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Topics - shorty13

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The Hydlaa Plaza / Graphics engine
« on: January 25, 2006, 06:18:28 pm »
I was wondering, how do you guys create the world we are in for the game?  Like is there a huge graphics generater or something where you create the world?  If so, can someone point me in the right direction of one?  I would like to try some of it out.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / carrying issue
« on: January 15, 2006, 03:51:48 pm »
sometimes randomly when I go to loot somehitng, it says I cant hold it even though i can hold 120 more in weight.  Once when this happened, a sword and one of my quest items dropped.  I was informed by a guild member who also had this happen that eating an apple works (so seein how i had 30+ of them i ate one) and I could pick everything up.  The second time it happened, it happened when i tried to loot an apple, but after eating another one, and picking it up, the system window said \"i picked up\" followed by some wacky symbols.  here is a screenshot of this and to prove i could carry more:

PS (I still had 6 slots left in my inventory)

General Discussion / Are you devs going to...
« on: January 15, 2006, 03:32:44 pm »
Are you devs going to tell us what has been implemented and changed in this update?  I am just wondering because that would be really nice :)

Forum and Website Discussions / trading post Forums
« on: January 15, 2006, 03:07:15 pm »
It would be nice to have a board in the forums designated just for people who are looking to buy things and a board disignated for selling things.  Why? this is like putting up a billboard for all to see so people know that they want something and so a person can sell or get something easier.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Imageshack problem
« on: January 08, 2006, 08:54:59 pm »
Did imageshack change something? All the pics i uploaded and I used on a site (so they appear automatically on the site  instead of having to click a link) dont work anymore.  Did they change something??

In-Game Roleplay Events / Living quarters
« on: January 08, 2006, 07:59:08 pm »
[Masoj Hunett]

I was wondering, where does everyone live, or at least go to sleep at night?
I know only where a couple people live.  It would be nice if people could tell us so we could sotp by each other\'s places some time :)

I live in a room in Kada-El\'s Tavern.  My room is all the way upstairs and directly across the hallway from Thorian Gronk\'s room [npc] .  If you go up the second set of stairs, and take a left, my room right there.  Thorian and I have gotten together well and are now good friends.  My room is fairly small, but not the smallest in the tavern.  It is very comfortable and has a bed, an armoire,  a table with a chair, and a small desk at the head of my bed.  I keep the place lighted with 2 candles at night and 2 windows during the day.  That is where I live, though I am usually out running around.

So how long have I lived there?  I was happily taken in when I first arrived in Yliakum a year ago, and I have lived in that room, paying rent of course, ever since.

If I\'m around, feel free to st
op by.  Also, I leave the door open often.  If you find it so, feel free to come in and have a bite of the food I have set out.  Just don\'t eat Firstar\'s food (usually a fish) and please leave some for others :)

so where do you guys live?

Please edit your post to remove OOC references, smileys, etc., and try to act more in-character ;) Otherwise this may get moved to General Discussion. Also put your character name above your post. --Karyuu

In-Game Roleplay Events / Golden Ring
« on: January 08, 2006, 02:27:29 pm »

***Masoj steps onto a chair in the Kada-El Tavern.  Leaders of many guilds are present

\"Due to the relentless stealing in our everyday lives by those people with evil and vile thoughts, I believe we should have a high council of the leaders of the good guilds of Yliakum\"

\"I therefore propose that the leaders, and ONLY the leaders of these good guilds, if they so wish, join the now created Golden Ring.\"

\"The Golden Ring will be a council where we will exchange information dealing with evil citizens and guilds in hopes of ending as much chaos and evilness as possible\"

\"So come to our meeting place and request a seat at the Golden Ring\"


In-Game Roleplay Events / ATTENTION good citizens of Yliakum
« on: January 04, 2006, 05:33:59 pm »
[Masoj Hunnet]

***Masoj Hunett stands up on the side of the fountain in the middle of Hydlaa Plaza

\"Ahem....\"  ***Masoj starts a speech over a large crowd gathered around full of all the races of Yliakum from many guilds.

\"Attention good citizens of Hydlaa and Ojaveda alike\"
***whispers start flowing through the crowd...but quickly silence

\"It has reached my ear by many fellow people that there are theives amongst us.  Beware of them.  They take many forms.  Apparently there have been reportings of these ...scammers... selling cheap items, especially weapons, for high prices saying they were ones of great value.  I WARN YOU! Check what you are buying to make sure it is of what you expected.\"

***Commotion arises in the crowd, creating a hubub of noise.

\"I have recently been informed that there is most likely one, but could even be multiple guilds hiding among us who support and help these theives.  We must bring them to an end.  As of now, all we can do is watch our actions and what we buy until we find out the identities of these rogues.\"

\"It would be nice, or necessary as most claim, to search out these guilds.  Our many good aligned guilds should work together to try and reveal the identities of these evil, guilds full of treachery and deceit.\"

\"The Dark Shadows Guild is creating Watch List in which if someone has or has been attempted to be scammed can report who did it, about the crime, and about the people.\"

[OOC our list is at our forums ---]

\" Resume your lives with caution great people of Yliakum!\"

***the crowd is filled once again with much talking.  The crowd of people slowly disapates as people leave the plaza.

Cha0s\'s edit: added character title to the top. Yes, I know you had it in your post, but to keep things consistent, please put the character name in brackets before each post. Thanks!

General Discussion / Attention good citizens of Yliakum!
« on: January 03, 2006, 09:35:32 pm »
I have heard of reportings of people selling common items as if they were rare items.  For instance someone selling a broadsword to someone else for 5k saying it was a High damage weapon.  Make sure you check your items before buying (move the cursor over your itme in the trade window and make sure it has the correct modifiers ie. a FROSTY dagger).

I suspect that these many scammings are linked to one another and there is a guild somewhere out there made up solely of theives.  People beware!

We must seek these people out and get rid of them if they are indeed a guild, if not, then watch out and report who has tried to scam you at our board in the Dark Shadows forums.  (the link to the forums is there).

General Discussion / Tournament News
« on: January 02, 2006, 05:35:21 pm »
Well, it couldn\'t ahve gone much worse.  It needed much more organization.  Many people pmed one another (so not to tell the whole group and block up wut was already texts in the message box flowing like water) about it.  Post-poned? who knows.

One thing people kept PMing and messaging was the lack of a neutral board.  Judges were needed.  Instead the MC asked for the biased audience to call who won, creating a \"popularity contest\" as araye described.

Then, as fight 2 FINALLY got underway somehow for some reason, contestant 1 crashed and contestant 2 had to eat dinner.

Some good news:
If this event happens again, we can learn from our many mistakes to make a successful competition.

General Discussion / Do we have an octarch?
« on: January 01, 2006, 10:09:30 pm »
sry if this seems ignorant, but do we have an octarch?  We have an octarch\'s tournament, and wasn\'t sure if we actually have one or not.  

General Discussion / Rubies
« on: December 29, 2005, 09:52:41 pm »
Are rubies ever going to be worth anything, cuz, well I have a lot and they are clogging up my inventory.

General Discussion / Axe Damage
« on: December 29, 2005, 02:42:31 pm »
How much damage have you guys seen someone do with an axe?  I was wondering if they even come close to swords damage wise.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Anyone have a Dark and Light account?
« on: December 28, 2005, 10:08:09 am »
Does anyone have a DnL account that you are willing to share? PM me pls, i\'d really like to try the game out.

In-Game Roleplay Events / Arrack Affair, as seen by Masoj
« on: December 24, 2005, 12:13:17 pm »
The Arrack Affair:
                As Seen By Masoj Hunett

     ?How is your day fair Harnquist?? asked Masoj leisurely in a quiet and peaceful day.  Being good friends, they talked a while.  Then, shouts were heard everywhere.  ?Akkaio is taken!? and ?All men who can hold a sword go to the Tavern!? were common phrases echoing off of the buildings and structures throughout Hydlaa.  Masoj Hunett decided to join them so he dashed up to the tavern to see what this commotion was about.  He soon learned that the Prince of Rogues (aka Arrack) took control of Akkaio.      There was much havoc and chaos in the tavern as  everyone was trying to talk.  ?Be Quiet? yelled Masoj, seeing how he had to do something to organize this a little bit at least.  Everyone quieted down.  Masoj told them they had to be organized and quiet.  Masoj received a telegram from his scouts at Ojaveda that he had sent when he first heard the calls for help.  ?Listen up everyone.  Ojaveda is in a dark haze and is controlled by the rogues.  Of course we must act quickly, but becareful for my scouts also told me the road is very dangerous and many monsters lurk on it.  Cries of ?I do not fear death!? rose up.  A fellow citizen whispered to Masoj telling him that there was another force of warriors awaiting him up at the gates.  He decided to bring everyone up there at once.  The group ran up to the gates.  Just as disorganized as it was at the tavern, Masoj had to do something.  Realizing he needed a fighter leader and a healer leader, he called out for volunteers and luckily only one fighter and one healer jumped up for the job, making it easy.  ?Masoj, be quiet? said Cadoras, ?let me speak to them.?  Masoj decided to let Cadoras organize the rest, [especially after lagging so much].  Cadoras split up the healers and fighters, organizing them into groups.  However there was much standing around and no planning after Cadoras was done and Masoj realiazed he had to do something.  ?ON TO OJAVEDA!? yelled Masoj, and with that he marched down the path with the rest following.
     Walking on the ojaveda path, the group got split up.  Masoj stayed with the group behind.  They walked along when they suddenly came to a stop.  There, in the middle of the path was an ubernaught.  Not wanting to risk death before the war, Masoj exclaimed to everyone to run past the slow beast.  The group did so, and Masoj, being at the front, ran by the ubernaught and sliced its left leg with his right axe, crippling it for the rest of the group?s safe passage.  They continued along and came upon a tefusang.  Masoj new it was no threat for him, but could not tell if it was for anyone else in the group.  The tefu advanced on his position quickly.  Masoj ran to it.  The tefu swung wildly in a downwards motion with its right arm.  Masoj rolled to his right and quickly cam to his feet to realize the tefu was swinging his left arm from left to right at Masoj.  Masoj instinctively ducked out of the way, and brought his right axe into the tefu?s side.  The monster flintched, giving Masoj enough time to swing his left axe down upon the monster?s shoulder, killing it.  He continued on with the group, only encountering corpses of monsters the first party had previously killed.  They met up with the first war party outside of Ojaveda?s main gate.
     There was a purpley haze everywhere, barely allowing for sight.  It was quiet, but one could see shadows lurking in the Enkidukai City.  ?The healers will be stationed at the gate.? Told the leader of the healers.  Then, like clockwork, shouts of ?Kill them all!? ran through the crowd and the fighters charged into the abyss.  Masoj, not wanting to be left out, ran in with them.  Rogues littered the city.  Masoj, going up the left side of the city, found Trasok surrounded by 2 rogues.  ?Trasok!? yelled Masoj, as he charged in.  The closest rogue swung in a downward motion with his sword at Masoj, who parried it away to his right, and came in with his left axe into the Rogue?s side, nearly cutting him in half.  The second rogue, having 2 swords proved more difficult.  He swung from Masoj?s left to right with his right sword, which Masoj parried away, and in the same fashion as the first brought his left axe into a sweeping motion, but the rogue knocked it away, and came in for a punch with the hilt of his right sword.  Masoj leaned back a bit to dodge the blow, and kicked the rogue in the stomach with his right foot, bringing it down allowing for a massive swing with his left axe.  The rogue tried to parry it, but his sword was just flung across the room.  Masoj continued his swing, just barely knocked off course, into the rogues right arm.  Throwing another kick, followed by an upsweep move with his right axe, Masoj finished off the rogue.  ?You have become a fine warrior. I thank you old friend.? Said Trasok.  Masoj, having no time for chit chat, ran up the slope towards Brintec, who was casting a freeze spell on a rogue advancing on him.  Masoj ran to the rogue, and using his right axe, swept from right to left into the rogues stomach.  After receiving Brintec?s thanks he continued along.  A rogue jumped out from behind a corridor Masoj was just passing, and took a downward swing at him.  He just noticed the rogue in time and rolled forward, but the Rogue still got a portion of his back.  Masoj jumped up, turn around, and threw his Dark Axe at the rogue, landing it into the rogue?s left lung.  Masoj, picked up his axe and begun casting healing spells on himself.  A comrade had got to him at this time and also decided to help in the healing, and in no time, Masoj back up again and cries of ?The healing station is moved to the center gate!? alarmed.  Masoj realized we were sweeping through Ojaveda quickly.
     Masoj ran to the center gate, but noticed a rogue threatening a weaker warrior.  He summoned his pet, Firestar.  Firestar ran up ahead of Masoj an ran into the rogue?s legs, nearly toppling it over.  The rogue looked down to see Firestar after regaining his balance, but before completing its swing, Masoj swept up into the rogue?s chin and through his skull with his right axe.  ?Firestar, go to the healing area and comfort those who are injured.?  Masoj continued into East Akkaio and battled the many rogues there.  He reached Toda, who was being attacked by a rogue.  The rogue caught note of Masoj, and when he reached the rogue, it swung from right to left at Masoj.  He ducked out of the way. The rogue executed a follow up swing with his left sword, which Masoj parried away.  Masoj came across the face from right to left with his left axe hilt and smashed in the rogue?s skull, and continued to slice the side of the rogue?s left rib cage with his right axe.  ?Masoj my friend, I thank very much.  Can you please save my warehouse? There are a number of new fighters in there that stand no chance for these rogues training on the rats in there.  There are rogues heading to it as we speak.  Masoj quickly ran up to the warehouse where he met 2 rogues.  Masoj cast defensive wind and then rock armor on himself.  The 2 rogues attacked Masoj at the same time.  The right rogue swung from right to left at Masoj and the left was swinging diagonally from top left of its body to the bottom right.  Masoj dodged the right rogue?s attack, and his wind blew his attack even more out of the way, putting the rogue off balance.  Masoj continued to block the left rogue?s attack with his axe, and at the same time kicked the right rogue hard in the stomach with his right foot, slamming it into the nearby wall of the warehouse.  Masoj knocked away another blow attempted by the left rogue, and he quickly followed up with his right axe coming down onto the rogue?s left shoulder and into its heart.  Masoj executed a spinning move, in which he flung his left axe out while spinning to the right rogue and slammed it into its side.  He saw another rogue about to enter the warehouse.  Masoj quickly summoned an arrow which he shot at the rogue.  The rogue, just seemed scratched, but its attention was turned to Masoj.  He cast a Flameburst which knocked back the advancing rogue.  Masoj began casting a weakness spell.  Timing it perfectly, he finished casting it as the he was just out of range of the rogue?s two swords.  The spell weakened the rogue, but also created a small sphere of darkness around the two of them, the effect Masoj really wanted.  He heard the clumsy rogue stepping around as he was spinning about in the darkness.  Masoj, now knowing the rogue?s position, swept his legs across the floor, tripping the rogue.  He then followed up bringing both his axes down, sinking them into the rogue?s stomach.  The darkness quickly vanished to reveal the dead rogue in a puddle of deep red blood.
     All the rogues in Ojaveda were now killed, save for one, the Prince of Rogues.  Shouts yelled out asking where Arrack was shout out.  Then, an echo was heard saying, you will never find me, for those who do, will meet their doom.  ?Arrack,? thought Masoj.  ?Come out you coward, you Prince of RATS!? yelled warriors who survived.  A great search took place for Arrack.  After a while, a shout pierced the air ?We found Arrack?, shortly followed by ?Arrack was killed at the blade of Apis.?  Understanding what this meant, and feeling eccentric that this ordeal was not only over, but won, Masoj yelled out ?Victory! We have Victory!?  The mist dissipated seconds later and the crystal shined brighter than it ever has before on Ojaveda.
     There was a grande party at the Broken Door soon after where there was much beer going around thank to Brado.  Masoj met up with long time friends Arew and Apis and congratulated each other.  After sharing a toast, many people left to go back to Hydlaa.  Masoj Hunett looked forward to a long and peaceful future?

                                   The End

please tell me what you guys think of the story, or even if you have any comments about the war in general  :)

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