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Topics - Jakob

Pages: [1]
The Hydlaa Plaza / Duct Tape Eternity
« on: March 02, 2006, 01:04:20 pm »
I know y\'all love Duct Tape almost as much as I do.  What do you use it for?

I have, at the time of this typing threatened no fewer than 4 teachers with Duct Tape and have used it to reinvigorate a four year old science experiment in just two weeks time.

The Hydlaa Plaza / May I?
« on: January 21, 2006, 07:16:14 pm »
I am preparing to write some short stories, or maybe a little bit longer novella, completely unrelated to PS.  Would anyone be willing to allow me to use their names?

Sincerely-Arew Silverwing.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Conspiracies
« on: January 08, 2006, 01:31:04 pm »
I know I\'m not the only paranoid shmuck out there.  It seems like just about anything that happens, at least here in America, can be blamed on some kind of government conspiracy (I don\'t think the X-Files helped any...:rolleyes: ).  I want to hear some of the more interesting and some of the more absurd conspiracy theories there are to be found out there...

I have to say I do believe that the government knows more about extraterestrial life and interstellar travel than they admit, especially since USAF claims that they might (emphasis mine because I don\'t entirely believe it.) have a working interstellar travel prototype that they might(see above) be able to test in about 5 years.

I also believe that someone is out to get anyone and I am a person and therefore a potential target for someone.

On the more obscure and ridiculous end of things I\'ve heard that some people believe that the natural disasters hitting all over the place are part of a secret US weather control weapon.  (I suppose anything is possible but...)

The Hydlaa Plaza / The Uncyclopedia
« on: January 04, 2006, 10:05:42 pm »
If you have read some of my other posts, you\'ve already been led to this site.  If you haven\'t, disgression is advised as there is some inapropriate content and foul language (although it\'s not as bad as it sounds...)

Also, it is nothing but blatant lies.

I give you.... Duhn duhn duhn... The Uncyclopedia

I apologize if Kitten Huffing is not your favorite thing and I subjected you to it in the kittens are always cute thread...

Incidentaly, does anyone else think that Planeshift should have an in-game RPG?  It\'d be interesting to RP Arew RPing someone else...

In-Game Roleplay Events / [RP]The Chronicles of Arew
« on: December 23, 2005, 09:43:54 pm »
The Arrack Afair-by Arew Silverwing.

A voice from the heaves cried out to us ?Prepare an army outside the Hydlaa gates!?  Many of Hydlaa\'s greatest warriors arrived at gates.  They were split up into groups based on their abilities, mages, healers, and fighters.  I joined the fight only briefly, but decided to stay true to the reporter\'s ideal of getting the story without getting killed.  Within a very short period of time Cadoras managed to organize the Hydlaan warriors into an acceptable army, with a little help from Laanx...(?Be quiet, my unruly children! Listen to your superiors!?).

Masoj seemed to be trying to help, but it almost seemed like he and Cadoras were working against each other to the same end.  In the end Cadoras was the one most people listened to, including Masoj.  Between them they managed to finish organizing the chaos that was the hydlaan army.  My memory is a bit foggy of those who were there, and I cannot accuratly illustrate all events, but i will give it my best.  The road to Akkaio was littered with Tefusangs and Trepors.  Many brave warriors were lost before even reaching the city.
Many brave warriors entered Akkaio and fought long and hard to defeat the army of rogues that sought to drive order from the great city.  In time, despite the enchanted fog hindering their sight (and apparently my memory of images preventing me from illustrating these events in any real detail...) the rogues were defeated, leaving only the self-styled Prince of Rogues, later (more correctly) dubbed Prince of Rats, Arrack, to fight alone.  This supposedly mighty warrior hid from the army of Hydlaa and their jibes and demands of battle.  Even in battle Cadoras managed to direct the troops, at least to some extent, by guiding them to the corps of healers.  Many brave soldiers were lost in the chaos, but many more rogues were slain.  I seem to recall Gomez looking for a healer an aweful lot, but I suppose in a war that\'s not so surprising.  After the rogues were destroyed Arrack made his appearance... sort of.  As I said he just kinda shouted like an idiot over the army of Hydlaa while cowering in fear.
Suddenly a shout went out across Akkaio, ?Arrack killed by Apis!,? ?Victory!,? and the like.  The evil had been lifted from Akkaio, at least for the time being.

After much searching after a voice said something about treasure lying around the city, everyone retired to the Broken Door.  Even Brado breathed a sigh of relief.  With many thanks to Proglin and his corps of healers, and a general spirit of joy and wonder, the party at the Broken Door was truly something to see.

You can see in this illustration the beginnings a great gala.  You can also see Cadoras standing on the balcony savoring the Hydlaan victory.

If any of you more talented artists out there could provide me with an image of Arrack I would appreciate your permission for me to add it to my memoirs, with all proper accredation of course.

Guilds Forum / VanGuard
« on: December 08, 2005, 08:28:47 pm »
First of all, for anyone who was interested in VanGuard I would like to apologize for my disapearance from the face of Yliakum...(I really hate school sometimes...).  I appear to be back for the duration now pending any serious catastrophies, calamaties, or other \"c\" words that lend to a sense of something distinctly negative and am therefore returning to actively atempting to build my guild.  Any information I have already posted is completely obsolete at this point however as after thinking about the VanGuard I\'ve decided to go more towards its true goal rather than slide towards it. (The website, will probably be updated this Sunday while I watch \"Triangle\" on Sci Fi.)

VanGuard will accept members from all walks of life.  Our eyes do not see black and white, but instead we see shades of gray.  We walk that path that falls between the extremes.  We believe that to be a servant of the \"light\" or the \"dark\" places you in an extremely dangerous position.  We support the powerful, not the similarly alligned.  We are not bound by any foolish codes, except that of power.  We are not, at this time anyway, a particularly overt group and prefer working in the shadows, such as they are, to bring about our intentions.  We strongly abide by the belief that whatever feels right or good must be so.  The VanGuard has its places for people who do all things, mages, soldiers, merchants, and even drunks.  Everyone has skills that a guild in the balance between what most people call \"good\" and \"evil\" can use.

Lord Arew Silverwing of VanGuard

Fan Art / My first attempt at 3D
« on: August 23, 2005, 12:19:09 pm »
Well, I was bored so I downloaded Wings3D and Blender and started experimenting.  This is the first thing I managed to build in Wings...

It\'s rather large (about 500 polygons), but it is the first thing I\'ve made... so, what does everyone think?  Am I headed in the right direction for basic 3D images?  Incidentaly I\'m not entirely certain exactly what it is but... :rolleyes:

The Hydlaa Plaza / Help!
« on: August 22, 2005, 09:21:34 am »
Please everyone, I need your help like you wouldn\'t believe!  My friends, almost all of them, play the \"Forbidden Game\"  also known as the game that shall not be named.  I can\'t make them stop!  Their already damaged minds are being corrupted and decayed by a glorified chat engine!  How can I save my friends?

Guilds Forum / VanGuard
« on: August 17, 2005, 07:30:44 am »
This is Lieutenant Arew of VanGuard.
Well, as per Ganga and Remvaks wishes, the wipe is over and VanGuard will begin work in earnest.  Being that I cannot find Ganga or Remvak and cannot add them to my friends list because the names do not exist, I will be starting VanGuard back up.  I will begin working on a website soon as well.  Keep in mind that if I find Ganga or Remvak, this site may change, but I will build it upon the best information I have at this time.  The reason I do this is because as the third in command of the group, and having been of some use to Remvak in the creation the first time, I feel that if VanGuard is to be recreated it should be by one of the three of us.  Remvak, Ganga, if you\'re out there, I\'m looking for you.  As soon as I find you, whatever I have done in the guild will be transferred back to you, of course.  Also, anyone who was previously a member, wishes to remain a member, and changed their name with the wipe, please please contact me.  I can only find three others, even at this late juncture from before the wipe.
PS... The website will be located at, at least for the time being.

General Discussion / Character Names
« on: February 27, 2005, 06:06:40 pm »
I can\'t find another thread about this, and I guess this is the best place for it, so how did you choose the names for your characters?

My characters, Jakob Gantos and Arew Silverwing are both characters in a story I\'m writing.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Toda
« on: February 13, 2005, 07:26:55 pm »
I don\'t think anyone\'s posted this.  The enki that sells the falka will take 1 tria and give you fifty and the falka back.

The Hydlaa Plaza / The-Game-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named
« on: January 26, 2005, 07:59:06 pm »
Originally posted by Merdarion
...Well TGTSNBN must be kinda horrible (never played it), It is full version and has the standard of a Tech Demo? Now I can imagine why it shall not be named...

TGTSNBN wasn\'t always as bad.  In the begining it was good.  The community was nice, and everyone was mostly equal.  As time progressed, the \"Members,\" who paid $5 US currency per month began to get more and more and some devoleped a superiority complex towards free players hereafter called f2p.  This was the begining of it\'s decline.  The company who produces TGTSNBN began to get greedy.  Originally for every update that f2p got, members got one or two.  As time went on f2ps got less and less, and members got more and more, firmly creating an unintentional(?) caste system.  It also began to bring out what I call the Micro$oft complex.  Jagex LTD., the responsible company, seemed to care less and less about the f2ps because they got very little ad revenue from us (they didn\'t check their ad people very well, and they were pretty bad).  The second version of TGTSNBN came out  It was codenamed RS2 at first, but then the old one became know as RS classic.  And it was good for the PR(Public Relations) department because free players got about 7 things that members had held a monopoly on as well as about 3 weeks with free access to one part of the forums.  Then things got back into the normal swing.  Members had about 5 times the land and items and bank space and twice as many skills and abilities.  I think alot of people you see posting about paying for PS are conserned about this type of thing.  That is the story of TGTSNBN and it\'s collapse from goodness.  The lack of non\"member\" anything is the reason that it is considered so pathetic by some, the graphics by others and little to no depth to others, besides the race for levels that was discussed in the gamergod interview about PlaneShift and what it will not be.  I see alot of people asking about it, and it needed to be said, so that people know what others are talking about with the game that shall not be named.
Just one tangent though...
RS really pales in comparison to PS in every conceivable way.  between the couple of cities currently available in CB there are at least as much things available as are available in TGTSNBN, excepting a few things such as fish, archery ect. in the 9 cities accessable to f2ps in TGTSNBN.  It may be interesting to note that members have access to 21 cities and about 30 or so more quests in those lands.  All but that last little bit is about the most unbiased account I can give, as I was a member of RS almost from the beginning.  It\'s still pretty biased.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Can't get to Tunnels
« on: December 27, 2004, 09:40:37 pm »
I can\'t seem to get to the tunnels under the temple.  twice I made it in, but 99% of the time the region loading screen *backs up* and quits the game.  This prevents me from using the load all maps option.  Is there anything I can do about this, or at any rate is this a common problem?

Guilds Forum / Silver Rain
« on: December 26, 2004, 08:39:38 pm »
Silver Rain is a brand new clan devoted to the it\'s members and their successful life in PS.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Text
« on: October 31, 2004, 09:28:41 pm »
I can\'t see anything I type on my XP computer, but I can on my ME computer, which Lags like mad.  What can I do about this?  It\'s very annoying.

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