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Topics - Catlemur

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Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / PS fanfic awards
« on: August 01, 2010, 03:09:39 am »
Why not creating PS fanfic awards?We could set rulles,categories e.t.c.
Categories:Best Comedy/ Best Drama/ Best Characterization/ Best Plot/Best Series/ Best Song Fic/Best Sci-Fi/Best Unfinished Fic /Best Satire/Parody e.t.c. Suggest your own categories if you want.
The name of the awards will be "Talad's Cat".
 Some rulles:Fanfiction which is nominated must be nominated in an appropriate category.Fanfiction which is submitted is expected to show due respect for the English language.By subbmiting your work you agree with the Terms and Conditions (Rulles).Only one character can be nominated per story for the Best Characterization category. The fanfiction on this site was not written for profit, but simply for the enjoyment of writing it.You can nominate yourself.You can nominate a story in more than one category.The work must be lore correct.You can not vote for yourself.
To vote leave a comment on this thread.To nominate send me a p.m. with the:nickname of the author,a link to the work,the title of the work,the categories you want to nominate.You can nominate until the end of August.You can vote until September 17.The winners will be announced at September 18.The work with most of the votes is the winner.

"Best Parody"

Parody of Xiosimass by bloodedIrishman

"Best Satire"

Blooded Satire  by bloodedIrishman

"Best Comedy"

Heroes by bloodedIrishman

"Best Unfinished Story"

Crucible of Spirits  by bloodedIrishman

P.S. Submit more works do not let bloodedIrishman win everything! :woot:

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