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Topics - larrydag

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Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Question: How do you role play an elf?
« on: December 21, 2004, 09:34:49 am »
I can role play humans (of course), orcs, trolls, devil things (just be evil) but I am not sure how to role play an elf?  What does one do?  How does an elf talk?  What are their propencities?  What do the like and don\'t like?

I\'ve been playing role playing games for a while but I usually don\'t tend to pick elves as a character because I don\'t know how to RP one.

I was wondering if the installation of CB will be the same as it was for MB.  If not, then maybe acraig could offer a new installation guide for us linux users.  That would definitely help when CB client finally arrives.

Here is a blurb from the NPC interaction guide:

\"Don\'t spoil the fun of others

By publishing on the web the quests\' solutions you are lowering the realism of the game and you are spoiling the fun of other people. We are not against players teaming up and giving hints each other, but we think that this should be done in game, roleplaying. Having a web page that simply list what to do to achieve more money in less time, is made for people playing arcades and FPS and should be considered something against the roleplaying aspect of the game.

What you can do is to form a guild and provide this useful information to the other members that will join, maybe depending on their rank. You may also accept in your guild people that have at least completed a certain number of quest to prove their wit and dedication to the game. Or you can use quests to promote them.

Please avoid to publish this info outside the game and stop people that behaves in this way.\"

me again...  Will the internet stay in control?  I personally would like to see it keep to form as the devel\'s wish but I am not sure if that will able to happen.  I will try my best to stay away from these rogue websites that will try to publish as much quest info as possible.

What is the limit that can be published on the internet and still keep the gameplay inline with the devel\'s wishes?


I think that open source games can make a difference in the gaming community.  It will be interesting to see how it develops.  

Newbie Help (Start Here) / anyone install on Suse 9.1??
« on: June 27, 2004, 10:21:49 pm »
I am a linux newb.  I have Suse 9.1 and I am trying to install planeshift.  Has anyone done so successfully on Suse 9.1?  If so could you please give instructions or how to.

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