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Topics - Azerelus

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Fix the Black Bug in 24 hours?
« on: March 10, 2005, 03:34:35 pm »
I just read on the newbie forum that the black Bug will be fixed in 24 hours (This thread )

It was my understanding that the Black bug and other issues would be fixed at the same time of the Wipe.

Am I to infer that the Wipe will be in the next 24 hours?

If not, is there an estimated time of arrival for the wipe?

(I \'m sorry if that information was posted elsewhere, I did run a search and didn\'t find it)

Wish list / More time before Maintenance?
« on: March 06, 2005, 02:25:43 pm »
I just got a 1 minute warning - nothing else before closing the system to fix bugs. This happened before and I thought it was that I wasn\'t paying attention.

Maybe 5 minutes warning would be better?
timing it it takes at least 1 minute to kill a rat (defensive attack, fists)

How about a 5 minute warning and a one minute warning in future - that way people can finish a battle and loot before the system shuts down.


Wish list / Idea, not really a wish....
« on: March 05, 2005, 02:34:33 pm »
I was struck by the complexity and the level of detail when making my character.

Now that I have been playing for a few days I wish I would have made different choices. But then I had no clue what I was getting myself into :D

Perhaps a character development process over a period of levels would work better? Say a three stage character development.

The First stage would be at the very beginning, before you even enter the game. It would include Race choice, Name, gender, an average array of stats to get you started. The very most basics that will allow you to venture through the game - Let\'s say it gets you through a \"Tutorial Level\" where you are given more information on what choices you have available to you in the way of character development.

The Tutorial Level is more of a childhood, thus your childhood is decided there, in order to move out into the \"real world\" you fill out more character information, which would include that family and personal history segment, that would include \"tweaking\" the look of your character, that would let you decide the mannerisms of your character, i.e. dignified, honorable, bawdy, etc. By the end of this level most players would have a fair idea of what is available to them in the skills department and know which childhood events and what their parent\'s did for a living would be more to their favor when they enter the \"real\" world.

Then at a higher level, 5 or 10th level you get one last chance to change a few things, and more options. By this time you should know the world enough to know what you are doing and where you intent to take the character.

Maybe the first levels in the real world would be \"apprenticeships\" Where you try on a particular field, say Warrior Class - at the end of the apprenticeship you have the option of trying on another apprenticeship or taking what you got and moving on.

Having been an apprentice would give you a slight edge in say warrior classes even if you decide to go Magic - thus a Major and a Minor in fields of study sort of thing.

In real life people rarely have a clue where they are going in life until they have lived a little, perhaps the game world could reflect this by giving a player some real game experience before they rush out and start training in one specific field to discover that that is not what they really wanted to Major in.

Just an idea - not a wish.

Wish list / Character movements. A wish.
« on: March 05, 2005, 01:44:44 pm »
Emotional movements, or a series of movements that reflect the mood of the character.

Clapping  (Works only if you have your hands free)
Bowing  (curtsy for the ladies)
Shrug  (With the sound of \"Huh?)
Angry  (leaning forward with fists clenched at sides With the \"Grr!\" growl like sound)
Hearty Laugh  (A belly grabbing laugh with head thrown back with the sound of laughter)
Chuckle  (Perhaps a facial smile, the sound of a chuckle)
Point  (Hand or sword extended allowing one to point in a direction)

Maybe you can buy other motions:

Dances  (different dances different prices)
Woo-Hoo  (when you ecstatic over something, perhaps a jump move of some sort?)
Present Arms  or Salute  (Here you would grab the hilt of your sword with both hands before you, sword pointed up)

It would be a side bar menu similar to the short cut menu but thinner (maybe even part of the short cut menu?), that one click produces the movement - perhaps key board short cuts for those who like the key board over the mouse.

Real pity you can\'t draw your sword in a smooth fashion, instead of arming \"Poof\" there\'s the sword.

I will assume that in a later version when armor and stuff like that comes out that we will wear our swords at our side, and wear bows and battle axes and stuff like that on our backs - it would be interesting to see if specific weaponry arming would have the correct movement when you arm, like with sword, reaching to your side and pulling out the sword.

As a side note, the graphics for the creatures are the best I have seen. The walking movement is fluid, believable. Watching the Gobbles their movement is believable, real. Of course Jump and strafing is kind of odd, but I assume that you all are working on that.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / you don't see a good place to dig.
« on: March 05, 2005, 03:37:40 am »

So I have the sharpened pick ax, have maximized my mining skills and I have spent now 5 hours (real time) covering every single bit of ground around the house of Levarus Darenn. Taking one step at a time and using the short cut I created earlier today. step, click, step, click, step click.

And for each click I get:

\"You don\'t see a good place to dig.\"

I need to get gold for Levarus and Harnquist.

What am I doing wrong?

The Hydlaa Plaza / Did you see this?
« on: March 04, 2005, 08:24:48 pm »
At the bottom of the main forum page:

There are 5 members and 8 guests browsing the forums. Record: 245 users on 09.02.2005, 16:31.

What\'s wrong with that?


General Discussion / Pronunciation? What did you say?
« on: March 04, 2005, 08:22:50 pm »
I tend to write/spell through being able to pronounce a word. Other than Laanx, the rest I am uncertain on how to pronounce.

Anyone care to offer up names in the game and their pronunciations?

« on: March 04, 2005, 12:45:49 am »
Hopefully the moderator will see the need to lock this thread up top and hopefully Newbies can come here and get basic answers before they post endless repeated questions about the problems in the game.

As of today 3-3-05, we have the following common issues.

1. The Black Bug. Upon Entry into the game the first time and when returning to the central town from other regions, including the sewers you will see nothing but the Players, NPCs, Smoke and Steam from smoke stacks, and if you are spawning in the plaza (Either from first time entry or from returning from the death realm) You will see the flames of the fires that lead into the Temple. Anyways, though this is not normal, it is a common and known issue where you only need to wait a few minutes in real time (an hour game time) and the lights will come back on. Some tell me its night and the night is just very dark. Others have told me that the light changes over time representing each game hour as darker and lighter compared to the time of day.

2. Exp and Progression Points. Yes you are killing and so I have been told you are in fact getting those points, its just that they are not showing on your information board.

3. Link Dead - This is happening a lot and most likely is NOT your computer.

4. Herky Jerky graphics movement, blue behind letters in names, Check your Display settings, The game works best in other than 16 bit. Personally I switched to 32 bit and the graphics are far better.

5. You need to register, you register at: once you get that done check your email, you will have a confirmation letter with a confirmation link.

6. FAQ page is located here:

7. Guide is found here:

8. Yes it can be hard to get to those pages at times, keep trying.

I will assume that others will like to add stuff to this list.

Yes this Game is Beta - it is a Beta TEST and you are one of the testers and the issues are being attended to asap. There is the bug reporting forum: where you can report other bugs.

-Edit by Moogie: Actually, no it\'s not. This is an Alpha, not a Beta. There is a world of difference, and calling it a Beta Test makes it sound like PS is going to start charging people money. Which, by the way, it will never. :)

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Fighting, not how but best way.
« on: March 03, 2005, 02:51:06 pm »
Ok, I figured you have to be close enough to hit the rat. I also figured out that you can use the Information window to select aggressive among other ways to fight.

I just got finished fighting a rat, he took 50% damage I am all the way down to 1% - barely escaped with my life. Right now I am sulking in a corner licking my wounds waiting for my hp to restore to 100%

The last rat I fought I killed taking no damage what so ever.

The previous 3 rats killed me out right, one was an invisible rat, kept on attacking and I couldn\'t find it to hit back.

Care to \'splain to me how best to fist fight a rat - or fight in any method?


PS: For me I keep getting the Error Page when trying to access the guide. This has been a hit and miss deal so i haven\'t gotten all the data - yet. If this is covered in the guide could you give me a link? thanks

Wish list / Entry level game training.
« on: March 03, 2005, 12:40:50 pm »
We learn best when interacting with that which we are learning. Perhaps at some later date the Newbie would enter into the world through a \"Birth Cavern\" where he/she would be walked through the basic functions of all of those features through a set of battles and purchases and getting their first quest which would be to train and learn how to navigate through the World of Plane Shift.

Take the NPCs, Not easy to get information out of them, now is it? I understand that there is a basic \"talking\" program which hangs on key words and phrases to render a series of sentences out of the NPC back to the player. Great if one knows what kind of information to pump for, but for the \"newbie\" knowing what questions to ask in his/her first few days (perhaps weeks at this point) is frustrating especially when the NPC is calling you some not so nice things when you phrase a question wrong or - Gods forbid, misspell a word. Take that librarian, If I had a sword why I would cut out his tongue for his verbal abuse.

How about a tutorial NPC one who is more interactive that a newbie can go to and be prompted to ask the right things?

Instead of trying to figure out the right phrases this particular NPC will prompt a person it greets with suggestions on how to talk to other NPCs. This NPC would express the need for proper spelling, some grammar, and also give hints as to what questions are most often asked and get a quality response, such as \"What is your Name?\" \"What is your job?\" etc.

Part of the first quest would train you to look for loot after a kill. In many of the RPG games I have played before the loot falls out of the dead monster and you take it. In PS you have to click on the creature to find the loot. So I killed several rats which I walked away from before I found out that they have loot.

Through I have skills and I have trained (I think) with NPCs, I have no idea what these numbers mean nor do I even know if I really trained since when I click train on those that do train another window opens up. I have a suspicion that I am supposed to pay for training ? but nothing has indicated or came right out and said training cost something Nor have the NPCs said how much they want for training me ? Logically when one clicks on ?Train? that would prompt the NPC to say ?I train in X and Y, X costs $$ and Y costs $$$.?

The tutorial Quest would lead you to have to open up those windows and look at them, each part being explained as to what it does, what it means and hints given as to how you go about improving skills, stats etc. Like using the Potions ? I had to ask to find out how to use it, in a tutorial quest would have included the use of a potion walking one through each step, click on which button, move the potion to the character picture ? poof ? potion taken. Let?s say a set up battle where the player kills a rat, taking 50% HP damage, he it told to use the rat pelt and eye to sell to a merchant NPC and is told to buy a Potion of healing, then walked though how to use it regaining his HP for the next tutorial test.

I read a thread about food ? Perhaps the Training quest would include a few notes on eating and drinking and why one would do so. I saw another character carrying around a mug ? I assume she bought that for a reason ? there is no indication in game or in guide as to why one needs a mug.

I bought Lesser Potion of Healing. Hovering my cursor over the item I just get a name, it would be helpful to get some stats with that ? say 10% Healing or something along those lines thus one knows what they are getting. (Another side hint).

Having a goal or a general idea of what to do would be nice. The Tutorial Quest would point out in general terms the direction to go next. EXAMPLE: it would tell you that you need to make money and the best way to do that would be killing rats in the sewer. Perhaps it could tell one their options when it comes to training. Right now I have no clue where my character needs to go after I kill rats ? do I need a sword or a pick axe? Am I well suited for magic? Which NPC(s) would be the best ones to go to first for a quest? Do I need a sword before I get a quest? In the tutorial these basic questions would be asked, setting a firm foundation for game play. EXAMPLE: the Tutorial NPC would suggest that I kill rats and get a sword before visiting Herbert Long The Wayist to start training for Magic, Or Susan MacBeth the Warrior who would train me in sword play, or Prwyll Fyrn the Alchemist who would train me in alchemy. Here I have three options and a clue as to my options for developing my character.

Right now the Newbie is stumbling around in the Dark (Literally too with the black bug issue:)) Having a bit of training and introduction into the World of Plane Shift through experience would enable a newbie, the chance to have the very basic skills he/she needs to get into the game soonest and start playing with a basic idea of his/her options.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Going to hell and other things.
« on: March 02, 2005, 11:03:27 pm »
Perhaps these have been covered but my search got back nothing relevant :(

1. Black bug issue - yes just mentioning that I have it.

2. When ever computer goes LinkDead and I restart game I end up either falling or \"You fell off the end of the world and died\" so I end up in hell and have to make that trek, which puts me on the plaza which is of course pitch black for minutes.

3. Though I have killed 6 rats I have no EXP to show for it. I did already sell the pelts and eyes - but nothing appears to budge my EXP from 0%. What am I doing wrong?

4. I bought limited heal potions and used them, they did nothing for my HP. BTW my HP bar will show deductions but not replenishments unless I close the window and reopen it. Yes I knew that and yes I opened and closed that status window after I used the Potions (3 of them) and only had the 1 point of increase to HP. I Even queried help for how to use potions and followed their instructions to the letter.

5. Everytime I enter the sewards my HP drops to 87% right from the start, even though I do use the ladders. Is this right?

6. Just wondering, how can a rat hit my head? :D

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