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Topics - Illysia

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Wish list / Guard rails
« on: April 22, 2007, 02:22:26 am »
If possible could guard rails be placed in areas that attract a lot of newbs. Apparently, almost everyone's first hour was spend in the DR getting to know the Death Guardian. ;D He's not really the best mentor for newbs.  :thumbdown:

Wish list / Parks for strolling in
« on: April 19, 2007, 10:19:04 pm »
I think it would be really nice to have a park with a nice wide path that doesn't turn much or at least too suddenly. This would allow people to auto-walk and chat without worrying about running into things or falling off a ledge and dying. This would also be an excuse to not run everywhere. There would be a place where it is understood that you mostly stroll around and talk. It could also double as a nice picnic/meeting place where friends could meet and enjoy each others company (without a lot of noisy drunks around  ::) ) Not to mention it could have pretty flowers that could be quickly gathered for surprise dates  :love: . It would be a really good chance to create a romantic spot for people, with little places tucked off the beaten path, so they don't have to head out the the BD for it.

Fan Art / Submitting models
« on: April 07, 2007, 01:06:21 am »
Is it posible to contribute models to the game without being a member and if it is, how would you do that? I would love to contribute but I don't know that I would want to be a member since I think members don't get to play the game with everyone else or is that GMs?

Fan Art / Illysia's Render Gallery
« on: March 22, 2007, 05:24:59 pm »
At Karyuu suggestion I am creating a gallery of my renders so you don't have to go looking all over for my stuff. The first pic is my first attempt at a ring. It a blood ruby ring and it gives a boost in strength, but at what cost? :whistling: Soon I will be posting Illysia's character model.  :lol:

Fan Art / Health Potion Render
« on: March 17, 2007, 08:11:05 pm »
Here's a render of a health potion as it's being mixed. Don't ask me what goes in to those things, I'm sure you don't want to know.  :P

Fan Art / 3D Model of Stamina Potion
« on: March 17, 2007, 02:13:05 pm »
Well, it didn't turn out nearly as good as I had planned, but it's a start. I'll definitely keep working on it. It's a what I think a stamina potion would look like. It's been left out in the sand, as many things are in PS, and it's just glowing in the night.  :D

Fan Art / 3D model for Garile's baby's blanket
« on: March 15, 2007, 06:12:43 pm »
Ok, Illysia promised to get Garile Greenmoon a blanket as a present for her baby and here's what it looks like I made it myself in 3D Max. And I also made the texture myself. I hope it's cute enough. :sweatdrop:

Wish list / I think there should be a new type of quest
« on: March 09, 2007, 08:56:38 pm »

I think that there should be quests that focus on mining instead of finding items, talking to a bunch of NPCs, or fighting. For difficulty sake it would have you bring the NPC a certain amount of different ores, in relatively small proportion for the sake of new people. It would be nice for it give out, maybe, a lot of experience instead of a lot of money since miners can make decent money, and if you just mine it is hard to get PPs. I love to mine and hate fighting but I have to fight just to be able to train in mining.  :(  Since mining is one of a few non fighting options I think there should be more of an incentive to mine or more of a reward for being a miner.

Umm... I'm not sure if someone has already mentioned this :sweatdrop: but apparently there is something wrong with Harnquist. Most peolpe can't buy or sell from him and I can't even see him.

Fan Art / Need help in making a head for my fenki model
« on: March 07, 2007, 04:48:17 pm »
Sorry if this is not in the right place

I'm trying make a 3d model of my character Illysia. :D  Right now all I have done is the body, hands and feet. I'm having trouble in making a head for her since:
1.) This is only my second week in character modeling (and I missed the lecture on how to do the character I was actually assigned to do.)
2.) I can't find good pics to work from (cat or fenki)

I also don't know how to make clothes for her while I'm at it.  :sweatdrop:

I'm currently using 3D S Max to make her. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Wish list / I think there should be a Banquet Hall
« on: February 24, 2007, 12:36:40 am »
I'm capable of fighting but, I don't really like to do it and, although I like mining, even I don't want to do it all day long. I would; however sit around most of the day and chat with friends over food. I would really like to see a place with open rooms of varying sizes to accomodate banquets, be they wedding feasts or small get togethers.

Also, have tables that are set with plates for every seat so, people don't have to eat off of the table like savages.  :sweatdrop: I'm not asking for anything really fancy, just something close. And please have the seats spaced enough so everybody can sit in them.

Also it would be much appreciated to have more food items added, that are readily available. I love to RP cooking for my friends but, I like to have stuff anybody can see in front of them. It would be great if there was a kitchen attached to the banquet hall, one bigger than Jomed's. It could have ovens, grills, and plenty of counter space to RP prepping the food. It could be later used for learning and practicing cooking skill once it is implemented.

I think the cooking skill could be set up like crafting weapons. All you would basically do is use the same system but, change the names and models. So if you want make a pie, you would take batter, sugar, and say apples and combine them in the oven which would work like the furnace. I'm not a crafter so forgive me if my understanding of how that works is wrong. It wouldn't be seamless but it would be a start. :D

I really like how planeshift is right now, especially since it's free and in alpha version but it would be really nice to have more of a non fighting aspect to the game.


Pretty please, with sugar on top...  :D

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