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Topics - Kundun

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Single Author Stories / A Character Introduction
« on: September 10, 2004, 08:36:02 pm »
(This character introduction obviously focuses around my character, which is essentially the Planeshift version of a Tibetan Buddhist monk, which would work just fine in the world of Planeshift because it is a way of life, not so much a God worshiping religion...that of course changes where you go. I have yet to decide on a race for him, but no matter...the same story will apply. I need to choose something appropriate for him, of course.)

His name, Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa, a monk who spends the majority of his time inside of the temple, in deep prayer. He leads a life of poverty, on the constant quest to better himself, and in turn helping people to better themselves aswell.

Morals play a huge role in his life, making all of his decisions based on what he feels is right and wrong depending on the situation...refusing to let laws of man influence him. He will eventually one day become the man to seek out for advice of any kind, as he will lead you in the right direction, and that direction only.

(My character will actually live a life of poverty, doing only what is necessary to survive. And as this is a game based around role playing, rather than building your character to unbelievable strengths just to flaunt that, I feel he will be a valuable addition to the community.)

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