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Topics - jaycol

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       I downloaded the new version 3.02. What I got ws an exe file that I can't open. Do I need to place it somewhere and/or remove something else. After download I tiried to log into the game and get A notice to run the updater because I have the wrong version. I know that It isn't ready. I looked and am looking through the forums for the missing steps if you know what I need to do please reply.

       Due to a temporary setback to our Thursday "Ale for Tales" event, I opened this thread. I have heard many tales and songs in game and I feel many are rather good and should be shared. Not to mention the fact that it helps to expand one's creativity. If you have a short Tavern tale to tell or a song to share. Lets hear it. I would hate to see a good thing lost in the PS files of a few players who may one day move on. When they can be shared to inspire another, and enjoyed by others.

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