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Topics - Aeroga

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Single Author Stories / Just an odd generic background story...
« on: September 02, 2004, 10:00:54 pm »
(OOC out-of-character: Okay, this is a generic story, loosely based on Planeshift, except in a sort of a different realm... I\'m making my character a sort of vampire, so don\'t go critcizing me on that! Well, then again... DO SO! Anyways, the first \'-\'s mark a paragraph, anything at the end of a sentence is just a pause :P)

-It had been only a few days.

-First, the defilers of the land had come, burning villages, killing petty farmers, destroying buildings, and creating a mass confusion that led from one thing to another, finally ending in a mass sadistic slaughter. They were invaders.
-I was but a simple warrior sent to fight them for one single reason. I had been born of a sort of combination between a vampiric being and a human. It was an odd combination, but it had many uses, giving me a distinct defense against most weaponry. Nothing but a divine blade could stop me, and even then, I would have great defenses to stop those who even got close.
The darkness welcomed me as I rose from my peaceful slumber, that dreadful ball of fire, the sun, having set, could not harm me, even with the reduced effects because of my being of only a half-vampire.
-I didn\'t want to go out and kill, having always tried to surpress any urge to go out on a killing spree, soaring into a high on blood that would lead to sadistic scenes even worse than that of what had been happening outside of my current position.
-The invaders were close, I could almost feel the wind carrying the message of their arrival on my nation\'s doorsteps, warning me to be ready for their attack, coming at the dawn, as I had been told.
-I would be one to travel out behind the main troops that would defy the invaders, coming forth as a beacon of hope that had been born of both life and death. Something of an enigma...

<<<<<<< (Wow, definitely NOT one of my better works... I write better when the typing box is wider... It just seems to open up the screen and give me more of an ability to think :P but hey, I can\'t have everything, can I? Being a newb.

Well, anyways, I\'ll continue it later... Anyways, any helpful criticism for this very short beggining?) >>>>>>>

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