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Topics - Kiva

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General Discussion / Quest Rewards
« on: May 15, 2003, 04:06:43 am »
1st place: Kada, Sabrewulf, Woodstriker. Rewarded with 8000 rubies each.
2nd place: Deedolito, Ericeliza. Rewarded with 7000 rubies each.
3rd place: Bushie, Jerec, Kiern, Lantor . Rewarded with 6500 rubies each.
4th place: Allabreve, Arell, Bonez, Crj, Daireve, Enraged, Gronomist, Kel, Kranx, Pmnoxxx, Ralin, Reishid, Shadows, Thrash, Xaeon. Rewarded with 5500 rubies each.

Ooooo I\'m gonna get a nicy nicy weapon for my reward :D

General Discussion / The Planeshift Bible
« on: April 04, 2003, 05:33:30 pm »
A quick editors note: The site is not complete yet, but will be within a week or so. Be patient, it\'ll be worth it. :)

The time has come to show my great creation to the public - The Planeshift Bible. The url for the site is or (in case the first one doesn\'t work).

With all my spare time available, I will put as much into this site as I can, and make it \"The One and Only\" Planeshift informations site. Each guild can have their own describing text about their guild, on the site, as well as I offer a part of my own forums for guild forums.

The Planeshift Bible will not only bring you the facts of the game, but it will also be a commercial site, in the future of Planeshift. Having guild or shop advertisements will only be a few trias\', octas\', and hectas\'. :D To make it short, The Planeshift Bible will cover all areas of the future Planeshift, right from the interesting to the \"Who-gives-a-poo\" stuff. (This includes massive guild wars, expensive weddings, shop openings and so forth).

Of course, this will not only require time, but also the support of you people out there. You are the ones who can actually make the site popular, so I need your help as well. Go there, see it.

Be a part of the history - Be a part of The Planeshift Bible. :)

The Hydlaa Plaza / Site Host
« on: March 31, 2003, 12:53:29 pm »
Would anyone happen to know of a free host, which supports PHP3 & 4, and MySQL? Please, do respond if you do. I need it quite badly. :)

Guilds Forum / The White Order (Anti-Black Order guild)
« on: February 25, 2003, 11:06:30 am »
I don\'t like the black order anymore, so now I\'ve set up my mission : To destroy them. This is neither a good, nor a bad guild, and it\'ll be around until Black Order is officially closed, and all members have left (maybe longer).

Yann, Annah, Vold.. Sorry, but I don\'t like the guild anymore.

Now, anyone up for joining?

(ICQ : 144837397 - IRC - MSN : )

Talk to me there...

Guilds Forum / The Ministry of PlaneShift!
« on: November 23, 2002, 07:48:36 pm »
While things are getting settled, the already joined members are getting sorted into their departments and everything else is falling into it\'s right place, I can say nothing but \"Welcome\". Welcome to this great day, of a new and glorius order, rising to see the daylight.

So starts my announcement of the new Forum opening for the Ministry of PlaneShift. First off, I want to make clear that this is not just another simple guild. This is something bigger! This is an order, swearing to protect the innoscent people of Planeshift, dedicating time and power to this cause.

The belief of the Ministry is not that an evil person is a guilty person. Noone is guilty until proven otherwise...

Due to this not being a guild, we allow people from any guild in. As long as they are good in both mind and heart.. Protecting the innoscent is a strange task, because both evil and good may be considered innocent. So the actions done by the order, is based on the Laws of the order.
If a Law Enforcer spots a thief, trying to rob a maid, the Law Enforcer(s) must act quickly, and take out the thief, no matter if it is a thief with good or bad allignment. He is the aggressor, and he attacks an innoscent. Therefor, he must be punished for it.

That was but a mere example of an action based on a not-so-true-but-still-possible-to-happen event. If anyone got his or her feelings hurt while reading it, tell me at once and I shall change it immediately.

Anyhow, I suppose it is now that I say : \"Thanks for reading, and see you around\". :D

If you wish to contact any of the MoPS, you can peek in at the site : or the alternative, for people whos\' computers doesn\'t like .TK domains There, you will be able to find a forum, where it is possible to talk to the MoPS. Also, you could connect to the Planeshift Fan IRC server, and visit us in #MoPS. \"QuickLink. This requires you have already installed an IRC client, tho.

On a second note, I have to say that the site is nowhere near finished. :P

General Discussion / Gronos-Site.Tk is back on track!
« on: September 21, 2002, 06:23:38 pm »
As the subject tells, my good \'ol is back up :) This time, as a news portal system for Planeshift, bringing you guys the hottest news of what\'s going on in the PS world. Anyways, click the link and start looking! :D

Edit : The site seems terribly slow right now (it wasn\'t earlier) .. I just hope it\'ll be fixed later/tomorrow :)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / What's this game about?
« on: January 13, 2002, 02:20:26 am »
Well.. What IS this game actually? I mean.. is it a ultima online like game or a everquest lookin game..? Just wondering

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