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Topics - Aerig

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Complaint Department / Detailed First Impressions
« on: April 07, 2010, 10:49:16 am »
This will definitely be a bit of a rambling post and may require more than one page. Please do read to the bottom to make sure that I have put Post Concluded before you reply.


Totally like the quests.

But the quest journal is inadequate. I really just cannot keep track of 40 quests and their multiple objectives. Although I play several hours a day myself, not everyone does. Not everyone can even play on every consecutive, or even every second, day. Reminding players in detail of what they need to to complete a quest is essential if you want to keep players interested in Planeshift in the longer term.


So far I perceive it as being fairly seriously imbalanced. You cannot necessarily say that axe, sword, dagger or fist is better than the other.

Each has advantages and disadvantages. Some will be supreme against some adversaries or at similar level whilst being inferior against other opponents or at other levels of skill.


This seems to work in its basics but there are clearly areas which do are not as completely coded as others and there has also, clearly, been no great attempt to systematise magic in general.

An example of this is that, if I train Charisma, my healing spells become more powerful. If I train Will, it has no impact on the Red Way spell Electrotouch.

I do think that, for example, Life Infusion appropriately reflects higher Charisma. However, higher levels of magic skill (very hard to tell because I only have 7 in this) do not seem to be markedly reflected in comparison to stat level.

I do not think that increased skill seems to be properly reflected. I would expect higher rank in skill to be, normally, more important than its supporting stat.

I would expect something very crudely like:

Base spell effect * level * stat/100

In other words, a vastly charismatic Crystal or Dark Way mage, with 200 in the primary stat of Charisma, would always cast twice better than someone with 100 (base damage for the level) in that stat.

I feel that each level should add about 5% impact onto the previous level. This is an exponential gain in impact that should be paralled with exponential cost in raising that skill. For magic I would say at least +20% in tria and pp at each level. Magic is a special thing.

At present I have about rank 5 in each way. I feel that that has been too easy to achieve, though it is nice to be able to experiment at the lower levels while you are learning what is possible.

To make that make sense in the context of game mechanics, I would have an overall skill of 'Glyphic Affinity' (call it whatever) that would limit how many ranks you could put into magic skills in general.

Reward Balancing

This is honestly very random and chaotic seeming, which is very good in a way. After all different people have different values and pay accordingly.

But, that said, some quests clearly pay far too much or too little, in comparison to others, for the amount of effort required.

I would suggest closely examining the faction system, revising and systemetising it, and using faction reward points as a base for calculating maximum and minimum reasonable cash and pp rewards from a quest.

With careful examination and restructuring of the faction system you would be able to assign theoretical levels and absolute prerequisites for every quest and automatically enforce reasonable minimums and maximums accordingly.

Daily quests should be instituted as a minimal faction requirement, low faction reward means of correcting errors in quest choices that have lowered faction for a character.

I dont see any inherent point or long term usefulness in capping faction point rewards. This game is in its youth and trying to cap faction ratings at 100 is short sighted. It would be much better to increase faction caps by a set amount every time you add a substantial amount of game content.

Earning PP and Cash

This is currently annoyingly slow. As either dedicated or casual player , I honestly do not want to spend more than 2 hours of my evening grinding for pp or tria. This is boring and totally contrary to the whole point that - this is a game that is meant to be an enjoyable leisure passtime.


So far I have been able to quest or mine or craft with equal sense of reward for the time I spend doing each.

This is very good and, while I appreciate the fact that it takes a long time to create new content, I do think that it is critically important that you continue to develop the game in a way that sustains that level of satisfaction.

That said, I have the presentiment that it will not be long before I run out of quests to explore and, at the same time, out of that source of both cash and pleasant passing of time.

So, to restate the above, I feel that it is imperative that you not force the player into a situation where they feel that they are spending their time grinding.


I recently read that you feel that the overall engine is now stable enough that it provides a good foundation for future development.

I tend to agree with that. Planeshift has progressed incredibly well since I last played.

However, I think your hope that you can use that to start developing new features is foolish and shortsighted.

In my opinion you should use the consolidation and reliability of the game engine to consolidate and review the game system.

As you said, you now have a stable game engine to use as a platform for future development, but you must also have a stable game system so that, once that is consolidated, you can focus on being creative for a while and not worrry about problems you would otherwise inherit from the past, ie from now.

General Discussion / A Perspective On RP
« on: April 07, 2010, 08:58:36 am »
One of the things I most like about Planeshift is its emphasis on roleplay.

However, there are several ways in which I feel that this is taken too far, ie beyond the bounds of pragmatism and coMMOn sense.

Planeshift is now a much more mature game than it was previously. There are many more quests and the ingame mechanics are a lot more fleshed out. To me, this means that one would expect more people to try the game out and want to play it for a longer period of time.

But, you have to realise that both roleplay and MMO are social passtimes which are fun because they involve interaction with other people.

Spoilers do tend to undermine the enjoyment for some people but, in my opinion, suppressing the natural human inclination to share and to help is much more damaging to potential enjoyment of the game.

When I was at uni, I ran a real pen and paper roleplaying group for several years. Naturally, as the game master, I did not undermine the amount of time and effort I had put in to creating fun and interesting quests for my players by telling them the answers.

At the same time, though, the fun of the game, whether I was player or gamemaster, was the enjoyment of the players discussing among themselves the problems my quests posed.

As I said, roleplaying is a social passtime.

In PS, there is far far too much emphasis on not helping other people to solve quests. Yes, I agree, we should not merely hand out answers. In that respect, we are all gamemasters for each other.

At the same time, if you prevent people discussing amongst themselves, you are also inhibiting their inclination to form and participate in the social group and community that is inherently part of any roleplay and any MMO.

An MMO without player community is, by definition, a failure.

Likewise, an MMO where you can simply ask for and get the answer, OOC, is also a failure.

Planeshift has consistently stood head and shoulders above other MMORPG, as a roleplay game, by insisting that we remain in character.

At the same time, the insistence that we not help each other has also caused it to be a consistent failure as an MMO, by suppressing our natural inclination to help each other, thus forming friendships and a social community.

So, I would suggest, that Planeshift would be both a much stronger MMO and a much better environment for RP if the restriction on helping other people was relaxed a little.

IE ...

no direct answers allowed, but reasonable hints allowed
questions must be asked in character and answers given in character, but otherwise we should be allowed to interrelate to each other in a normal, friendly human way

The question "ok how do I complete quest X at the point where .." is clearly out of character and would be destructive to the RP environment that Planeshift tries to create.

But I honestly dont see anything wrong with "This carpet salesman, Y, in Ojaveda wants me to get Z. Can anyone suggest where I might get that?"

Also, what exactly is the problem with asking directions or where to find someone? Think about it! You dont wander, lost, around a city for 3 hours looking for some address! You pull over and ask someone how to get there!

General Discussion / First Time After 3 Years
« on: March 28, 2010, 09:03:10 am »
At least, I think it was about 3 years ago that I last played.

Anyway, I thought I would post my impressions in the hope that they might be useful.


Well, I was delighted to see so many quests in the game.

These definitely made my first few steps an awful lot easier than they had been previously. No more farming rats in the cellar for a couple of days just to make some cash.

The ingame quest interface seems a bit quirky and it was easy in a few of them to feel that the quest was bugged, though this generally turned out to be my mistake. That said, its much better than having to figure out some obscure line of chat.

A big improvement, though, would be better game kept notes. I dont know how many quests I had in total but it was a lot and trying to remember even at the start that Brado wanted 5 mugs and not 4 or 6 was not really that easy.

As for the quest content, well its pretty good. The quests generally had a nice 'human' touch that came across as being realistic and plausible.

Big thumbs up to the settings team on coming up with better than the usual kill 10 rats on every second quest. Street perfomers needing a PR man (or lizard in my case) and finding out about a lost husband who has somehow ended up in jail. Really nice to see such good material.

As I said though, a better journal would be a big help and it would be much easier to appreciate the quality of the quests if you did not feel so lost in all the objectives. At the moment, its a bit like reading a good book but being distracted every half page or so. The book remains good but full appreciation gets lost in the distractions.

It would be nice to see a few quests that flesh out the underlying setting a little more. Politics, economy, geography could all be filled in a bit by way of passing remarks made by quest givers.

People & Roleplay

I was impressed with the effort that most people seemed to make to rolepplay their characters. I have not met that many yet, but those that I have or have overheard are clearly putting in the effort to making their characters seem real.

The fact that they do that says a lot for the community team and the standard of the players themselves. Seeing such a strong level of commitment made me actually enjoy ropleplaying with them.


My leather armour lasted fairly well though I was a little nervous at first, before I realised that the quests gave plenty of cash for replacing it with.

No daggers? Ouch and ow! My character comes with roguish skills and I guess that backstab may require a dagger or similar pointy weapon. Even if not, my image of the character includes weilding a dagger not a sword. Inability to get a dagger is my main complaint at the moment.

Sword, I did buy a sword from Harnquist and I immediately noticed two serious problems:

At 0 skill, I did the same damage with the sword as I did with level 6 or 7 Melee. This, to me does not make sense. I killed at the same speed, did the same damage. I dont remember noticing missing much with the sword.

Fair enough, a sword when it hits is going to do a lot of damage, but its going to be slower than limbs. I would definitely expect a proficient fist fighter or martial artist to do more damage faster than a completely inexperienced swordsman.

Maybe the sword was poor quality, I did not think to check, but it was at 40/50 after just a couple of fights which seemed excessive.


In all honesty, I did not really read the guide on magic but I did get that you need to Purify a glyph before you can use it. I could not work out how to do that.

Admitting that I should really have gone back and read the guide properly, this does raise the thought that ingame help attached to the magic book would be a nice idea.


Zero aggro? Some monsters are clearly kinda big and scary and I was a bit disappointed that they made no effort to attack. At the same time I remember how frustrating the death realm was so I am also kinda glad that I have not died yet.


I think I found trainers for just about every skill but some of them I think maybe I cannot actually use yet?
If I can use them, it would be nice to see a few of the trainers have info on how to get started.


Would be really nice to have some visual indication of ore veins.


All in all I have quite enjoyed my time so far. The game has clearly progressed in many ways and that has to be a big credit to the various facets of the development and community teams.

Yep its probably the drivers (which are probably Catalyst 6.9) which I have found to be least likely to muck up with OGL and ATI.

About to rollback/update till I get something that works :P

Development Deliberation / Document Site Likely To Go Down
« on: September 01, 2007, 11:31:21 am »
Sorry people but the following documentation link is likely to drop in the next few weeks, so if you need it grab it now!

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / Klyros Blue
« on: March 04, 2005, 05:26:18 pm »
Lying quiet on the black leather, heavy jacket over me in an attempt to hold in the sleep that I wanted back, I stared up at the clouds through the glass door. Hasn\'t everyone done this sometime, stretched out on their back in some nowhere time watching the pattern of god\'s mind for lack of something better to do?

So I lie there, keeping distant company with you perhaps, as you watch what image these words paint for your mind\'s eye. Sometimes I drift, aware of but paying no attention to the world around me, gazing at the cloud shapes as, lacking the opposition of noisy thought, they become fantastic creatures upon imagination\'s canvas.

I stare through a gap into the landscape beyond, seeing first low hills then farmers working their land. As the steamy frame shifts into regular square formation, the scene become a courtyard which I look down upon from height.

At the farther edge a small house with neat pointed roof emerges all cleanly carved in tidy designs, scrolls of gilded wood in organically prominent from the well aligned boards of the ochre orange walls.

A small blue creature, all squat lizard power, exits the building and moves to stand at the nearest corner of the court as another, taller and more slender, clambers over a fence from the small field beside the home. The latter, it seems admires the smaller creatures shield and spear, making some comment, it would appear, on the ornately graven or fashion ornamentation on its face.

Another creature appears, this one indistinct of form, but a definite lightning blue, seeming midway between the heights and weight of the others. Finally, nearest, a last lizard seems to coalesce from the cloudscape, winged as the others were not, tall and slim as a stick with dragonfly wings in pastel shades of lavender and powder blue, its head held high in noble carriage.

The fascination of the scene takes hold, my belief, like iron filings to a magnet, realigning so that the world I am looking at becomes reality. I feel endearment and a sense of friendship for these strange creatures taking for within me. Somehow, with a physical vitality that is entirely of the imagination, I leap unhindered through the window and down into the court yard to stand, all clothed in mortal black before these friends for whom I have suddenly felt such intense affection.

After a fashion that would feel foolish, were it not for the entirely genuine honesty of feeling that has taken hold of me, I reach out and shake the claw of the squat lizard creature, introducing myself as though worldly tongue would suffice in this alien world. His clasp is clean and dry to the touch and very smooth like a limb of polished wood.

Each of the others I greet likewise, feeling somewhat like a publican greeting new and important guests at the door of an establishment much more humble than their status. Seeming to understand my arrival in their place as though it were an uncommon, but known occurrence, the four lizard-folk introduce themselves in turn.

The squat, powerful looking fellow is Glaur. As he speaks his name, I realise that, back in my living room, his name would have connotation of anger and turbulence. Here though the meaning of his name after the language of his own folk is plain. He is a creature of great and potent vitality, named as much for strength of spirit as for strength of arm.

The second, taller creature is Glomhna which I would have taken to mean sullen, but which is clearly the description of a graceful and intelligent female with a calm spirit. She bears a staff at the end of which a pallid blue crystal glows and she clearly has abilities that I would describe as magical.

The third creature of indistinct form and vivid hue, is called Shadhoe. At home, I suspect, I would have confused his name and personality with the word shadow and guessed it to describe a somewhat morbid and saturnine personality. The meaning conveyed though is of an extremely bright ad lively person who is naturally reserved and honoured for that.

The last creature is Eargh, Iurq and Aerch, the pronunciation of his name being difficult since it sounds the simultaneous speaking of all three variants. I would have taken his name to mean the pain of slow torture, a somewhat grating sound to hear and to speak but the sense of swiftness of motion, thought and pride was unequivocal so that I interpreted his name to mean grace of spirit instead. While this one clearly was not the warrior, mage or priest like personality of the others, he was equally clearly a being of both intense feeling and great authority, the fact that hue of his mottling is so subtly soft, only serving to accentuate how  paradoxical the expression of that sort of personality was in human terms. His name would be Eargh to me the GH of that being a slurred G that was the closest my human throat could approximate the lizard\'s pronunciation.

My former world seems distant, remote and unreal the vividness of the lizard folk a dynamic vitality like the dance of lightning in the clouds, my own, stark contrast in the black of the night sky, more distinct than ever seemed the case in the world of mortal affairs.

Strangely precipitant for my own nature, I ask the lizards what they are, why they are here, what they are doing in this place.

Glaur explains that this is his home. Built by his own hands he is a crafter and a smith his occupation being the fashioning of useful objects for those of his folk who live over the rise in the next valley. He was once a warrior of some skill.

Glomhna is a mellifluous delight, her tongue and speech so fluidly sibilant that I nearly miss her description of her profession as a healer and member of the local community\'s council. She is very beautiful in an entirely non human way and I sense that her easy acceptance of her skills makes them seem less than they are to those she describes them to.

Shadhoe it seems is an architect, here to help Glaur complete some project he has been working on for Eargh. his conveys the sense of a vast understatement and I sense that Shadhoe has great respect for Glaur in his ability to accomplish whatever this task is.

Eargh states that he is lord of the local community, being also of some repute in the other provinces of this world. Glaur\'s project is near completion and he blatantly happy and excited that the work has gone so rapidly and smoothly.

At this point  Glomhna intercedes. She explains that her calling leaves her with a good understanding of he circumstances ha have brought me to this place and explains that her understanding leaves her to believe that I must decide whether to make this place my own or to allow my awareness of it to lapse and return to my own world.

t appears that visitors from my world are infrequent, but not unknown, and that the protocol is clear. I will have one night of my time to decide whether to stay here or to return permanently to the world that I came from. If I stay I may still have some contact with the world I am used to, but that cannot be guaranteed and I may be stranded here forever. If I do I will have few opportunities to associate with my own kind and will have to make whatever life for myself that I can. On the other hand, I am different from the lizard folk and people such as myself often have skills and abilities that become highly sought after amongst them.

From myself, and for your benefit, I should mention that the strange stiltedness of my description reflects the strange state of awareness that I entered when I entered this world and that this has been gradually changing to a state of simultaneously heightened and jaded awareness brought about by the vividness of the world which I have stumbled upon.

My name is Aeflithan, which means Evening Song in my own tongue and I am not very fanciful or prone to strange imaginings. According to the lizards my name in their tongue would be Elbe and means the Powerful Time, connoting birth, death and magical transformations. In the rest of this journal I shall refer to myself by the name they have given me and attempt to write somewhat less stiltedly. For your ease, and the clarity of my own mind, I shall write as though looking from the outside.

The lizard folk Glaur, Glomhna, Shadhoe and Eargh invited Elbe to sleep with them in Glaur\'s house that night, making clear that the decision upon whether to remain or leave must be made by morning. In the meantime Elbe could do as Elbe liked, as long as Elbe did no damage Lish, the name they called themselves by, or Lish property.

Thinking matters over in a corner of the court as he watched the Lish busy themselves about helping Glaur in his work, Elbe began to become aware of that inner quietitude and clarity of mind that he eventually came to associate with the Land of the Lish.

He wondered how defined the stipulations of the Lish had been. Would he have no chance to ever return to his home, if he decided to stay for a while? Would he never have the opportunity to return to this place if he decided not to stay? There were no real answers sitting here in the soft white dust of the courtyard. He would just have to make some sort of decision and see what happened. In the meantime he struggled, unaccustomed to siting cross-legged, to his feet against the resistance of his stiff knees and went to talk to the Lish.

He clambered over the fence around the home\'s filed with a little more difficulty than Glomhna had and walked stiff legged over to ask her what she was working at. In the centre of the field there was a large beast, as he thought, that she seemed to be tending.

For lack of a better opening line he asked,

\"What does it eat?\"

\"Oh, this is not alive! This is Glaur\'s work. I am merely adjusting some of the more simple of its mechanisms so that it will function properly.\"

Her tone was delicately querent, as though mildly, but not particularly inviting further conversation.

Development Deliberation / sprcal3d.dll causing runtime crash?
« on: March 01, 2005, 09:02:17 pm »
AppName: psclient.exe     AppVer:     ModName: sprcal3d.dll
ModVer:   Offset: 0005525a

Having updated CAL3D, CS, CEL and PS from CVS yesterday, celtst.exe, psclient.exe, and psserver.exe are all crashing with the above error header.

The problem was resolved by copying libcal3d-11.dll from .\\cal3d\\src\\cal3d\\.libs to the planeshift folder.

Since I did not get this problem when I built a month ago, I thought someone might want to know about it.

General Discussion / RP Guideline (Draft)
« on: February 28, 2005, 05:10:49 pm »
This post was inspired by a chat I just heard on the IRC channel, so it is not intended to be definitive or the be all and end all, only hopefully the start of a thread about generally useful guidelines to people who want to RP (RP=RolePlay) well.

Definition of Roleplay

To roleplay means to talk and act while you are playing the game as if you actually came from the game world, lived in it and had the behaviour and mannerisms that someone coming from your character\'s part of the game world, with its race and its profession would do.

Before You Start

Most of us will have more than one character. Trying to learn all about all the background info for each one of them is probably going to be quite difficult to do and remember well.

Pick one of your favourite characters and decide that that is the one you are going to roleplay most. Have a look at the descriptions of their race and profession and pick the one that you think you would be most comfortable acting as.

to be continued ... (editing atm)

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Skill Bug
« on: February 18, 2005, 08:39:00 pm »
Skills window you know about I think.

But mining and getting practice points also caused a crash.

General Discussion / Ingame Economics - General
« on: February 18, 2005, 10:02:12 am »
This post has been prompted partially by the post on the economics of mining and partially by observation of the fact that ingame economics are not very well balanced.

Accepted that this part of the game is still under development, now that the game is so highly playable in so many ways, ingame economics is now a much more prominent issue for everyone playing it for the sheer enjoyment of it. Anyone not doing that? ;)

Rat Race

Okay, rat hides and eyes are not really that valuable, but for new characters they are a compulsory pursuit. They provide cash for training and weapons and, my personal feeling is that the balance of time vs cash return is just about perfect for new characters learning to fight and saving up for those two essentials.

But there are just not enough rats out there. And, tbh, the easiest rat is a pretty stiff opponent for a noob character, given that they might lose most, or all, of their hp in one fight.

My suggestion there is that the difficulty of a rat should be low enough that one rat should not be strong enough to take more than half the HP from a character with average health.

Gobbling Progression Points

By the time you can actually kill these, they are fairly easy, but because they generally mob you (which is fun!) they are not the meat for the outright noob.

On the other hand, they are so easy to kill that you can make large amounts of PP in a very short period of time. This is not really very well balanced and the same problem persists when you get to harder monsters later.

PP is far too easy to get in large amounts and cash is in far too short supply so that the balance of PP vs the cost of training is very wrong.

I would suggest that one way to offset the huge amount of PP that can be gained would be to require as many PP per KP as the next skill level of the character.

IE training once when your Sword skill is at level 2 should cost you 3 PP. Thus, it would cost my Klyros 12 (=4x(2+1)) PP in total to fill the yellow bar at level 2 and 16 (=4x(3+1)) PP at level 3.

Getting that many PP is relatively easy, but making enough cash to pay for the training is nightmarish and we really need the Gobbles to be dropping something that we can sell.

eg I started writing a quest based on Gobbles dropping hides that would sell for roughly the same amount as a rat hide, but where you can carry 20 gobble hides at a time, thus a full load would reward you with 140 tria and pay for 3 training sessions.

That, I feel, would give us a fair way of earning cash in reasonable amounts and balanced in well with how far a character will have developed at that point.


I know we are not meant to mention ingame quest info, but the quest for this guy gives far too much cash.

Given that he works in a library with a magical looking book in the corner, I think a much more balanced reward from Jayose would be a Glyph that the player could choose to complement whatever Way their character happened to be most interested in.

eg \"Thank you, $playername In return for collecting those herbs for me, I will reward you with a valuable Glyph from my collection. Please select one of ... as what you would like as a token of my appreciation.\"

Gold Ore

Mining is a painstaking passtime and not very rewarding in cash terms. I estimate an hour to collect 10 gold ore with Mining 2.

In the light of the fact that it is gold and how long it takes to get, I would suggest that the Gold Ore quest for the guy in the magic shop should not involve a quest assignment but should be purely a transaction intended to help him stock up on a valuable compoinent and should require 10 gold ore, be repeatable and reward the character with around 200 trias.

Thus a PC could take an hour to get some cash to pay for training in something.


Given that the playter has to wander about to get the item required for this quest, and that it is clearly something that he wants a lot, I would suggest that the reward for completing this should be at least 50 trias.

Other Monsters

Even the Rogues do not have any cash. Given that, by the time you get to the arena, the lower rank mobs are relatively easy to kill, though still harder than Gobbles etc, these monsters should really drop upward of 10 tria each.

I think they are worth about 400 exp (?) so perhaps a rough estimate of how much cash a mob might drop would be approximately 1 tria per 40 exp? Which is not to say that I think all monsters should have cash, but only that that might be a reasonable approximation of how much they could drop.

Wrt other less blatantly intelligent / humanoid monsters, it would be nice to see them dropping things that could be given to the right NPC\'s in exchange for other items or which could be used in crafting things like armour.


Basically, the balance of earnable PP vs earnable cash is extremely lopsided and simply does not work.

In the long term, the game is going to need some well thought out, carefully devised guidelines on how PC\'s can earn cash and how much they can get at a time.

A big problem, as always in MMORPG\'s, is to ensure that mobs do not become camp targets for people short of cash, so there have to be different enough mobs that give cash and enough ways of making cash that people do not end up fighting over the spoils.

Development Deliberation / Some New(?) Documentation
« on: February 15, 2005, 10:32:10 pm »
I have started collecting documents about developing on PS and writing up what I have learned about the web console (quest engine).

You can find what I have collected together so far here

If anyone actually on the dev team is responsible for collecting documentation and thinks the stuff I have done is up to it, feel free to add it to whatever doc repository(s) already exist.

If you have any documents that should really be easily available to people wanting to join in on development of PS or know of any important links that I have not got in there yet, please pm me with the info.

Development Deliberation / CVS released game db
« on: February 08, 2005, 10:24:54 am »
Is there any chance that we could have more complete MySQL tables in the CVS release.

I know you dont want people to be able to read things like full quest definitions, which seems fair enough, but it would be a LOT easier for me to design quests if the tables were complete wrt to all non-secret data.

From what I can see, that means that all tables except characters , npc_triggers  and quests can be exported without restrictions in the state that they would be when a new live server is installed.

As far as the tables that can only be partially exported are concerned, I would guess that, if they are set up with the simplest quests at the start of the table (eg the magic shop gold ore quest - which is trivial to complete) and the more important quests later, then the tables could be partially exported to only include the info relevant to those quests and people like myself who want to design new quests would have relevant examples that they could look at ingame, instead of an example quest involving the rescue of Princess Leia from the Death Star (!?).

In that way, people running their own server and designing quests using it would have all the NPC\'s that are already in place, without any quest information beyond the basic quests.

Having the NPC\'s installed in the CVS tables would mean that new quests would not inadvertently place two NPC\'s in the same place and that, assuming the quest dewsigner knew what the quests were from playing the game, that they could place augmentary characters without problems.

NB for the purposes of quest design, an ingame command something like /teleport_to char would be very useful for testing quests.

Would also be very useful for GM\'s I suspect as would /teleport_to querent so that GM\'s go teleport directly to someone they were talking to on the help channel.

Development Deliberation / Linking: upodater.exe (mingw)
« on: February 08, 2005, 08:54:53 am »
I could be, and probably am, wrong about this, but ...

LinkApplication updater.exe
./out/msysx86/debug/src/updater/download.o(.text+0x8c): In function `ZN7updater10DownloaderC2Ev\':
f:/dev/planeshift/src/updater/download.cpp:52: undefined reference to `_imp__curl_easy_init\'
./out/msysx86/debug/src/updater/download.o( .text+0xf8 ):f:/dev/planeshift/src/updater/download.cpp:58: undefined reference to `_imp__curl_easy_setopt\'

appears to be caused by omission of -lcurldll from the linker options.

At least adding that gets rid of that link time error (my self compiled updater is still failing to run because of some CS problem)

Development Deliberation / More please ;)
« on: February 06, 2005, 10:46:17 pm »
Okay, so now that I have the server up and running, how do I get the tables etc up to date.

As I said, I tried just copying the ./art and ./data folders from the game distribution, but that crashed the server next time I tried to start it.

Having read the server console\'s help and noticed the command to import various types of XML file to the db, I am wondering if I have to step through the game folder importing XML files as it is possible to do so in order to bring the db tables up to par with the data contained in the directories.

NB possibly just the result of a hung DLL or something but I noticed that, when I tried this that copying the original art files in the cvs back over the ones copied from the game distribution, the server still would not start up again. Are other files, like the cfg\'s being altered to reflect some aspects of what is in the ./art folder?

Getting back to my question, do I need to import some of the XML files to the database? And, if so, can anyone suggest what files and in what order I would want to do that?

NB2 Another thing I noticed was that using the server as built straight from CVS, it is not possible to create all races and that, when I finally found a race that I could create - the second type of human, that once I got ingame I was actually being shown as one of the dwarves.

The error I was getting on the character creation screen was that I had not selected a race

Development Deliberation / Thank You All Very Much :D
« on: February 06, 2005, 09:50:18 pm »
Thanks to all the help I received both here and, even more so, on the IRC channel I finally got the server built and running using MingW (after having already tried cygwin and MSVC 6).

It was a BIG buzz when I finally fired up the client and got logged into the server running on my own machine. Well worth all the hassle and frustration :D


Cygwin does not appear workable because of the difficulty of getting a mysqlclient library (and I did try for two days on just that)

MSVC 6 can apparently not compile the PS source code at all and, to judge by the number of errors I got when I finally got there after working around various problems in cal3d, cel and CS, I\'d definitely say that even trying was a waste of time.

Under MinGW, all of them compiled at first attempt, after making very sure to follow the PS guide for compiling under MinGW to the letter, with nothing worse than a few warnings.

One possible problem is that MySQL might be installed (on Windows) in the Program Files folder and that is definitely a problem. Better to uninstall and reinstall in to c:mysql or the same folder on a different partition.

Failing to haveMySQL installed in an accessible directory resulted in PSSERVER.EXE terminating with these errors

Could not find field string!. Exiting.
src/server/database/mysql/dal.cpp:360: failed assertion \'false\'

Another potential problem lies in the fact that the CVS version did not like the file ./art/world/ that was in the CVS that I used. Copying the file from the distributed game solved that problem.

Following that one I tried typing newacct a/a at the server console to create a temporary account to login on. (I\'m paranoid and did not want to risk using the preinstalled accounts before I knew the server worked.) This caused a problem because the secons a should have been encrypted with MD5 before I typed it. (So I used a preconfigured account after all).

Personally I think that, since the serverconsole is not that likely to be overseen by anyone except a trusted sysop, that the console should accept an unencrypted password and encrypt it itself.

Finally, a suggestion.

I managed to muck up the server by copying the art and data files from the game forlder to the folder where I built the server. Optimistic I agree, but I noticed something while trying to work out a better way to do it.

In the file planeshift.cfg, there are entries like /this/art/.../... It would probably be very handy for people not that sure of what files to copy where if /this/ could be replaced with the path to the game.

:D Very specially, thanks, in no particular order, to Feran, commandBlue, Cad, acraig, lynxlynxlynx, Arianna, josePhoenix, Jorrit and anyone I missed out for the help they provided along the way. :D

Without them I would probably still be sitting looking at warning and error messages and wondering if I would ever get the server up and running.

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