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Topics - Siteri Kidachi

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Wish list / Interesting idea regarding Ojaveda.
« on: September 29, 2006, 01:39:06 pm »
One interesting thing about Ojaveda is that it is incomplete, but its incompleteness is explained in-game as the doors leading to other areas being closed. This is different from other areas, which are currently inaccessible because they aren't made yet, but do not have an in-game explanation. When these other areas open, we will be expected to "forget" they were ever closed, because there is no reason they wouldn't be open. Ojaveda, however, presents an opportunity for a new area to be opened IC. Therefore, I think there should be some sort of RP prior to the opening of the rest of Ojaveda, that presents a reason for the opening. After all, the NPC's in Oja seem to imply that there is some sort of conspiracy in the Ojaveda government that resulted in the doors being closed... maybe the players (probably incited by some GM) could uncover the conspiracy and force the doors open?

Of course, we'll have to wait until soon(tm) for this...

Mac OSX Specific Issues / Weird problem...
« on: September 17, 2006, 08:23:05 am »
OK, so I updated my PS too early and ruined my files. The client, updater, and setup wouldn't work at all. So naturally, I thought I should redownload the game. I did, and now one guy says the updater works. So I tried to run the updater... and THE SAME THING HAPPENED as after I updated the first time! None of the applications would work even before updating them! Can I ever play the game again?!

Single Author Stories / Making a Difference- Siteri's story
« on: August 22, 2006, 12:33:30 pm »
When Siteri Kidachi was young, many of her friends noticed something strange about her parents. Her mother, Irinyi Kidachi, was an animal trainer who was well known for being able to calm the spirits of any animal. Most animal lovers knew the Kidachi name. But her father was totally different. His name was Rokure Kidachi, and he was a simple fisherman. He had no interest in capitalizing on Irinyi’s fame. He would simply go out and catch fish, then sell them anonymously at the market.
Many people wondered why these two people would go into such radically different jobs, and why Rokure even bothered to work when Irinyi was becoming successful on her own.
Whenever Rokure was asked about this, he always answered as follows:

“Irinyi and I are doing the same thing... we’re making a difference in people’s lives. Irinyi’s business is quite visible to those who work with animals. Her significance is easy to see... many of the pterosaurs that carry people between levels were trained by Irinyi. My business is important too. It’s my responsibility to catch the fish that the people eat. Every fish I sell will be eaten... and that’s the difference I make.”

In time, the Kidachis moved to Irinyi’s old hometown of Ojaveda, in Dsar Sarraghi. “The higher levels are bigger, so there’s more people who need me,” Irinyi said. “And I wanted to get back home, of course.” As for Rokure, there were few fish on the first level, so he switched jobs, training in the Crystal Way to become a healer. Even then he kept a low profile, not even telling those he healed what his name was. Siteri always knew that they were both making a difference... Irinyi in a big way, Rokure in a small way.

Because her parents’ jobs were so different, for a long time Siteri was not sure what job she would eventually have. Then she learned that there was a job fair going on in Hydlaa. She made the journey to try to find the job she wanted. After many attempts, she couldn’t find any job that satisfied her. The fair closed without Siteri ever reaching a decision. She wondered what she would say to her parents... a decision she never had to make.

When Siteri returned to Ojaveda, she found that all Dsars but Akkaio were closed off due to a quarantine. She’d been locked out of her home! After trying unsuccessfully several times to gain access to Dsar Sarraghi, even taking her case to the Vigisimi, she returned to Hydlaa, where she faced an uncertain future.

Uncertain, that is, until one day, when she noticed a poor beggar sitting outside the tavern. She realized then what she could do. “I’ll continue my parents’ legacies... I’ll help people in ways both big and small!” She marked up her fur with the same markings her parents had, combining the two designs into one, and began searching for ways to help people in need.

One particularly tough quest led her to seek the aid of the Vespers of Laanx, who helped guide her in the ways of Hydlaa. While she never actually completed that particular job, when she informed them that her goal was to help people, they directed her to a guild that would help her achieve this goal... the Plakkem Hverrjanor guild run by a dwarf named Einnol Feldorm.

Now, Siteri sat in the tavern and contemplated her past. I’ve succeeded in one respect, she thought. I’ve been able to help plenty of people in small ways. I’ve helped find some missing gloves, made deliveries for Brado, and even helped catch a thief... but whenever I try something big, I always fail. I wanted to help save Zhai from being possessed by that Angadu creature, but my idea didn’t work and I wasn’t even there when it actually happened... then I tried to catch Daehaz but I ended up being dead through the whole thing... and now, I join the jury in Daehaz’s trial, thinking there’s nothing that can stop me from making a difference, and some... BOUNTY HUNTER has the nerve to come and kill the guy right in front of us and make us all useless! Am I just not meant for this?

Later, while standing outside of Harnquist’s shop, Siteri received a request from her friend Zhai, leader of the Rangers of Yliakum.

“Hey, do you still want to go up against Angadu?”

Siteri accepted the job immediately, with a look of anticipation in her eyes. Maybe... I am meant for this! I actually have a chance! I’ve made enough small differences... it’s time to think big!

I went down into the sewers and didn't take any damage from anything. Rats, fanatics, Tefusangs, gobbles, none of them could hurt me.

General Discussion / What version of the game is this?
« on: July 29, 2006, 10:17:05 pm »

Is this the original version of the game? It's interesting how much the character designs changed. White Krans, fierce-looking menkis, bald dwarves... And fenkis in black!

They even have actual female elves... why aren't those still being used?

General Discussion / Ojaveda improvements.
« on: July 29, 2006, 10:07:19 pm »
This topic could actually go in a bunch of different sections... I'm putting it in Wish List for now because it seems like that is the closest.

There've been a few topics lately by Enkidukai players complaining that pretty much all the RPing and events are done in Hydlaa and therefore, if they die, they have to walk all the way back down Oja Road in order to do stuff. I've participated in these topics and decided that I would start a campaign (both IC and OOC) to make Ojaveda more interesting. The IC portion is (or will be once I actually get around to starting it) mostly directed at opening the doors around Oja. Obviously having more area in Oja, like the Talad Temple for instance, may lead to more people deciding it's worth the trip. (I really hope to see a "Vespers of Talad" guild!)

However, OOC discussion on improving Ojaveda is also needed. In this topic, I hope that PS players will come up with suggestions to draw more visitors to Ojaveda. I admit that because only one race in the game starts in Ojaveda and everyone else starts in Hydlaa, it would be virtually impossible at this stage to make Oja as lively as Hydlaa is, even if the whole city was complete. Hydlaa will probably continue to be at least somewhat dominant over other cities until there is a city for every race to start in... but we should at least find a way to make Oja more of a city and less of an extended Death Realm for Enkis.

The Hydlaa Plaza / PlaneShift in Spore
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:59:49 pm »
So once Spore comes out, is anyone else going to try to make PlaneShift creatures with it? Imagine a planet full of Tefusangs!

Is anyone here a fan of the radio show (recently made into a movie) "A Prairie Home Companion"? I am. So I thought it might be interesting if there were a PlaneShift version. Obviously there's no radio in Yliakum so it'd have to be just a live performance. We could come up with a bunch of things to make it specific to PS, for instance:

-A new version of the Tishomingo Blues with PS lyrics
-Traditional Yliakum folk songs to be sung every week ("Let the light in the temple shine on me!")
-A Guy Noir-type sketch, perhaps involving investigation of bugs in the game!
-A News from Lake Wobegon-type monologue about a small town where all the women are high-level, all the men are good at RPing, and all the weapons are above-average.

Hopefully it wouldn't be set up to compete with the poetry readings in Hydlaa though. Preferably they shouldn't be scheduled anywhere close to each other because of how long it takes to get between cities. I think it might be fun for both APHC fans and those who don't know anything about it.

EDIT: Wow, I posted this at almost the exact same time as Thoughtcrime's "Bards of Yliakum" topic! Maybe they could help with it and be the equivalent of the Guy's All-Star Shoe Band.

General Discussion / Update: was it really worth it?
« on: July 06, 2006, 03:00:24 pm »
Obviously we need to update the game at some point, otherwise we'll never get to the finished version. But doesn't it seem that things were better before the update? I mean, the new version LOOKS nice, and has more areas, but it crashes a million times a day, all the fenkis were forced to have white fur instead of black (if I wanted to have white fur I would have played a menki!), and I can't even find my way from Hydlaa to Oja or vice-versa. (I tried and ended up going around in a circle!) I liked the old version better, where things were a lot clearer, and mostly worked. Does anyone else agree?

General Discussion / I want my black fur back!
« on: July 06, 2006, 01:58:41 pm »
So I just got the new Mac version. It's great. However, there's one annoying problem... the game automatically gave me the new white fenki fur, but I want to have the old black fur. Is there any way of changing back other than remaking my character?

Mac OSX Specific Issues / About bug fixes for Mac version...
« on: July 05, 2006, 08:01:03 pm »
Will the fixes that will let us play be given out as patches, or as new versions of the main program download?

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