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Topics - Mummas

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PvP,PK and Thieving / PKing is essential.
« on: February 15, 2005, 11:53:00 am »
You need pking in a game. A RPG without pking is just not fun. I mean, think about it, walking through a forest where the creatures are high level and all you have to worry about are the creatures itself.

Now imagine that, the fact you see players all the time doesnt worry you as you know if they want to hurt you they can\'t, so basically all you do is ignore them or join forces with them fighting monsters.

Now if you were going through this forest with the fact that players could do anything to you, wouldnt that make the game more exciting? If you see a guy summon something or cast a spell on you you start getting a rush and quickly have to decide whether you run or fight.

And for newbs you dont want them trying to level and everytime getting screwed over by high level players who get amusement out of killing all the low lvl players as soon as they come into sight. Thats why you would have a section where you could not pk other players, an area where newbs could train without worry about getting attacked. And once they conquer that area they can move out more into the higher lvl areas and most likely team up with other players but also experiencing the players who like to pk.

I think the system World of Warcraft uses is awesome.

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