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Topics - Kixie

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Single Author Stories / Before creation, there was Vod?l
« on: March 09, 2004, 11:12:34 pm »
Once there was a time of darkness. This darkness consumed all, enslaved all, and was all. The time was one not of depression, love or spite. It simply was not time at all. The space was dark as ebony and seemed to reach untill there one could reach no more. It was how it had always been, nothing existed, nothing stirred. That is untill HE came.
A great light, brighter, larger and more majestic than any light before or ever after beckoned through the darkness. It cut so easily into it that this once forbidding place became forbidding no more.
He called himself Vod?l. And all he created worshipped him because simply nothing existed before him. There was nothing and wouldnt be anything so nothing could ever strip his power, or so he thought. Vod?l created, he love the idea, the feeling and anything he created, he loved. The light that shone from his love was almost as bright as the very day he beckoned the darkness away, that now almost infinate time ago.
But there was one thing that was not right in his great kingdom.
There was no time. Nothing aged, in fact creation was instant and was never moved again. Vod?l knew that this would lead to aging, and that his beloved creations would soon wither and die, but he knew that before anything greater than he had ever dreamed could be created, aging of his old creatures (and eventually death) would have to happen.
And so in one mighty flash time was brought to his creatures and everything that surrounded them. At first his creatures did not understand, and while some rebeled at the notion that their master was withering them they understood he knew best and loved him, for before him there was nothing. They were equally sure that anyone that challenged him would be nothing, one way or another.
So creatures came and went under his rule. And one day Vod?l created what he called, his masterpeice. He called it Ylakium. Ylakium was not like his other creations however. He often misbehaved and threw fits at the creations. But Vod?l loved him just the same and that day his love for ylakium burned brighter for Ylakium than any of his other creations. The other creations took notice of this and soon grew jelous. \"He throws fits and the master loves him more than any of us!\" One creature brought up. \"He will be the death of us all\"
Vod?l was wise and he saw almost instantly his mistake in loving ylakium more than his other creations. Solemnly he knew he had made a mistake and he told all of the creatures \"You see that I have loved Ylakium more than any of you. I am truely sorry that it must be this way, but although I am infinate in power, there is one thing I cannot control, and that is my love\" The creatures gasped and wispered about his admitance to his love that he himself could not controll. \"However, many of you still bitter in your withering bodies still remember that fatefull day when I created time, and wish that you still would not wither and age. Therefore I will make those who wish to live forever, live and those who do not I will let you wither and age untill your death\" The creatures stirred once more and accepted. Some went on with infinate life and were called \"gods\". The others who wished to die were called \"planets\"
Ylakium young in age, was not old enough to decide, so Vod?l seeing that his love for ylakium was too great, choose for him that he would be a planet. Vod?l would see his second mistake many years later...

It had now been some ages since the creation of Ylakium and Ylakium was very strong and in the prime of his life. He was rebelous as always and lived in almost banishment from his father. His father almost feared ylakium in  way, he was the only thing he could not control by emotion, and now an increasing factor, in physical strength. Ylakium often asked why he was choosen to be a \"planet\" and he loathed his father for that and the lack of time spent with his father. He loved his father, but the more he loved him the farther he seemed to be. His father of course never answered why he was a planet and he wanted to keep it that way. He would make sure of that.
Ylakium lived in somewhat happiness, he played with the other planets and hated the gods. He had a strong hate that he couldnt be one of them no matter what. One day he talked to the other planets. \"why do we age while the gods live forever? Why are we banished to wither away while they loom over us, ever watching us?\" The planets agreed. They were stronger than the gods, yet they seemed to be owned by the gods, and the gods sure to brag over their infinate life. One day the planets had enough of this blasphemy as they called it. They were tired of living under rule, under these false powers.
One day the planets confronted Vod?l and said to him, \"Give us the fruits of infinate life, or we will kill your \'gods\'!\" Vod?l was suddenly afraid for the first time in existance. This fear soon turned to rage. With one mighty movement he felled all that opposed him to their knees. \"You fools! You all choose to wither and die!\" \"We never knew that you would give the gods so much power!\" the \'planets\' soon responded. \"I never choose to be a planet, father. Why have you banished me? I have loved you more than any other and yet you distance yourself... Why dont you love me?\" Ylakium inquired his father... Vod?l still in rage cast down Ylakium once more. Vod?l then turned his back and walked away from ylakium. A tear fell from Ylakiums eye. The silence was as empty as the time before Vod?l made his kingdom. But suddenly there was one sound. A sound of pain, anguish and fury. It grew louder, louder and when it seemed that it could grow no more, indeed it grew louder. It came from ylakium. He ran towards his father full of rage, blind with hatred he felled his father in one blow.
His father kneeled silently. He stood in ackwardness. His own son, his greatest creation, the one thing he loved more than anything, had thrown a blow so great that even he was felled. His father knew what he had to do. Although he loved ylakium very much he could no longer exist.
He raised his hand and all of the planets took a obscure sphere form. He then heaved them to far reaches of his kingdom and put much darkness in between them to prevent them from ever conspiring again. And once he had heaved ylakium he gathered all of his rage that he had once felt. This hate took form of a flat, clear crystal, clearer than anything, yet more brillant in shimmer. He heaved it at Ylakium with much force. It penetrated ylakiums surface. Then he took the much love he felt for Ylakium and it took form in a crystal similar to its brothren but much larger and longer. He also heaved this into the surface of Ylakium.
And so that was the way it was for many years. Shortly after the resistance of the planets, Vod?l created many different planes, different levels on existance for him to create on, and he took the gods and put them into a seperate plane, while he himself went on to the furthermost and highest plane of existance.

Ok im gonna make more of this later. Only gotta make a conclusion. *whew* took me a long time so i just wanted to get the feedback from you guys. Sorry for the long read (sort of :P) hope ya like it!

The Hydlaa Plaza / UPL.MINE.NU IS BACK!
« on: March 03, 2004, 10:44:44 am »
yes upl.mine is back finally! as you may have noticed there has been a giant decrease in x marks on the forums and i am for once VERY happy. I have had to use photo bucket *spits on photobucket* the bane of all existance! Anyways, just posted to make a notice, *listens for rejoice of everyone on forumboards* *hears nothing, shrugs and walks away* But this means that kintall might just start making pics again *hopes in anticipation* but you never know, but i know that i will DEFINALLY start making more art. Farewell....

The Hydlaa Plaza / Crystal Beacon
« on: March 02, 2004, 10:31:48 pm »
well kids i have some news. i have made a huge breakthrough in the world of crystal hunting. as some of you already know i have figured out a way to see crystals miles away and find them very easily. this is good and bad news. I hope to first have a discussion with the devs about my discovery. i mean only good with this discovery and no harm. if anything is wrong and the devs do not want me to use this any longer, i consent and will drop all of my present crystals. to many this seems like a wonderfull thing and would like to know how to do it. i can only say that i would hate to bring such a burden of evil to planeshift. here are some screenshots of the crystal cheat

as you can see it makes a very large portion of the crystal stick into the air. this can be seen for many miles, although only from a certain side. if you look at it head on or from a different angle, it is invisible. But as you can see if you view it from the right side it is VERY visible.

I see this as a breakthrough and also a source of much evil. I am simply the scientist here people. I made this monster, and i am prepared to exterminate of it. i simply have found this out, i do not wish to cheat for my crystals or let others cheat, only to bring this to light so the developers can maybe fix this before its too late...

Thank you for your time.    

The Hydlaa Plaza / Newspaper
« on: February 29, 2004, 05:40:38 pm »
I\'m starting a weekly newspaper people, and i need your help! I will be posting a weekly newspaper and i am in need of journalists. \'What do the journalists do?\' you ask, they find daily happenings, funny stories and bring screenshots of the action. Anything ps related actually. i will also have a rumor column so any rumors can be sent to me directly as well. I of course will be editor and will be making a website that looks like a newspaper. So send me those stories and talk to me in game. Im kixie of course, so send me information like stories, screenshots and rumors at

Start finding those stories NOW!

The Hydlaa Plaza / High FPS
« on: February 29, 2004, 02:55:53 am »
as some of you know i am now in possetion of one of the baddest computers on earth, and i took it for a test run in planeshift this evening. Well i was quite surprised (happily) when i ran it. Perfect. No lag. It was beatifull. So i am very happy. I actually was getting 400+ frames per second in the temple with 1024 by 1600 resolution and 32 bit depth for a while. I\'ll post with some screenies for sure.

Anyone else get very high FPS rates like these ones? Let me see some screenies of your ps client burning some rubber!

The Hydlaa Plaza / well I'll be back
« on: February 23, 2004, 10:40:42 am »
Well sorry i have been gone for a while. some of you may have not noticed or cared, but my internet service provider has gone awol and is currently down. i am typing this message at my school and i just wanted to notify friends (and foes) i will be back, so dont worry about me (although most of you wont) It sucks to have my internet down, but i did get my awesome computer down. when my internet comes back up i will type the AWESOME specs. i dont remember all the details at the moment but i can tell you that i have the motherboard, cd drive, 512mb of ram, and the stock video card of the alienware computers. It kicks arse, i have never played high quality games with out lag before and i cant wait to try it out on planeshift.

                                                 Much Love,

*PS mods please dont delete this. If people can comment that they have returned back to planeshift i should be able to comment i will be coming back later...

Granted or negated Wishes / weapons are rare.
« on: February 17, 2004, 08:49:40 pm »
Well i think weapons should be very hard to get in this game. Weapons should be some of the rarest most precious items in the game. Espcially good ones. Weapons should not be found on monsters, except select humanoid creatures. Weapons should also only be created by smiths. You get good weapons, by finding a good smith, and showering him with money and excelent materials. I feel way too many game put swords and weapons EVERYWHERE. But whatever. It doesnt matter. As i have found out my oppinion doesnt mean much around here.

Fan Art / what can I say?
« on: February 15, 2004, 08:00:10 pm »
You inspired me golbez....

The Hydlaa Plaza / Kada's B day pics!
« on: February 15, 2004, 03:08:14 am »
These were all done by nilaya. Since her hosting was going a bit slow I thought i would give here a bit of help!

These are just a sample. If nilaya doesnt mind then i will post all of the pics she currently has.

The Hydlaa Plaza / When is kiern going to become forum legend...
« on: February 12, 2004, 09:28:00 pm »
Well maybe all of you dont know this, but once you post 2000 times you become a forum legend. Kiern looks like he will be the first to achieve this, however he hasnt been posting very often. This brings doubt to my investment of 3 dollars ( i made a bet kiern would become forum legend first)

SO.... When do you think kiern will become forum legend? Do you think he will be the first? If not who do you think will reach the status first? And the same goes for forum god. Who do you think will get there first? When? Talk amoungst yourselves...

The Hydlaa Plaza / How are you passing the time?
« on: February 12, 2004, 07:44:03 pm »
Well lots of us are in anticipation of the release of cb. some of are having heart attacks waiting, others are taking it easy and  hibernating for 3 months. Myself and having a heart attack. So what are you doing to pass the time untill crystal blue?

*wonders why this topic hasnt already spammed the forums..*

The Hydlaa Plaza / I need a job...
« on: February 11, 2004, 01:43:14 pm »
Well mostly there are nice people on this forum so hopefully I\'ll get my question asked.

I hate normal jobs. It sucks to be in a normal routine every day to just go to work and work on something boring and dumb. Thats why I definally want to pursue a job that is different where I dont have to go into a cubicle or an office. I have thought about a bounty hunter but they dont get paid well...

So a work at home job would work great for me. I would love to work on the computer or something related to that. I am taking photoshop classes later this year so I have been thinking of being a web designer. I already know hmtl so this seems like the most logical route to me. But for one i dont know how much this really pays, so my first question is.. Does anyone know somone who works as a web designer? How much is the usual pay? High or very low?

Now to my 2nd job choice. Being a game developer. I have had lots of good gaming ideas and I would love to make games and be a 3d modler and texture designer. the Question i have for this is, What kind of work schedule is there for this line of work? Do i go into a building, get told by a supervisor to work on this model and this texture and then when im done I work on another they give me? What exactly happens in a normal day for a game developer?

3rdly my last choice is a musician. I am a very good guitarist and it would be cool to persue a career with it. I know I can go to a musical college and work at a recording studio but I dont think I would like doing that much at all. So my question is, Is there much demand for online musicians? Do many game developers want musicians to work for them? Is music an integral part of making a game? I watched that discovery channel special on the making of Crimson Skies, and it seemed like music was very important to them. Is this true or normal?

The Hydlaa Plaza / First posts....
« on: February 10, 2004, 12:18:00 pm »
Well i have a new past time i am exploring. Looking at people\'s first posts. Its kinda fun to see what people posted like when they were just little tiny newbs, or NOOBs. Hehe i have confidence because my first posts were quality ones. Haha you should look at Kierns. How embarrassing.. heheheheheh.... Well good luck, and happy first post hunting!

here is my first post.... i hope everyone posts thier first posts for fun too...

Originally posted by Whemyfield
What about a city like the wookies have in star wars?
Just in case you are wondering to your self (what the heck is this guy talking about) then here is a basic desrcription

Race: Very diverse mostly a trading town so just about every race is found here

Architecture: this is where it gets interesting, i want almost a
tree house city. Basically a bunch of tree houses connected by rope bridges. It seems the ropes holding the bridges inside the giant tower turned out pretty good. i mean u can even stand on top of the ropes (thats detail). All in all this to me would be an awesome city, except one problem would have to be adressed and that would be people falling off the bridges. Either the lag would have to be fixed so people didnt go through lag and find them selves on the forest floor, or if you fell you could respawn back where u fell off of, or you could just make the bridges impossible to fall off of via invisble walls

Cmon give some feed back guys, im desperate....

(i like cheese...)

The Hydlaa Plaza / WOAAAH!!!!!
« on: February 07, 2004, 04:04:48 pm »
Has anyone else noticed is gone? I cant get to the website, it says it doesnt exist? all my pics and siggy are down!!! Tell me im not the only one!

The Hydlaa Plaza / N.P.A
« on: February 03, 2004, 07:56:59 pm »
The Noob/Newb Protection Agency is a program to protect users from noobs, and also notify users of up and coming newbs who are very cool and deserve lots of praise. Noobs and newbs are valid if they were created in the past 30 days and under 100 posts. So lets get to it!

My nomination goes to JoeInquisitive of course for Worst noob.

And my nomination for best Newb is Kintal! Congratulations! He already gets lots of respect for his art gallery but he is also very friendly and never has gotten on the bad side of anyone!

Now remember that newbs are good, noobs are bad...

How this will work out is you nominate your favorite newb, and least favorite noob and we will see who has gotten posted the most and at the end of febuary and every other month we will see who got the most votes! Hopefully we can keep this running so I need all of your help! So go find those Noobs and Newbs, and use leathal force with the noobs if you must.

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