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Media and war
« on: March 28, 2003, 06:04:02 pm »
here is my 11th grade english essay that i\'m working on,
its about all of my writting now a days but thats beside the point. Please read and tell me what you think

Media and war

Ever since the Vietnam War media has played a bigger and gradually increasing role in the U.S military in times of war. The reporting started mostly to give citizens on the homeland news on soldiers abroad and the followings of the controversial war like a weekly updater. Reporters followed soldiers into combat with mic and camera in hand. What these mics and cameras caught was like a grim dose of deadly reality TV. People had always reported on wars Proof being in old World War II footage. It was common place for trained members of the military press to report on the war but in Vietnam we see a surge of commercial reporters such as: 28 year old Saigon correspondent David Halberstam who in conjunction with lieutenant colonel John Paul Van, helped get the truth out on the censored war and turn David into a famous journalist in the process.
This shift is what makes many believe that the Vietnam war?s outcome was not determined on the battle field with force and elite military tactics but by public opinion through reporters who reported what they saw and refused to let the government or persons employed by the government manipulate there findings.

There was many a battle on the subject of what the American public should hear on the war. The majority of military officials opted to have the press report only things that boosted the morale of soldiers on the field and swayed the public opinion to the pro-war side at home. Though news uninflected by pro war propaganda quickly morphed patriotic students and young people across the nation into roaring pro-peace activists and turned righteous soldiers into uncertain men-at-arms.
The truth was, sadly that many people had no idea why they were at war. Most, when asked why they were at war responded with random rhetoric that the acquired from evening debates, news and other media outlets. This due mostly on the fact that although media is a good source of information. Often during times of war it is clutter with misinformation, censorship and or a sworm of irrelevant information that only helps to confuse the viewer.
With all the opinions, interviews and personal sentiment that the media is capable of shedding light on it becomes apparent that the purpose or reason for a war may take on a richer, more complex meaning. A war to free a suppressed nation may seem pretty straight forward, self explanatory?righteous even; But its only when you scan further that you might realize a wealth of citizens from that same nation in witch some say the grave injustice is being done that you find the mistreatment argument untrue. Other questions  also arise. Do the majority of these people desire to be ?freed? ? or the conflict witch could rise from the process?
Everything is situational and hardly ever good or bad, black or white. Mass media, and the rapid spread of information made possible through the internet is allowing persons everywhere to glimpse proof that war, especially a war a unilaterally mindset based war with possible mischievious underlying  purposes should not only be rethought but rigously questioned based on a wide set of morales, a full spectrum of various view points, ideologies and anything else the human spirit can conjure up. Thankfully television and the internet are the perfect tools to accomplish this.

Vietnam was the starting point for all of what we know as modern war time reporting. Without the uncovering of such scandals as the pentagon papers in witch proof of blatant propaganda and lies from government officials was brought to light. Without stories to be passed down to new generations from family that deal with the themes of the Vietnam war. Peace protesters might not gather with as much ferocity; The mass?s might not be as inquisitive.  No longer could American government so easily hide under such a thick vail of nationalism, using its citizens own love of there country to silence them

The Hydlaa Plaza / Yliakum History--Edited
« on: March 25, 2003, 01:20:09 pm »
Is it just me, or has anyone noticed the rather obvious errors in the plane shift back-story?

Yliakum History has a few huge mistakes that could be easily fixed but for some reason, through every version it  some how stays the same.

Here is a break down of the errors that I caught...

1. Various breaks in correct grammar; the overall story seems like it was translated from one language into English and some how lost the correct placing of some modifiers (me thinks) and conventions in standard (American) English.

\"The Enkindukai that lived in the same area were driven away and this was considered as a intrusion in their freedom...\"


\"The Enkindukai that lived in the same area were driven away...this was considered an  intrusion on  their freedom...\"


\"Laanx, to avoid them to reach Yliakum\"


\"Laanx to stop  them from reaching...\"

2. Also with the way the story is worded, there seems to be a time discrepancy (me thinks).

When the big god (vodul) pimps talad and laanx he promises them peoples within a time frame, me mind gets a wee-bit hazy as to why I felt there was something off about the story but all I know is there are allot of dead end time references:

A.\"Laanx spent a very long time in the stone Labyrinths\"
B.\"After Many generations...\"
C.\"They were suppose to arrive in a few tens of years\"

I think the writer was trying to invoke a since of mythicalism (word  creation...1000 point!)With all this vagueness but really all it does screw with the readers understanding of the story. Remember

3. Also, there are a few gender bender issues for Laanx; a female, who magically turns into a male in the Third Epoch: THE REALM OF LAANX. Here, she is refered to as ?He? numberous times.   I know that she gets all bitchy because talad turns her ugly but?I?m not sure if the author was trying to elaborate on the fact she began to deny her female sexuality ur what for in the Fifth Epoch: The Civilization.  Laanx is again refered to as ?she?? Personaly I think we should stick with laanx being female?but it would go with the present direction of the story in witch we have a complete reversal on Talad and Laanx?s roles and mindsets due to the magic wielding incident that caused her disfigurement. But, like i said: It could go both ways?

 we could have a vote to decide?

Guilds Forum / Controlers of The Planeshift Realm
« on: March 14, 2003, 06:16:15 pm »
The hitman clan has been lying in calm sleep... patiently

waiting for all the fledgling bands of Yliakum inhabitants

to evolve from the small...weak nothing bands of


field hands they are into mighty guilds to be owned by H.T.M....

that day is drawing nearer

all those who oppose us are doomed...

enlist now to reserve your spot in the supreme council of hitmanclan.

H.t.M., controllers of the planeshift realm


Clan revival... 09/24/03

hurry now...time is fleeting

Single Author Stories / here is sum'n i wrote,
« on: March 03, 2003, 02:22:37 pm »
In class feeling disrespected cause the teachers an ass as I?ve suspected
Whys he say he?s dedicated to love?
Dedicated to life? But he?s prejudice, wont look twice unless I look twice as nice
as any other bee-bop teen. That?s the stereotype you heard it hear first from undergroud hype. It?s like a neo survival of the fittest and I should already know that life is mean. I mean if you?d of seen half of what I?ve seen you?d think:
Whats wrong wit me?
Where am I ? Is my mind collected?

Where- am-I-at?
 Where-am-I headed? Or am I just desperate.

Can-I-make-it? Will-I-make?
Am-I-hungry? Very earger?

Or just small and meager?
Do I choose to win or choose to loose is it scripted or is the world all loose?
Does it matter will it matter?if I?m big or small black and proud, thick and low-down?

Another day goes by-and-I sit in class again bored outta my fu-cking mind so distracted by myself that I?m fallin behind loosen my mind. I mentally record the teacher put ?em in play press rewind I know I aint here him speak what should only be said in-ones mind. This fu-ckin teacher done went all postal, talking bout lousy ass welfare parents and the kids that host ?em. I knew I aint have to listen but I stayed and listened to his shit. Damn no wonder we hear of all this violence from all the white kids. These muthafu-ckin teachers is just pale faced niggaz memorizing info just to get they bank books bigga.
Man, and I aint even realize, even after I found the history book was half full of lies. Its all a front, we?re just a crop  when will all the hat?n stop? It drives me crazy and makes me think:

Whats wrong wit me?
Where am I ? Is my mind collected?

Where- am-I-at?
 Where-am-I headed? Or am I just desperate.

Can-I-make-it? Will-I-make?
Am-I-hungry? Very earger?

Or just small and meager?
when will it stop?

The Hydlaa Plaza / simple yet effective idea
« on: February 25, 2003, 03:09:23 pm »
I think its funny that developers havent realized the effect a good arena could have in a game. I mean an arena would legalize pking (in a sense). promote user interaction and healthy competition. You solve all the problems other games have had with pking and do it in a way that still keeps the pking part fun.

I just wanted to say that  :P

Single Author Stories / Conversation:Subject::war
« on: February 14, 2003, 02:14:55 pm »
The Alien
By: cmhitman

In a place with grey mountains below a black sky we meet our two cast members Cedric and alien. Cedric has just meet alien and has been communicating the history of the human race to alien. He finds that that alien doesn?t know what war is. This is the resulting conversation:

Alien: ?what is this war stuff your people go through Cedric??
?War is the manifestation of physical aggression between two parties of beings, waged mainly by the government of those [emphasizes ?human?] human beings, but now that you?re here....?
[Pauses, rolls eyes] Anyway, my friend war usually results in death, and the causes of war range from freedom to oil. Oil being one of our most recent reasons to fight ; freedom being one of our earlier.
In war we humans use our highly developed tactics and technology on each other in order to out wit and muscle each other. The person or group of persons who wins gets to impress there will on the loser.
Alien: ? Impress there will??
Cedric: ?yeah, basically that?s when you make the loser yo? bitch.? ?They gotta pay money and do what ever our government wants em to.?
Alien: ?Oh I see, go on?
Cedric: [takes deep breathe]
? Ok, When more than two of the worlds strongest governments fights it?s called a world war, we have had two world wars. In these world wars we fight kinda like a WWF
Wrestling match. We tag team, double team, and have an all out royal rumble until the bad guy losss. Note: The bad guy is always the loser [pause, sarcastically] evil never wins. Each side believes this because each side believes its more righteous than the other.
We have had many loss?s because of this blindness.
Alien: [sadly] ?Wowww, must be very unsettle to see flaws in your own species
Cedric: ?Yeah, our worlds full of trickery. We steal, rape, plunder and even kill. Heck I know people who sell crack out of there mommas house and wouldn?t hesitate to cap yo alien ass just to loot that space ship.?
Alien: [with somber yet oddly grimaced face]  ? So why don?t people stop there ways??

Cedric: ?I don?t really know, I guess it just stems from all of our differences.?
Alien: ? if you know this why don?t you do something Cedric??
Cedric: ?Well?alien its not that easy to change people. In fact, only people can change people. Many humans know the same stuff I know they just ignore this part of themselves.?
Alien: ?but?.?
Cedric: ? I know, I know. Alien ?it?s a shame when you can see what the hell wrong with yourself and the world but can?t for the life of you do anything to stop it?
Alien: ? Cedric, you mean to tell me humans wont stop this disgusting behavior??
Cedric: ? I really don?t know, maybe if we get a few million more years to evolve. Hopefully we?ll realized we have bigger problems to worry about other than who what natural resource.?

Alien: ?wow?this craps depressing, I?m leaving this monkey ass planet
Cedric: ?What?!? I know you ain?t just say that shit bout earth.?
Alien: ?Yeah, I said it.?
Cedric: ?Oh hell naw, I?ll me call the F.B.I and have yo alien ass locked up and tested on.
Alien: ?haha, you humans are far to inferior to even come close to me.?
Cedric: ?Shit I can call George W. Bush right now and he?ll be here in a heart beat with or with out the U.N. backing him he?ll have nukes, Biotch!?
Alien: ?Calm down. Me and my other alien friends are peaceful. We want no war with the people of earth. I was just joking around with you Cedric.?
Cedric: ?Aww naw, you done started it now.? [begins searching ground for weapon]
Alien: ?Please Cedric, Me and my people haven?t had a death in many trillions of years.?
Cedric: [finds stick] ?Oh yeah? Well yah?ll gone get one today!?
[Lunges at alien swinging stick franticly]
Alien: [while dodging attacks] ?But I though we were friends??
Cedric: [lol] ? Didn?t I teach you anything about humans??
Alien: ?Yeah but you sounded so sincere.?
Cedric: ?Yeah, I lied. Now stop moving so I can pop you on the head with this stick, yah alien bastard?
[add ur part sarting here]

Edited for language.

General Discussion / Ps the Reality based tv show
« on: February 04, 2003, 11:28:18 am »
Is it just me or has anyone else realized that the ps boards are like an enthrolling drama, a soap opera even. I Love it, these boards are amlost as fun as Tv.  

Its like I get bored...go away for a few days an bam! a billion new drama filled posts pop up. We\'ve got everything here.

Brush\'s with death: links run in with breast cancer.
Sex appeal :kada el  :P .
violence: all the people who get msg board rage.

Its amazing how people on these boards have unknowingly combined all the ingredients to make a perfect day time drama, and I thank you all

General Discussion / Incredible good ideas from cmhitman!
« on: December 18, 2002, 01:31:43 pm »

this is a thread where i repost my best contributions to ps! (however little that may be). Don\'t be alarmed, much of my gibberish is error ridden and totaly undissernable.

My two cents
Well I wanted pvp and was disappointed when all the devs turned out to be rpg pussies, but now I\'ve realized it could be just as fun to duel in an arena against other players, that is.... if you guys do it right.
I think that if you guys make a players current status in the game affect how good he plays in the arena then we\'ll have problems but if you guys some how make the arena battles unreliant on a persons status in the story mode ur whatever you wanna call it then you guys might be able to make a fun arena mode. make this a real battle system and not just a leveler massacre. for example in and fps there are people who are good, they just can shoot good and have good mouse clicking reflexes and eye coordination (like me!  ) people need to learn how to be good fighters then there are those of us who [200 posts here i come!] were born good (like Me!). This and not a player \"status\" should be factored into the game because it is an intricate and complex skill that is gathered and perfected over time. in short arena battles should be based on learned tactics and \"real\" skill, not earned points stored on the games server that kinda mix with real skill but really just make for unfair play.

I it says that the mailing list I was trying to subscribe to doesn\'t exist, I know i put the info in correctly

General Discussion / an idea of my own
« on: November 26, 2002, 05:44:14 pm »
Well since everybody has is deciding to make there own game, I guess I?m gonna release my own private workings,
Its not much compared to what your planning whitti but hell, I\'m doing it on my own so... its a text adventure for the ti 83 calculator written in ti-basic.
Well, anyway here\'s what I\'m either done with or worked on so far,

1. 2d plash screen with the crystal thingy

2. Working on the \"adventure\" system (as I call it)

3. Coming up with a script and little gimmicks that I?m sure some people on these forums will find funny.

The game is based on the wait or anticipation for ps. Rather than a mini game or pre-game. I hope that I can abstractly incorporate as part of in game play aspects of life that we experience as gamers waiting for an open source free pre-beta game. These are some of the aspects I?ve thought about:

Mirc chat - ???
Message board - like a post for points thing
Joining a guild - not really, but in game
Applying for the dev team - and being rejected
Development of a fan site - not really

I know this sounds big but since I?m no programming god I\'ve simple decided to work these things into the script and not really \"program\" anything.

Here is what I?ve worked on in the script/ adventure aspect of my game:

One day, while tired of console gaming you again decide to feed your pc gaming obsession. While surfing the net looking for a good, free game you stumble onto Planeshift, curious you look further. You see it?s in pre beta form. The screen shots and posts on the forum all seem good but no update to the main site occurs for months and you play other games while checking back. You play other games but none seem as promising as Planeshift. You continue checking back and begin to relish the little updates to the ps main site that the ps dev team sprinkles on the waiting fans. Your begin thinking of anyway you can help the P.S. team. So now your a regular on the forums and have started your own fan/guild site but still no game and your requests to join the Development team have been three times denied. You are now addicted and suffer from pre- beta syndrome. Let the quest for ps begin!

ok, ok, so its a little rusty and I haven\'t done any real programming on it yet. But I am working on it.
I\'m using the structure for the last game I wrote for my calculator called Pimp venture, a text game in witch you play the role of a pimp  outta work and looking for his ho*s\"

anyway, all contributions in the form of Quest ideas and or scripts for the quests are welcomed.

General Discussion / a little help
« on: November 26, 2002, 05:43:25 pm »
Hey, I was trying to run a cs cel tutorial, ( and I ran into some probs, I am using Bloodshed dev c++ 4.01 and these are the errors I got when I copied the source. Could anyone tell me where to find the needed directories and install them on my comp?

2 c:\\docume~1\\136742\\locals~1\\temp\\celtut.cpp
 css.h: No such file or directory

4 c:\\docume~1\\136742\\locals~1\\temp\\celtut.cpp
 pl\\pl.h: No such file or directory

5 c:\\docume~1\\136742\\locals~1\\temp\\celtut.cpp
 bl\\bl.h: No such file or directory

6 c:\\docume~1\\136742\\locals~1\\temp\\celtut.cpp
 pl\\entity.h: No such file or directory

7 c:\\docume~1\\136742\\locals~1\\temp\\celtut.cpp
 pl\\propclas.h: No such file or directory

8 c:\\docume~1\\136742\\locals~1\\temp\\celtut.cpp
 pf\\region.h: No such file or directory

9 c:\\docume~1\\136742\\locals~1\\temp\\celtut.cpp
 pf\\camera.h: No such file or directory

Guilds Forum / join me
« on: November 12, 2002, 11:09:23 am »
delete this please  :D

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / It Begins
« on: November 07, 2002, 01:37:05 pm »
Hi and hello all potential newbie clan joiners and whom ever is considering a clan for the ps game.

My name is Cedric and I used to run a clan call the hitman clan. We where extremely active over the summer of last but encountered problems with leadership when my pc was stolen. The clan now a days only exists in 3 barely accessed web pages that even i almost never look at. I am currently learning C++ and have access to a pc about an hour a day so I have begun posting on the forums again (boredom). Anyways I am sending out a call to those who have mistakenly joined a clan and want to join a clan that may not be as active as others but have more drive and potential than any other gaming clans out. I am still saving for that new pc ( so i will only be here to aid in the reconstruction and continued diredtion of the clan, I can\'t communicate by e-mail so don\'t send \'em (unless you know a good proxy ur sum good way to get around a high school firewall that i don\'t know of) . I will be using these forums to communicate with members.  :]
If any of this attracts you please post and tell me about yourself, what you like, what your skills are (html, photoshop..anything) and why you think you\'ll be a good choice for the hitman clan.

note: All inactive members feel free to say sum\'n, let me know that ur alive

.:This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the X Leader of Plane shifts most successful clan: Hitmanclan:P :.

Guilds Forum / ATTENTION ALL
« on: November 07, 2002, 01:30:47 pm »
Hi and hello all potential newbie clan joiners and whom ever is considering a clan for the ps game.

My name is Cedric and I used to run a clan call the hitman clan. We where extremely active over the summer of last but encountered problems with leadership when my pc was stolen. The clan now a days only exists in 3 barely accessed web pages that even i almost never look at. I am currently learning C++ and have access to a pc about an hour a day so I have begun posting on the forums again (boredom). Anyways I am sending out a call to those who have mistakenly joined a clan and want to join a clan that may not be as active as others but has more drive and potential than most other ps clans out. I am still saving for that new pc ( so i will only be here to aid in the reconstruction and continued diredtion of the clan, I can\'t communicate by e-mail so don\'t send \'em (unless you know a good proxy ur sum good way to get around a high school firewall that i don\'t know of) . I will be using these forums to communicate with members.  :]
If any of this attracts you please post and tell me about yourself, what you like, what your skills are (html, photoshop..anything) and why you think you\'ll be a good choice for the hitman clan.

note: All inactive members feel free to say sum\'n, let me know that ur alive

.:This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the X Leader of Plane shifts most successful clan: Hitmanclan:P :.

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