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Topics - LondonWalker

Pages: [1]
Collaborative Stories / Little Experiment 2
« on: December 02, 2004, 08:30:53 pm »
OOC :     This is basically going to be the same as the first Little Experiment post except with a different storyline. If you want the details of how to post have a look at the original Little Experiment thread. The difference will be that you don\'t have to end the post with choices, you simply continue on from the last.
Good Luck!      : OOC

After a long hard day Rhett pulled off his worn leather boots and sunk into his worn armchair.  

He had a very tiring life, though his newborn son was changing that.
Rhett was grandmaster of the Guild of Glory, a guild that accepted all races, ages, genders and political views. They existed purely to boost commerce and protect  the people of Kelsey Shire, a prospering trade center right next to the sea and a three or so kilometres from the largest river in the country, Yanslick.
His son was being born into the most wealthy and successful family in Kelsey Shire, though Rhett wasn\'t as thrilled with that fact as he ought to have been. He was a simple man, who enjoyed sleeping in, good food and his wife Popuri, though his parents and grandparents and great parents before them were ruthless traders, and landed their only son in the middle of a guild he had no desire to run.

He was seriously considering retiring, and he was only 21 years old.
Popuri came up and layed her arms around his shoulders.

Newbie Help (Start Here) / Will Planeshift work on my computer?
« on: November 19, 2004, 04:22:20 pm »
I\'ve wanted to get PlaneShift for ages and I got Molecular Blue which was extremely slow and looked through the forums which recommended waiting for Crystal Blue which will somehow be faster, is a 40GB computer with 56 kb/ps modem and 128 MB Ram going to be fast enough? Some one please reply I need to know before I can download it.

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