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Topics - Watcher

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Planeshift has compatition
« on: September 09, 2004, 10:53:52 am » very intresting ideas :P the only thing they are lacking in is staff members, probably to the lack of publisising.


I have to warn you do not click this link if you are offended by offencive language. Other than that its a funny version of us.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Are these forums German?
« on: August 25, 2004, 05:03:09 pm »
It?s a curious question because I noticed something when clicking on someone?s profile.

Profil Von Watcher

If so then why have you changed everything in it apart from that.

The Hydlaa Plaza / I am back
« on: August 06, 2004, 10:42:42 am »
I am back from my holiday in scotland and ready to cause evil again (or good whichever I like better) For once I am glad to see planeshift isnt out while I was away but I am glad to see that we are happy bunnies :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Holiday!
« on: July 18, 2004, 03:05:28 am »
I am going on a holiday to Scotland so I wont be around, if PS gets put out before I am back (3 weeks time) then I am going to get mad :P

General Discussion / Looks as if some races have been left out
« on: June 25, 2004, 02:15:04 pm »
*** 2004-06-23 by Christian Svensson
- Prevented the user to select non-implemented races/genders

They would probably only put this in if there was a race left out. :(

General Discussion / Mistakes You dont want to see Repeated
« on: June 19, 2004, 10:36:57 am »
This isnt a suggestion so I dont think it should go in the wish list so I put it here, this thread is about you saying what mistakes you have seen in other games that you realy dont want to happen in planeshift. Mine is going to be quite simple

Never have unique drops (i mean on planeshift holdays) Runescap did this and it totaly ruined the econemy.

I am using IE and when trying to view the forums all I got was this also I cant click on the insible links its as if tehy have been removed. (but I can get onto the most recent forum thread using the outside forum thingy.)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Need help on the Law
« on: June 01, 2004, 05:51:43 am »
A friend of mine was working for a small online company (they didn?t meet up in real life but they where given tasks on the forums) He has left that company he didn?t sign any contract and the most he ever did to get close to copy write was to put at the bottom of his textures.

He wrote
Copyright of (company unnamed cause of possible legal repercussions)

Note he did not sign anything; Does the company have a ground to not let him take his textures away? If yes please explain why in the finest details if no do the same oh and can you provide links to a piece of law pointing this out.

The Hydlaa Plaza / WildFire Games
« on: January 16, 2004, 06:10:00 pm »
Both of these games are made by WildFire Games

First is
The Last Alliance
A lord of the rings based RTS* its free and they have got the permission to use the lord of the rings stuff so there is no possibility of copyright infringement. They are looking for Member so if you want to join.

Second is
This is a game based from 500 BC to 500 AD its free like the other one it?s a RTS* also they are looking for members to join.

*RTS- Real Time Strategy.

General Discussion / In the past
« on: January 07, 2004, 11:47:41 am »
You have wanted to see the planeshift site as it used to be well here it is

Edit: here are links to other ones if you want*/

Wish list / Legendary Quests
« on: January 03, 2004, 06:13:26 am »
I propose a idea for a few quests which I call Legendary Quests because they are indeed Legendary and only one person can compliant it a example of a quest like this would be like so.
Strange man- Hello I have a job for you
You- What is it?
Strange man- You must find the general and kill him
You- General?
You- Kill?
Strange man- The general the guy who is fighting in the war to the south of here
Strange man- You don?t know how to kill you aren?t any good for this

(You get to the battlefield and you find who is the general and you kill him just as some one else who wanted to win shot a arrow missed)
You get a message
Congratulations your portrait and a plaque with your name on will be hung on the walls of the Quest guild which only people who have done a Legendary quest can get in.
This would be a incentive to become one of the best. Oh you can?t complete 2 Legendry quests.

Wish list / Scythes (a rather long post)
« on: November 29, 2003, 10:53:46 am »

Farmer?s scythe
Cost: 50 coins (price to be changed accordingly)
How to make: Go up to a tree and cut of a branch (the stronger you are the bigger the branch) after that get a piece of iron or steel (different strength) and hammer it into a scythe head then use the branch with the scythe head and you get a scythe.
What they do: They cut wheat so you can get 10 at once.

Enchanted scythe
Cost: -- (there is no set price because of all the enchantments that can be cast)
How to get/make: You can either kill the retired wizard (note the only enchantment on this scythe is that you can use it to fight) or you get your own scythe and learn the following enchantments

Level 20: Battle enchant (allows you to use the scythe in battle) it?s a neutral spell
Level 25: Enhance scythe (makes it faster moving) it?s a neutral spell
Level 60: Harvest:
Level 150: Touch of death (Makes it into a ghost scythe its un-tradable but much more powerful) its a totally evil spell.
Level 150: Harvest bringer (With this spell you make the scythe un-tradable because ?you can\'t bear to part with it? in one swing it takes over 100 wheat) it?s a totally good spell


Can I enchant my scythe with ?insert spell here- twice?
No you can?t enchant your scythe with the same spell more than once.

Where do I find this retired wizard?
You would find him on one of the many empty farms before he dies he teleports to another farm where he heals himself.

Can I use this on a tamed creature?
Yes but I would recommend not too because it will only get them mad.

What level is this wizard?
He is about level 35 but you can never kill him he drops the scythe while he is teleporting.

Why two spells at the same level?
It is like that because you can only use one if you chose the evil alignment and the other one you can only chose if you chose the good alignment.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

General Discussion / A small question about Crystal Blue
« on: November 28, 2003, 12:26:02 pm »
Do you think we will be able to be
Animal trainer

Animals are used as companions of travel or as colleagues in many jobs. Animals can entertain in shows and arts, can bear heavy weights, can be useful to hunt, to find hidden objects, to guide through dangerous places, to fly. The trainers should have patience and leadership, be gentle and strong at the same time and have quick reflexes.

If we are Klyros because I realy want to be a klyros and be able to tame flying creatures. What are your thoughts?

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