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Topics - Xillix Queen of Fools

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General Discussion / Elder Guilds
« on: June 04, 2008, 01:06:22 pm »
What are the eldest guilds that are currently active?

General Discussion / Approved guilds?
« on: May 29, 2008, 02:44:05 pm »
Settings is considering marking some guilds as "Approved."

Before we do this we are curious what you, the players, think about this.

What benefits should having an "Approved" guild grant?

Should those guilds get a sticky?

Looking at the depth of things that must be done I decided to ask that some specific types of people consider applying to the settings team, as follows:






Art Historian (full range of sub-specialties, seeking architectural historian most though).


Psychologist (abnormal psychologist very welcomed).

There are of course others but these would be a good start. Clearly an above average command of English is expected.

General Discussion / Banned for Exploiting.
« on: May 21, 2008, 01:17:18 am »
Dear community,

We have been watching a sizable cross-section of people for some time now. Unfortunately these people (one of which I consider a friend from when I was a newb, and one of whom was once a guildmate of mine) have been greedily exploiting a bug for well over a week.

As a result of our surveilance of this situation many players have been banned for a period of one year. We deeply regret that it should have to come to this.

Every player must be accountable for their actions, and must inform us when they find exploitable bugs. The fact that this has occurred has cost the gm and dev teams many hours of our volunteered time. Both personally, and in the name of those who have lost the time they would have given to the honest and decent players who populate our server, I want to express deep disappointment in those who conducted themselves with contempt for the players/devs/and gms; actions such as this devalue all of our efforts and the time it takes all of us to make a nice playing environment.

If any of you encounter such a bug it is incumbent upon you to report it immediately and NOT to make use of it or inform other players.

Roughly 20 accounts were banned and many of these made efforts to hide their shady transactions and transfer tria to alts/mules/or other accounts. There will be no defensible claim of "just testing the a bug." Over 100 million tria were made by the various parties and there is no doubt efforts were made to hide it.

We must offer thanks to the anonymous player who discovered this problem and Immediately informed us. The bug itself was fixed within one day of our discovery and time was left for us to discover the extent of the exploiters' impact on the community.

Any appeals about these bans are to be directed to Kerol via pm on this forum or over IRC (server:freenode) in channel #planeshift-gmtalk. Any further efforts on the part of those who were banned to make this worse for the developers/players/or gms will be met with forum or IRC bans as the situation merits.

There are several accounts that are still being monitored and we hope that there will be no further need to do so, nor to ban members of our community from our world.

Please enjoy PlaneShift fairly, and use the bug tracker to help the hard-working volunteers who deliver this game to make changes that benefit all of us.

Thank you and happy gaming.

General Discussion / Art Dept Poll
« on: May 19, 2008, 08:40:26 pm »
Only what you want MOST please. Don't bother saying you want more than one thing.

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Nooby Song.
« on: May 18, 2008, 09:12:36 pm »
Dev (a la XilliX):

   My castle stands upon the hill.       
   it shines of whitest bone.             
   when noobies came here noobies died.
   from them I make my home.             
   Their skulls adorn my throne.         


   dude omfg
   you just pwnt my ass.
   I'm calling a ref.
   and where are the mounts?       
   and why can't I fly?           
   and which way is south?       
   and what if I die?             

   once came nooby from nooby town, 
   the noobiest noob around.         
   he came and went in ignorance     
   until his bones I ground.         
   his cries were not profound.

   give me a longsword.             
   please give me some cash.
   I don't read a word,   
   please do a podcast.     
   and where are the mounts?
   and why can't I fly?   
   and which way is south?
   and what if I die?       

   the waypost here has warning:           
   "Dear noobies, Stay Away!"             
   and yet they tread on my dark path     
   a nooby game they play                 
   I make them rue the day!               

   Hey wanna cyber?
   where do I sell hides?
   hey, where do I mine?
   I hate reading guides.
   and where are the mounts?             
   and why can't I fly?                   
   and which way is south?                 
   and what if I die?

   Then hundreds upon thousands came     
   far too many to kill,                 
   I dug a pit to catch the lame.         
   My sign read "Blood will spill."         
   Alas the noobs came still .             

   Make me your buddy
   hey, check out my site.
   what is your email
   now where do i fight?
   and where are the mounts?           
   and why can't I fly?                 
   and which way is south?               
   and what if I die?                     

   As time wore on I wanted peace
   millions and millions dead.
   the flow of noobs would never cease
   many a forum thread
   where useless noobies said:

   Hey wanna cyber?
   where do I sell hides?
   hey, where do I mine?
   I hate reading guides.
   and where are the mounts?               
   and why can't I fly?                   
   and which way is south?               
   and what if I die?

   My noobskin coat it serves me well.
   as I make noobies cold.
   They are no aid to man or gods
   I waste no time to scold
   complaints make game devs old.

[Bridge then Primary speaker becomes secondary]


I hate noobs too much
I pull out my hair.
This chorus won't end.
I start to despair.
No there are no mounts,
Jump this cliff to fly
and that way is south
and I'll help you die


A pop-up came! I hit the X.
I have no one to blame.
now i'm lost. What do I do next?
this game is so hard
but i won't read a guide
I fell off a mountain
slipped and I died.


When I lost patience for the noobs
I divined what to do.
3 letters newbies never know
placed on the hill below
my sign read FAQ


My castle stands upon the hill.       
it shines of whitest bone.             
when noobies came here noobies died.   
from them I make my home.             
Their skulls adorn my throne.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Happy Birthday Rizin
« on: May 15, 2008, 11:05:17 pm »
Rizin the nicest settings person available (even though I train them to be spiteful evil sh*ts). Today is this wonderful woman's birthday and I want to wish her the very best.

The work we do is thankless, I hope at least on the day of her birth that people can show some kindness and post here.

Bless you miss Rizin and I hope you have the best birthday ever!!!

General Discussion / Economy Poll
« on: May 13, 2008, 07:57:32 pm »
We want to see how you feel since there seem to be some opposing viewpoints on this.

(if you are a rper try not to stereo-type yourself by saying platinum is destroying rp, please)

General Discussion / Conflict?
« on: May 08, 2008, 10:28:22 am »
Please make suggestions below.

General Discussion / Roleplaying Focus
« on: May 04, 2008, 01:15:28 pm »
I have been troubling myself quite a bit about the fact that we have a small player base.

The fact that this is so makes little sense and I am ready say the community's approach to RP may be at least partly to blame.

To me one of two things must happen for us to have the new players we need (mind most devs come from players so my interest is larger than the simple lack of players)

Either we become more welcoming to people who cannot or will not rp OR we resolve to be a niche game and ask the players to find us more rpers.

I am fine with ps remaining a niche genre game, and in fact that makes a bit of sense, but if that is the case we need our players to draw on people who roleplay elsewhere and bring them back here.

as kerol has pointed out we do not have enough players to fill all the areas we already have in a meaningful way.

We need more people.

I am interested in what the community thinks on this issue. Post away!

General Discussion / A feeling
« on: May 01, 2008, 10:08:51 am »
Just taking the temperature.

General Discussion / Ethics, RP, and Npcs
« on: April 13, 2008, 11:32:29 pm »
What you do with NPC WILL have consequences.

Do NOT engage in actions your character would not engage in with npcs. If you want to explore do so with an alt. What a character does may well haunt them in subsequent releases.

You have been warned.

The Hydlaa Plaza / I have not quit
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:55:38 pm »
Still here running settings with an iron fist. Thanks for your concern and confusion.

The Hydlaa Plaza / A resignation
« on: April 01, 2008, 12:27:35 am »
Unfortunately due to the enormous pressures related to working for this game and some professional needs of my own personally, I must quit as the settings leader. There have been some very stressful disagreements with that players base that I cannot reconcile myself with and there is just no way I can foresee my self continuing to be happy and grow as a person under the current conditions.

I hope sincerely that no one will take this as negative reflection on the dev team, or on themselves personally. It is not the fact that one or another of you have offended me, it is the aggregate of things that I can no longer deal with. I must now tend to my health and well being and work on continuing my education in a manner that moves me more toward a paying job that will find me in a better place.

If things settle down for me personally, or I gain some perspective I may well return to work on this great game.

It has been great knowing all of you and this is not a good bye I hope, just a "see you later."

Best of luck to PlaneShift. 

In-Game Roleplay Events / New Octarchal Auction
« on: March 05, 2008, 11:40:39 am »
A dwarf with a long white beard walks through the Hydlaa Plaza to Hanquist's forge building. On the side of the building be nails up a sign.

-An Octarchal Auction is to be held at [2130 gmt, Thursday the 6th of March] all participants are to meet in the area near the foot of the ramp in the Gugrontid.

[-Rules for the auction are simple one bidder per guild and the bidder must have the money with them.-]

[-No guild that owns a house will be permitted to bid in these auctions.-]

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