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Topics - Datruth

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Discussion / Gharan Limitte Video, A Restound Hronzo Production
« on: August 10, 2006, 02:48:38 am »
Here is my second Movie for all you PS Movie lovers out there.

And yet again, this one comes in 2 formats, one for the speedy, and one for the needy.

I've got you covered, so sit back and watch my bro kick some ass and take some names.

And now, a tribute to Gharan Limitte

1) ~40 Megs   **************Highly recommended!!!;5792797;;/fileinfo.html

2)  For the smaller file, go to Youtube, here's the link

p.s: If you haven't watched my first movie, go see that first, it's the first link in my sig.

Enjoy  :D

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Fall off the world
« on: August 07, 2006, 11:19:28 am »
Happens at least every day atleast twice a day.

Random places, random actions.

One time it was by the portal leaving oja.

another time i was in Arena.

another i was walking in forest.

Another time i was on Bdroad, near the rogues.

I don't know what to do to stop it.

I'm tired of walking from Oja, to hydlaa, just to get back to the quest i was doing or the rogue i was fighting.

What info do you need to fix this?

General Discussion / Distance from Oja To hydlaa
« on: August 02, 2006, 05:23:11 pm »
Are you happy with the distance from Oja to Hydlaa or would you like a change?

I'll calculate the totals tommorow, and the following day.

Please include only short answers, yes/no, with a short explanation.

General Discussion / The Team and the Community
« on: July 31, 2006, 08:27:34 pm »
Face it guys, ojaveda has near nothing right now.

Spawning in hydlaa and coming over to oja when you need to makes alot more sense, than spawning in oja right now.

Basically, if you spawn in ojaveda, your gonna be taking long walks every day.

The gold mine, magic shop, strength trainers, other important trainers, arena, sewers, and items are all at Hydlaa.

I mean everything.

My final piece of evidence is it's current condition, hardly anyone is in ojaveda, i mean i could go around and count how many people are in there now, and i'd find less than 10 on average.

My point is, the cities are immensely lop sided.

If the devs wanted to help Ojaveda, they would have made Oja the only place to train and buy Medium armor.

And in the future, make it the only place to train and sell heavy armor.

Also, i also feel i have to address the comments of the Developer known as "jorrit"

He writes:

I just love it how some people think they can speak for the devs like they can read thier minds.  I'm quite sure the Devs do care about their players.  Care a bunch.
Devs has said this. I have heard it from thier own words.

The devs are many people. Not all think the same. In general we DO care about the players. If we didn't we could just as well close down the public server and have an easier time developing and making new features.


You can say you care about a person all day long, but what actual proves it, Action.

There has been some action by the Dev team and moderator team, so i can't say they don't care, they do, probably not enough.

We need more action.

Right now this is how it works, WE are the moderating team, We decide Ojaveda is a ghost town.

No discussion with players.

Verdict final.


it always goes back to their phony answer,

We're not done with the game yet, your just a tester, therefore, if you dont enjoy the game, stop playing it, your not here to have fun.

You're here to test!

Don't Complain about our decisions.

You're here to test!

We're in Pre-Alpha, and we're gonna have a massive opening in 30 years.

You're here to test!

Why not ask the players, what would you like in ojaveda?

I've never been asked for my opinion, and probably never will, because, it's their game... and...

You're here to test!

Well you know what, if that's all i'm here for, then don't say you care about my Wishes.


General Discussion / Coal and Iron
« on: July 31, 2006, 05:18:57 pm »
Is it o.k for me to make a video on the location of Iron and Coal, near ojaveda.

If it is, i'll post back with a link to my video, if not , you can lock the thread after you reply.

General Discussion / First Planeshift video Made by Me
« on: July 08, 2006, 04:37:13 am »
Hope you like my video,

I made it in two formats:

1) For Dsl/Cable Internet speed, VERY high quality, very nice.  ***Recommended download  :thumbup:

If you can download it, you have to get this one.

~23 megabytes;5535209;;/fileinfo.html

2) For low speed Dial up access, Average quality, go to Youtube.  8)

If you have slow internet and don't want to wait a whole day for your download to finish use this link:

All comments appreciated and welcomed. :detective:

I'm working on another one and it will incorporate the rest of the cities and sites. :sorcerer:

I hope you all enjoy it :) \\o// :D


General Discussion / Making Ps Movies
« on: July 05, 2006, 06:42:46 am »
I wanna make some movies of my adventures in PS?

Anyone know any good programs i could get that could allow me to do this?

Any info would be very helpfull.


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