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Topics - Mezasa

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Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / I Can't Move
« on: October 16, 2003, 08:36:22 pm »
The problem is that I can log in, but I can\'t move. I know there has been a lot of lag because I\'ve been reading posts, but the game just completely freezes. Nobody moves at all. My CPU specs are

1.7 GHz
P4 Processor
GeForce video card, unsure of exact model
Windows XP

I have it set for Windows 98 mode.
Also, is the chat channel supposed to cover up a good bit of the top right corner of the screen? Can I move it?
How can I fix my not being able to move?

All help will be appreciated. I can\'t update to 512MB RAM so if that is an absolute must, I\'ll have to wait til my dad gets me a new cpu.


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