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Topics - Rageburst

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The Hydlaa Plaza / World of Warcraft
« on: April 17, 2004, 07:51:45 pm »
As you might already know, there\'s a large scale closed beta test going on for WoW. Results are that it doesn\'t have anything innovative, but the gameplay is top notch according to gamesite reviews.

The following info comes from

Although it is mostly combat-oriented, the gameplay is nicely supported by fun trade skills. Best of all, these trade skills don\'t follow the miss/success leveling system... your skill improves without the hassle of %missing.

Some cool trade skills I noticed:
Fishing is really a mini-game where you wait for the ball to wiggle, and depending on the location, you get different fish types and loot typically found beneath the sea.

Cooking allows you to drastically improve the healing rate of food and comes with a ridiculous array of recipes found/bought.

Some of the trade skills are actually quite useful for some classes such as the warlock or the rogue. At lvl 20, a rogue is allowed to train poison skills, which basically allows you to bestow different types of poison charges on your weapons (or someone else\'s via the chat screen). Herbalism, a skill to find ingredients allows you to find the necessary contents for different poison recipes.

The game is quest-oriented. Killing monsters alone won\'t level you near as much as doing the endless variety of quests. They also plan to regularly add \"epic\" quests.

The game looks to be quite the time-waster. Out of fear of addiction, I think I\'ll pass.

The Hydlaa Plaza / Any good?
« on: March 26, 2004, 05:31:37 am »
I\'ve discovered this game here that looks pretty decent, and is supposedly free too. Has anyone tried it? Opinions?

I liked Ragnarok Online despite it being boring sometimes (which is good since the more addictive a game is, the more harmful it becomes).

Edit.... hmmmm, not sure if it\'s free though....

Wish list / We need idea reduction for forum posters
« on: February 16, 2004, 11:53:08 pm »
I\'ve seen so many ideas from this forum, and new ones just pop up so others become buried. While this would serve as some form of entertainment for those anticipating the game, having new posts all the time undermines the process of brainstorming (two phases: idea generation and idea reduction.)

The problem is that we have nothing for idea reduction.  Ideas just keep getting buried, uncategorized, and forgotten.

My suggesstion are a few sticky posts (for each category) where interesting ideas can be grouped together to be put into some form of a configuration baseline. These ideas should be categorized (combat skills, spell skills, crafting skills, monsters, locations, guild system, partying system, experience/looting system, chatting/communication interface, and so on).

Ideas can only be put into the thread if they have decent grammar and spelling. Another thing they must have are few suggestions about how you would design this idea to work in a game context.

For example, an idea such as, \"Let\'s have a martial arts skill!\"

This alone is useless unless you expand upon it. For example, this skill allows you to make better efficient use of weapons (Faster attack? More damage? Which weapons?), and unlocking more advanced combat skills related to martial arts and so forth.

Although I am against calling ideas useless, I\'ve seen so many that look that they were written by 10-year-olds, and others that don\'t describe enough to give a sense of how it works.

Now what we need are a few people to organize these ideas, build on them, and reduce them!

Otherwise, the ideas are just gonna build. At this point, I don\'t even think the devs care anymore about the wish list. It\'s a friggin\' mountain of unorganized words.

I\'ve made a search on google as well, and decided to post this link on the brainstorming process (common knowledge in many software engineering management books):

Wish list / Innovative challenge in monsters
« on: February 05, 2004, 11:44:18 pm »
When I look at a MMORPG that has someone whacking a dumb snake 20 times, I wonder what the hell the devs/designers were thinking.

My definition of monster challenge is certainly not \"add more hp and damage.\"

My interpretation of fun challenging monsters means that the monster can use tactics such as healing, buffs, invisibility, damaging spells, confusion spells that warps your perception of who is human/monster, and so.

Here\'s something that I would enjoy having:
When I create a new character, I can buy some weapon and start killing groups of organized gnoll-type monsters. These guy mainly attack in groups or retreat if their pack leader dies or if they too little hp.

When my character becomes more proficient in weapons and other offensive skills, he can choose to move to harder areas.

These monsters are harder in the sense that they can be extremely fast like the alien movies. The can use tactics such as swarming in great numbers, temporarily blinding you by spitting poison, turning into stone to heal, and so on. Giant-types should be able to grab you and hurl you.

Now that\'s fun challenge as opposed to cut and paste monsters that just have hp and damage increased!

The Hydlaa Plaza / Another free mp3 player for linux?
« on: January 26, 2004, 07:05:35 am »
Ok here\'s the problem. At school, the school\'s xmms player doesn\'t play mp3s since RH9 took it out for license reasons.

I tried to then compile the latest version of xmms in the school\'s tmp folder, but I needed a newer glib version to configure the xmms, and you need root priviledge to install that. Now I tried to install the new xmms at home on my own tmp folder. Afterwards, I transferred the thing to the school\'s tmp folder. I got xmms-config to execute.... but I get a executable format error when I tried to run xmms.

Now I\'m looking for an alternative to xmms...... For God\'s sake, I need to stream internet radio!!!!

Wish list / Faster gameplay....
« on: January 20, 2004, 10:38:10 pm »
I was looking at Blizzard\'s world of warcraft. One thing that captured my attention was the fact the battles are more fast-paced than the current ones. Rather than looking at a monster being whacked for the 20th time, the faster paced world of warcraft has a more diablo-esque feel to it although not too fast paced (or there will be no monsters to fight for everyone).

I think this approach should be used for most monsters depending to a varying degree.

For example, the undead monsters will naturally last longer than a bunch of human bandits. Boss monsters should also be much more difficult to kill (or no one would need healers or tanks) and should not die quickly (camping bosses has a fun social aspect). In general however, monsters should be challenging to kill without possessing too much hp. It seems pretty redundant when you\'re whacking a goblin forever.

Wish list / Fishing skill
« on: December 07, 2003, 06:52:30 pm »
If fishing becomes a skill, I would like it to be more fun than clicking the mouse button until a fish bites.

Fish skill: affects the QUALITY of fish that you can capture. (For example, in order of increasing quality: tadpole, catfish, salmon, shark,....)

My idea is the following: fish \"population\" changes randomly after a certain duration. This just means that the FREQUENCE/CHANCE of catching a fish is better at certain locations at different times!

You can choose to fish at docks, but if the \"population\" is set at low, then you will likely catch fewer fishes.

However, it would be possible to ride on a boat, and choose where you want to fish. The boat is manned by an npc, and you can tell him/her to drive to a specific fishing spot. All you really need is one person to pay the npc to drive the boat, but you can have many people hitch a ride on it. If anyone wants to go back to shore, simply tell the npc (you still have to pay to go back to the sea/lake).

There will typically be around say a dozen fishing boats scripted to move in specific locations. That should be enough for everyone.... and there are also docks or shores that might be in a fishing location.

If a location sucks, then you can tell the npc to move the boat to another location.

Wish list / Reputations
« on: December 07, 2003, 06:25:11 pm »
Reputation is something that would likely improve the virtual social environment of Planeshift. It is similar to what Morrowind and Freelancer have done so it can be improved upon and whatnot.

The idea is that depending on what you do in Planeshift (quests, who you kill, race you are, skills you pick,...), this affects your reputation with a guild, town, or even specific npc race. This reputation ranges from a scale of say -50 to 0 to +50.

A reputation of -50 with town would get the npc inhabiting it to automatically become hostile with you. Exceptions are important npcs like shop keeper. They will just simply not talk to you. However, a town guard will automatically attack you on sight, and not even consider prison. When a town guard dies, more will be generated so eventually, you will get worn down if you stay there.

A reputation of -40 to -20 will get guards to come to you and ask you to submit to them so they will drag you to prison. From here, you must pay the bail, or you can break out of prison if you\'re good at lockpicking.

A reputation of -10 to 0 allows you to buy basic items from shops, but other services are denied (you can\'t join a Thieves Guild for example).

A reputation from 0 and up will allow you access to better stuff. Certain weapons or equipment can only be obtained by having 50.

Here\'s the thing, you cannot have 50 in all reputations. If you join say the thieves guild and do their quests, your reputation will improve with them, but it will decrease your reputation with say the Royal Guards of Whatever.

Here\'s an example: (I took some of Morrowind\'s names since I\'m so unoriginal)
Guild reputation:
Thieves Guild:
--> Allies: no one.
--> Enemies: Assassin\'s Guild, Royal Imperial Guards

Royal Imperial guards:
--> Allies: Farmer\'s Alliance, Assasin\'s Guild, Royal Military
--> Enemies: Thieves\' Guild, Samurais, Wizard\'s Guild

Mining Guild: (neutral with everyone)
--> Allies: none
--> Enemies: none

.... and so on.......

If I start killing or stealing from npcs from the Assasin\'s Guild, I would also get the Royal Imperial Guards to hate me, but my reputation will improve with the Thieves Guild.

The thing about this proposal is that thieves will tend to stick with thieves rather than stroll about in town looking for their Imperial friends.... but this might be a good thing.

The human players can simply meet in a neutral place if they want to play together. Anyway, the idea is not straightforward as you can see, but I guess the best way to see an example is to play Morrowind and Freelancer.

Wish list / Lockpicking gameplay
« on: December 01, 2003, 05:12:36 am »
This is a pretty fun skill depending on what locks we can pick.

Here are my suggestions:
- In dynamically created dungeons, we can have locked dungeon doors that lead to extra paths, or perhaps even needed paths (so hiring a lock picker in the group would be needed).

- Locked loot chests: We can encounter these while fighting in dungeons. After some time and when no one is around, the chest will become closed again and contain new riches so other people can pick it open.

- Prison doors can be picked open: This idea is somewhat more involved. The idea is that your character can have a really bad reputation with a certain townfolk. If this is the case, guards will be aggresive to you and try to capture and drag you to prison (or kill you if you resist). You can pick the lock and attempt escape..... Kinda like Morrowind, but you actually experience the prison.

You can also have a fellow friend try to break you free from prison, although this will ruin his/her reputation a bit if an npc sees the friend picking it.

- Break into npc houses: Imagine this, a row of npc houses possibly containing riches. You can break into a house, and search the desks, chests, beds, shelves for loot. After a while (every 20 minutes), the door will relock itself (no one can be inside), and new loot is generated in the house. Here\'s the catch, the lock may require a high lockpicking skill, and if the owner of the house sees you, your reputation is lowered. If a guard sees you, the reputation lowers AND they attempt to bring you to prison or kill you if you resist.

There is likely a good solution to implement this in a multiplayer context... Something like the house loot is pitiful, but you can at least obtain some basic items like food or whatnot. That way, you can\'t really abuse something so unrewarding for high level players. By then, you\'d probably want to raid dungeon chests.

..... As you can see, the last two ideas heavily integrate a form of faction/town/village reputations. If you decide to live a criminal life, you will likely develop a bad to neutral reputation with townfolk (if you rarely get captured, it would be neutral).

Wish list / Elemental damage variations
« on: November 18, 2003, 08:54:21 pm »
Rather than give the generic type1, type2 elemental damage where the only difference lies in its \"type,\" perhaps different elemental damage should each have its own special effect.

For example:
Cold damage: in addition to its damage, it can slow down monsters a bit.

Poison damage: The poison can be designed so that people would take advantage of its ability to do damage over a long duration. This permits someone who cannot tank well to hit and run instead.

Fire damage: no effects.

Lightning: has a small chance of stunning monster.

Wish list / Offensive alchemist potions
« on: November 17, 2003, 10:55:30 pm »
Here\'s something interesting we may discuss: the offensive capabilities of potions.

It\'s a given that potions can have regular effects such as healing, cure disease, recover mana, increase speed for time duration, and so on. While these are quite useful, I was also thinking of potions that can be used offensively.

- Poison potions: This potion allows the alchemist to coat weapons with poison. These may include ninja stars, throwing needles, and throwing daggers. Ninjas-type chars might want to look into this.

- Smoke potion: Here\'s another one for the ninjas. A potion that covers the field with smoke which would help you escape mobs. AI-wise, the smoke would have the effect of temporarily blinding the monsters.

- Poison Cloud potion: This potion is not used for coating weapons, but it has the property of making a poison cloud upon shattering on the ground. Poison does damage over a long period of time.

- Grenade potion: This potion is similar to poison cloud, but does immediate fire damage rather than over time.

- Molotov cocktail: For lack of a better name, this potion is named so because it acts like one. This implies it has the effect of doing fire damage over a short period of time, although it does damage more quickly than poison.

- Banishing potion: It does a lot of damage to demons and the undead. If will also drive them away if not dead.

- Sleeping gas potion: If potent enough, this potion sends everyone to sleep... monsters only.

- Love potion: This makes the monster into a useful pet for a duration. It can also be thrown at the ladies. huh huh?

Wish list / Eating makes you fat
« on: November 13, 2003, 02:27:59 am »
Here\'s a fun suggestion with little gameplay value.

The more you eat, the wider your character\'s model becomes.

If you make food somewhat expensive (in real life, I certainly can\'t afford to eat at restaurants everyday), fatness can become a rough estimate of a person\'s wealth.

I can just see myself binge eating next to some eateries.

Of course, there should be some measures to prevent everyone from getting fat for fun.

Wish list / Projectile weapons
« on: November 12, 2003, 02:51:10 pm »
Just to add more ideas for projectile weapons:

Poison needles:
While this weapon does minimal physical damage, its damage mainly depends on the potency of its poison. Those who specialize in alchemy would be able to produce poisonous potions and can equip the poison on the throwing needles. You throw the needle like a frisbee, although you grasp it with index and middle finger. The poison damage depends on how good you are with alchemy.

Throwing daggers/stars:
Thieves/Martial arties might enjoy this weapon if they are specialized in martial arts, but need a ranged weapon.

Wish list / Possession skill
« on: November 11, 2003, 11:54:37 pm »
I\'ve always wanted to play a character whose specialty is possessing others! Ever played Messiah? It was too short, but it was fun as heck.

Although the character woud have a weakly true form, his/her specialty is the ability to possess other creatures and inherit whatever abilities the creature has. Through greater training, this character can learn to enhance inherited abilities, defence, hp, and so forth.

Restrictions would be that the character cannot possess the more powerful monsters, and that the character cannot re-possess a monster too soon (a minute delay for example). Another optional restriction is that by specializing into this skill, you actually render yourself weaker while not possessing anyone (like Voldemort of Harry Potter).

The character can equally possess small critters such as rats, which would allow them to travel while more hidden, as well as crawl into small passageways that others cannot pass.

Critisize away!

Wish list / Put up a sign.
« on: October 21, 2003, 11:45:45 pm »
Let\'s say you want to hire a cleric-type in your party, instead of travelling and asking everyone via chat messages, jus put up a sign. This makes you immobile though... unless you have a lot of merchant-type skills.

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