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Topics - Jadd

Pages: [1]
Fan Art / Jadds thread of art.
« on: May 11, 2005, 06:18:43 am »
Hello, I\'m starting up a new thread of art since I don\'t want my first one to loose its status as the first thread created on the art-forum ;)  (and besides, my name has changed).  :rolleyes:

If you\'re wondering what is happening to my comic \"Planeshift: Adventures in Yliakum\", the answer is that it\'s still alive, but inactive at the moment since I am away studying in England. I made a lot of comics when I was at home that I unfortunaly didn\'t bring with me. The comic will go on as soon as I am back home which should be around june. :)

Here follows some of the art that I have created so far. These ones was made in Blender and was the first real models that I made.

The first version of the citadel of light. It was quite dull by then though...

The second version of the citadel of light. A lot more colorful and with more environmental addition. (I know that the bushes looks completely unnatural. I need to practice my particle-skills) This second version was also my last one in Blender.
I want to work professionaly so I have switched over to the CG-application MAYA. It will take a while to learn it, but it will be worth it, I am sure.

The internal part of the second version of the citadel of light. Note that this citadel is only a test-model I made, the real one will be totally different.

Hope you like them. I find CG really interesting, and you will definitly see more artwork from me as soon as I have learned more about the application.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Dreamhack
« on: November 25, 2004, 03:11:30 pm »
Hello everyone. I\'m sitting on the worlds greatest computer-festival Dreamhack in J?nk?ping/Sweden (It\'s a little bit funny that the worlds biggest computer-festival is held in a little city in sweden, but it\'s great because I happened to be in the surroundings and therefore I couldn\'t miss it).
6000 persons with 6000 computers is sitting in a huge hall, playing games and participate in competitions, exchanging data, drinking Jolt-cola, showing off their modded computers, and talk to each other about what is mentioned above.
Great fun if you\'re interested in games, modding, or if you just wanna feel the athmosphere.

So here I am, and I feel great. Is anyone else here as well, or have you been here before?

Life is a game  ;)

Poetry, Comedy, and other. / Parody songs
« on: August 22, 2004, 04:40:13 pm »
Hello, This thread is devoted to parody songs of Planeshift and its community. These songs should not be taken offensive in any way and are meant as a joke. ;)

Keep it clean folks  8)

Fan Art / Planeshift: Adventures in Yliakum.
« on: July 15, 2004, 02:37:48 pm »
Hello all, in case you havn\'t noticed already, I have started a planeshift-comic. :)
It\'s called \"Planeshift: Adventures in Yliakum\", and is a humourous story-based comic about two fearless treasure-hunters whose adventures never turns out as expected. As their adventure goes on, they will encounter friends and allies as well as foes, and you might find some of them familiar...

Happy reading everyone ;)

Planeshift: Adventures in Yliakum.

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