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Topics - Xordan

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Linux Specific Issues / Slight change in distribution...
« on: July 09, 2007, 07:23:14 pm »
There's two installers now, one 32-bit and the other 64-bit, instead of one 32-bit containing both sets of binaries. So make sure you get the right one! :) I'm uploading them to a mirror now for testing, torrents will be available in the next 12 hours or so if all goes well and nothing major is found.

The Hydlaa Plaza / CNR
« on: January 23, 2007, 05:39:32 pm »

This is the package manager for Linspire, only now they're extending it to support lots of other distros. Imo this is a very good thing for linux if it succeeds. No crappy licensing problems, cross-distro so people can just click and get a program without worrying if their own package manager has it, you can also buy commercial software through it. Also they're the only company with the legal right to ship Linux ports of Windows Media Format codecs, including QuickTime capability.

This makes life much easier for Joe Blogs. What do you people think?

How is CNR different from other installation systems, such as apt-get, YAST, etc.?

CNR is different from most other software management system in many ways:

• One-click graphical install and uninstall of thousands of programs.
• Automatic update notification and one-click updating of OS components and software applications.
• Program and services management.
• One-click access to proprietary codecs, drivers and software.
• Allows you to buy dozens of different commercial programs, such as DVD Player, StarOffice, games,
accounting programs, Win4Lin, Crossover Office, Cedega, etc.
• Menu entries and desktop icons (optionally) are automatically added when installing and removed when uninstalling.
• "Charts" to easily find the most popular software programs by category.
• Search feature to easily find software programs by name, category, keywords, similar programs, author, etc.
• Clear, easy-to-understand product pages, including:

    • Screenshots of programs
    • User reviews of the programs
    • Description, versions, specs, file size, source, etc.
    • User support and help by program
    • Release Notes
    • Screenshots

• "Aisles" to group applications together for one-click install of multiple applications.
• Dedicated, high-speed server farms with huge bandwidth pipes for fast downloads.
• Friendly naming shown alongside normal package name.
• "Voting Booth" where users help prioritize new software to be added or updated.
• Automated, on-line Publisher Program where anyone can submit software to be QA-ed and tested for inclusion in the CNR Warehouse.
• Automatically retries and fixes any problem downloads.
• CNR has a better than 98% success rate. (The < 2% failures are usually a result of modem dropoffs, in which case CNR will can automatically resume when connected, providing the user with a successful install.)
• Many of the most popular applications are enhanced and improved before adding them to the CNR Warehouse.
• Products and services which are found exclusively in the CNR Warehouse.
• Tracks problem packages on the server automatically, 24/7, and immediately hides the product from CNR users and instantly notifies the maintainer when a problem occurs.
• Easy, one-click access to a program's source code.
• User profiles based upon machine for managing multiple machines per user.
• Local or networked software repository for quick install of same programs on multiple computers on the same network or from a CD.

Linux Specific Issues / Processor Type
« on: August 28, 2006, 04:04:39 pm »
Hi, I realise that the linux binaries aren't totally optimized, and I'm willing to compile specifically for a few more processors to help improve performance, so here's a poll to help me to choose what I compile for! Select what processor you use, and if there's enough demand (remember that several processors will compile with the same optimizations!) I'll add a few more options to the installer and updater! :)

Linux Specific Issues / People with installer crashes
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:54:05 pm »
I'm trying to work out why these are happening for some people and not for others. Anyone who experiences a _installer_ crash, can you post the dump file and your system specs here please?

Can those people also try this dummy installer and tell me if it crashes?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Range and power of ranged weapons
« on: July 06, 2006, 10:12:01 am »
Can anybody here link me to, or just give me a comparison of the different ranges and force exerted by different ranged weapons. Be as specific as you like, but I need to know at least; sling, shortbow, bow, longbow, crossbow.


Linux Specific Issues / 0.3.015
« on: July 05, 2006, 07:59:16 am »
You can download a 'unofficial' 0.3.015 installer package for linux below. An official package will be released this month containing all the correct art, along with various bug fixes. Source tarballs will also be released at this time.


You will be able to update anything that this package doesn't contain from the updater once it has all the new content!

Linux Specific Issues / Sound Problem
« on: April 14, 2006, 07:06:48 pm »
Hi, fault in the latest linux client :) Sound doesn\'t work. Run the updater and you should download a fixed client.

Linux Specific Issues / Missing libs.
« on: February 25, 2006, 06:00:07 pm »
I am aware that there may be some missing libs in the package that some people here may need. If you get a missing lib error,  then please report in this thread.

You can update your libs dir by running the script found in your PS dir. This may resolve your problem.

Linux Specific Issues / Toolchain (gcc) bump decision....
« on: January 28, 2006, 11:49:32 am »
Change of plan....

I discovered that I can\'t bump the gcc version unless some of other packages on the OS I compile on are compiled with that version as well (Some = quite a lot). I would have to change distro to do this, and that would mean using a higher glibc version (2.3.3 instead of 2.3.2). So what\'s the problem with that? The problem is that if I do that, all of you using retarded distos like debian sarge wouldn\'t be able to run the binaries I compile. So yeah, I\'ve got a choice, continue compiling using a old toolchain, or bump a version up and force some people to get a decent OS. (This basically means moving to etch for you debian users, and a OS upgrade for anyone using old versions of things like ubuntu etc.)

So what am I to do? It\'s your choice. :)

Linux Specific Issues / Specs/Versions
« on: October 05, 2005, 12:24:59 pm »
It would be very useful if you guys could post what versions of gcc and glibc your PC uses. Gentoo people can just post their \'emerge info\', everyone else has to find out using their package manager. If you can\'t find out, then just tell me the version of your distro.

If you ever update, just edit your existing post.


Linux Specific Issues / Installing on Linux and important information.
« on: September 24, 2005, 04:00:19 pm »

1) Generic install for the majority of users
2) Important info
3) Source Code

Generic Install

This installer is designed to run on all linux distros that meet the minimum requirements.

You will need to 'chmod +x PlaneShift-v0.5.*' after downloading.

Run ./pslaunch to run PlaneShift

Note, if you have CS installed somewhere else on your system, you must make sure that no global env vars are set, like CRYSTAL. You can clear them using "export CRYSTAL=".

If you have problems running the game please read this troubleshooting guide.

Source Code

If for whatever reason (be it fun, development or the need to apply crazy optimizations to the client) wish to compile yourself, you can find good compiling guide in our source repository.

Linux Specific Issues / Installer Feedback
« on: September 24, 2005, 05:23:30 am »
Hi guys,

I'd appreciate it if you could post any feedback on the installer (not the game) in this thread. Post both bugs and feature requests.

Just make a post in the following format:

Type: Feature Request or Bug


Your system specs:

And I'll try and resolve the problem/add the feature by the next release.

Feel free to start a new thread discussing a bug/feature request, but try and keep this thread clean please.


The Hydlaa Plaza / L0rd of teh Ringz0r: F3ll0wsh1p of teh R1ng
« on: March 31, 2005, 01:55:25 pm »
>L0rd of teh Ringz0r
>F3ll0wsh1p of teh R1ng
>[At Bilbo\'s 111th Birthday]
>Merry: \"Omg, I pwn\"
>Pippin: \"Sif, I pwn\"
>**Rocket goes off
>Gandalf: \"Pwned!\"
>Bilbo: \"This = shiz, bai foos\"
>Bilbo has left the server
>Frodo: \"wot!?\"
>[later, in Bag End]
>Gandalf: \"Give teh ringz0r to Frodo\"
>Bilbo: \"Sif! It r precious!\"
>Gandalf: \"STFU NOOB!!!\"
>Bilbo: \"ok\"
>Gandalf has logged on as admin
>Bilbo has been kicked from The Shire
>Gandalf: \"Show me teh ring, foo!\"
>**Gandalf rides out, does some research, comes back
>Gandalf: \"OMGZ, it R teh ring!\"
>Frodo: \"wot?\"
>Gandalf has logged on as admin
>Frodo has been kicked from The Shire
>Sam has been kicked from The Shire
>[At Isengard]
>Gandalf: \"sup dawg, i r g4nd4lf da gr3y!\"
>Saruman: \"Foo! U R teh noob!\"
>Gandalf: \"wot?!\"
>Saruman: \"Sauron pwns joo!\"
>Gandalf: \"Sif, I R leet\"
>**Sarumon beats the **** out of Gandalf
>Saruman: \"Pwned!\"
>[on the road to Bree]
>Merry: \"look foos, shrooms!\"
>Pippin: \"Woot! Shrooms!\"
>Frodo: \"Ph34r!\"
>Sam: \"Shrooms!\"
>Frodo: \"PH34R!1!1\"
>**black rider stops, sniffs, goes past
>Frodo: \"OMG, packetloss!\"
>[Bree, in the Inn of the Prancing Pony]
>**Frodo is drinking and dancing on a table, then slips
>Frodo has left the server
>Frodo has connected to the server
>Frodo: \"OMGz, dc\'d\"
>Aragorn: \"OMG, noobz\"
>[at Weathertop]
>Merry: \"Mmm, shrooms!\"
>Frodo: \"Foos! Ph34r teh haxorz\"
>**the black riders attack
>Merry: \"OMG!!!\"
>Sam: \"O.M.G!!!11\"
>Pippin: \"wot\"
>Frodo has left the server
>**head nazgul stabs Frodo\'s ghost
>Frodo has connected to the server
>Frodo: \"wot... hax!\"
>**Aragorn lraps into the fray with a flaming brand
>Aragorn: \"PH34r!!!!!!\"
>Merry: \"LOLOL flamed! \"
>[on the road to Rivendell]
>Aragorn: \"ZOMG!Arwen!\"
>**Arwen rides up
>Aragorn: \"A/S/L? Wanna net secks?\"
>Arwen: \"Sif! wot is up with Frodo?\"
>Sam: \"Teh leet Hax0r \"
>Arwen: \"Firewall?\"
>**Arwen rides off with Frodo, the nazgul give chase. Arwen crosses
>the ford at Rivendell.
>Arwen: \"PH34R!! My dad pwns urs!\"
>**nazgul start to cross
>Arwen: \"LOLOLOLO noobs!!1!\"
>**the ford rises up and washes the nazgul away
>Warning: Connection Problems Detected
>nazgul has disconnected
>nazgul has disconnected
>nazgul has disconnected
>nazgul has disconnected
>nazgul has disconnected
>nazgul has disconnected
>nazgul has disconnected
>Arwen: \"Pwnt\"
>[at the Council of Elrond]
>Gimli: \"dwarves pwn!\"
>Legolas: \"Sif, Elves pwn!\"
>Boromir: \"OLOLOL noobs, men pwn!\"
>Elrond: \"STFU tards!!1!\"
>**Frodo puts the ring on the plinth
>Gimili: \"Sif ring pwns all!\"
>**Gimli swings his axe at it, which shatters
>Elrond: \"**sigh, noob\"
>[Frodo meets up with Bilbo]
>Bilbo: \"OLOL, me = 10th level thief!\"
>Frodo: \"OMG, u r teh pwn!\"
>Bilbo: \"Do u still have teh ringz0r?\"
>**Frodo shows Bilbo the One Ring
>Bilbo: \"OMG u tard, I want to TK you!\"
>Frodo: \"sif!\"
>Bilbo: \"ph34r my mithril\"
>[The Fellowship leaves Rivendell]
>**Gandalf leads the fellowship through the mountains
>Legolas: \"ZOMG, leet gfx!\"
>Gimli: \"I R dropping frames! FFS\"
>**There\'s an avalanche which threatens to knock them off the shelf
>Gimli: \"Gandalf, teh draw distance is too far!1!!1\"
>Gandalf: \"**Sigh. Moria?\"
>Gimli votes to change map to Moria
>Votes 4 of 4 required
>Legolas: \"lolol Gimli, time to upgrade!\"
>[The fellowship approaches the gates of Moria]
>Gandalf: \"FFS, its too hard! Anyone got a walkthrough?\"
>**The gates of Mordor open, but the Guardian attacks!
>Frodo: \"OMG! ph34r!\"
>Boromir: \"GL HF\"
>Aragorn [broadsword] guardian
>Legolas [arrow] guardian
>Gandalf: \"gg\"
>[The fellowship enters the mines of Moria]
>Gimli: \"OMG!!!! PWNED!\"
>**After travelling some time in the dark the Fellowship come to a
>chamber with a large well
>Gandalf: \"Teh bookz0r has some clues!\"
>**Merry knocks a skeleton in armour down the well
>Gandalf: \"OMG! noob!\"
>Merry: \"d\'oh\"
>**The fellowship hears the ork drums
>Boromir: \"wot?\"
>Aragorn: \"wot?\"
>Frodo: \"...\"
>Gandalf: \"Oh ffs >.<\"
>**the fellowhip shores up the doors as the orks come
>Boromir: \"TEAMS FFS!\"
>Aragorn [broadsword] ork
>Gimli [axe] ork
>Legolas [arrow] ork
>Aragorn [broadsword] ork
>Aragorn [broadsword] ork
>Boromir [broadsword] ork
>Gimli [axe] ork
>Gimli [axe] ork
>ork: \"OMG! h4x!\"
>Gimli: \"pwned\"!
>Legolas [arrow] ork
>Legolas [arrow] ork
>Legolas: \"lol!!\"
>Boromir [broadsword] ork
>Gimli [axe] ork
>Gimli: \"Foos!\"
>Legolas [arrow] ork
>ork: \"ffs, wallhax!\"
>**The cavetroll enters the chambers destroying the doors
>Gandalf: \"Oh ffs!\"
>Boromir: \"Omg, its teh boss!\"
>Aragorn: \"Sif noob, we\'re not at teh end yet!\"
>**Cavetroll slams Boromir and Aragorn out of the way, and then
>skewers Frodo
>Sam: \"OMG!\"
>Gandalf: \"OMG!\"
>Aragorn: \"omg, pwn!\"
>**Legolas jumps on the cavetroll and shoots arrows down into its
>Legolas [arrow] cavetroll
>Ork: \"OMG! PWNED!\"
>Gimli: \"LOLOOLOL! noobs\"
>**The fellowship then runs through Moria, chased the whole way by a
>horde of orks
>Boromir: \"FFS! Teams, foos!\"
>**A flaming shadow starts to follow them, and the orks withdraw
>Aragorn: \"Now THIS is teh boss!\"
>Gandalf: \"OMG!\"
>**The fellowship take to long flights of stairs that are starting to
>crumble and fall. Orks shoot at them with arrows.
>Legolas: \"LOL, noobs. Chex0r this out!1!\"
>Legolas [arrow] ork
>Legolas [arrow] ork
>ork: \"AIMBOT!\"
>ork: \"turn it off!\"
>Legolas: \"lolol!\"
>**The fellowship crosses a bridge, Gandalf stops to confront the
>Gandalf: \"joo shall not pass!\"
>Balrog: \"***?\"
>Gandalf: \"JOO SHALL NOT PASS!\"
>Balrog: \"Sif, noob\"
>**Gandalf strikes the bridge with his staff, cracking it and causing
>it to break under the Balrog\'s weight
>Balrog: \"ZOMG! PWNED!\"
>Frodo: \"OMG! Gandalf!\"
>**The Balrog falls and in a last act of defiance strikes out with
>its whip, entangling Gandalf
>Gandalf: \"D\'oh\"
>Frodo: \"OMG, joo foo!\"
>Gandalf: \"fly u foos, fly!\"
>**Gandalf lets go and follows the Balrog into the crevass
>Gandalf has left the server
>Balrog has disconnected
>[After escaping Moria the fellowship finds itself in Loth Lorien]
>**The fellowship rests, and in the night Frodo speaks with Galadriel
>Galadriel: \"For a noob, u r teh leet!\"
>Frodo: \"Sif. I don\'t want teh ringz0r. Do u want teh ringz0r?\"
>Galadriel: \"****! SIF I want teh ringz0r. I have enough h4x of my
>[The fellowship leaves Loth Lorien and sets out via river]
>Saurman: \"ph34r my army of uruk hai! Go outz0r, find teh hobbitz and
>pwnz0r them!\"
>uruk hai: \"leet!\"
>[stopping at the banks of the river, the Fellowship sets up camp]
>**Frodo goes off looking for firewood, Boromir follows and confronts
>Boromir: \"Gimmie teh ringz0r so ur hax can fight teh boss!\"
>Frodo: \"Sif, foo. Punkbuster will pwn joo!\"
>Boromir: \"Naw, we play on non-pb servers\"
>Frodo: \"STFU noob\"
>Frodo has left the server
>Boromir: \"***! FRODO! Bring teh ringz0r back, faghat!\"
>**A group of Uruk Hai encounter Boromir
>Boromir: \"OH FFS, TEAMS!!\"
>Uruk Hai [arrow] Boromir
>Uruk Hai [arrow] Boromir
>Uruk Hai [arrow] Boromir
>Uruk Hai [arrow] Boromir
>Uruk Hai [arrow] Boromir
>Uruk Hai [arrow] Boromir
>Uruk Hai [arrow] Boromir
>Uruk Hai [arrow] Boromir
>Boromir: \"**** campers\"
>**Aragorn comes across the battle
>Aragorn: \"Boromir joo noob! wot!\"
>Uruk Hai: \"Hah, pwn!\"
>Aragorn [broadsword] Uruk Hai
>Aragorn: \"I bring joo teh pwn!\"
>**Aragorn goes to Boromir
>Boromir: \"Damn lag!\"
>Warning: Connection problems detected
>Boromir has disconnected
>Aragorn: \"FFS!\"
>[Frodo returns to the bank of the river where he gets into a boat.
>Sam \'sees\' him]
>Sam: \"Frodo! wot! Invisibility h4x!\"
>Frodo has connected to the server
>Frodo: \"Sam, STFU and FOAD!\"
>Sam: \"Sif!\"
>Frodo: \"Oh, ffs noob!\"

The Hydlaa Plaza / What do you think about this??
« on: February 27, 2005, 07:20:23 pm »
I got an email from a friend today. I\'ve uploaded it so you can read it, and forward it to other people if you wish.

Personally I don\'t think these people should get a second chance at all, so I\'m not too happy that these guys have been released. I\'ve heard that some people think otherwise though. Any opinions here?

General Discussion / Tavern "All you can eat" food spree
« on: February 15, 2005, 08:55:58 am »
Today was held the first \"All you can eat\" tavern food spree :) Hosted by Sarrow, and sponsored by \"The Cabal\" Guild.

Preparing for the event :)

People come to the tavern to tuck in  :P

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