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Topics - pacyfikator

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Item requirements
« on: January 23, 2005, 07:05:06 pm »
will there be any item requirements??

in my opinion it is needed to make characters concentrated on one way any sense.

if a player developing magic , and wery weak (in strength) could wear any heavy armour and use any waepon there would be no point in creating a Kran with no magic and good stats (strength / endu) as strength and endurance have little influence on damage and health.

General Discussion / armors before wipe
« on: January 22, 2005, 11:13:16 am »
are armors going to be implemented before wipe or is that far future?

pls devs for answer or someone that know answer.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / wipe in ps
« on: January 06, 2005, 10:14:11 pm »
i would like to know when is it going to be.
i know there can be no set date , but you coul tell me more-less when.

is it going to be in 1-2 months or more like at end of this year?

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / rats too hard
« on: December 31, 2004, 12:17:18 pm »
i just started a new char just to check how will  it be with strength 135 :P

it war a new name so i didnt have any tria after MB
and had to go fighting rats with bare hands.

as i said i have strength 135 and i couldnt even wound a rat!!

i saw that someone else fighting with bare hands couldnt wound it either so its not my char bug.

since starting char have no tria even to buy a pickaxe to go mining and earn for first sword how is one supposed to start a game?

dont you think rats should be easier?

PS : i was atacking on blood as a Kran .

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / updater not working
« on: December 28, 2004, 03:47:42 pm »
when i started updater it said \"couldn\'t connect to  mirror laanx !
switching mirror
and nothing happens.

is it just me having trouble with updater?

what to do with it?

PvP,PK and Thieving / Essence of ideas from other PvP games
« on: December 27, 2004, 08:20:58 pm »
I think most of players agree that PvP should be implemented in some way.

being able to fight each other gives that \"something\" to
the game, and improves social relations as it encurages people to group.One should be able to kill another player that is annoing him.


Outside some small areas  (as towns and newbie zones)PvP should be allowed with \"marking system\".

When you die from PvP you drop 10% of trias that you had and a small chance to drop items from your invectory.

When you atack a player you get a mark that you are agressive (that mark vanishes after few minutes).
While being marked other players may atack you without being marked but thats the only consequence.

After atacking and killing some amount of players you get a PK mark that keeps for longer time than agressive mark and increases possibility to drop items when someone kills you.

Third stage would be mass PKer mark.That would make you drop all items when killed by player and would last for about month.

As addition to this sistem players should be able to determine (by magic spell) position of other players -
This way players would be able to hunt down ones that killed , for example , their guild member.

In this system players would controll by themselves the amount of pk in game .

2.Idea :

Most of game area should be PvP free (except for guild wars and challenge), and there would be some PvP enforced areas.
Those PvP terrain should be quite large to make normal exping and plaing avaible there.

In those PvP areas players would get PK points for killing others.after collecting big amount of those points one would get an unique item (nice cape or good-looking armor).

In those PvP areas there should be not only players but also  Mobs that gives good experience or have increased drop rate , or maby even some drops that are not avaible in non PvP areas.
This would encurage players to try their strength in those dangerous , but more profitable areas , and on the other hand - enable to avoid PvP for newbies and those that dont like PvP.

What do you think about those idEAS?

i reached sword skill 10 and it seems to by maximum (FOR KRAN!?!)

since i have reached it after 2 days it is far too little

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / maximum skill?
« on: December 26, 2004, 11:07:34 pm »
i reached sword skill 10
and when tried to raise my skill in npc sword trainer sword skill wasnt shown there.

doesa that mean that maximum value is 10?

or was that a bug?

or maby something else  - plz help!

when creating character i choose path of knight
and it war written there that i would have some waepon skills and body development.

but as i chcecked now (second day of plaing :P)
i have all skills on 0 (sword 4 now..)
i know that ppl who chose to make chars step-by-ste have their skills added.

will it be fixed or i will have to do everything from 0 ?

oh 1 detail - i had name transfered from MB

General Discussion / where can i train sword skill?
« on: December 25, 2004, 03:04:05 pm »
where can i train sword skill?

i\'ve been looking for npc training it everywhere but cant find it.

i dont think programmers hide it on purpose so pls tell me where is that npc..

General Discussion / sword skill
« on: December 25, 2004, 02:31:00 pm »
where is npc that trains swod skill?

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / is serwer down?
« on: December 25, 2004, 11:59:03 am »
on connecting menu it shows ping 500-600(normal..)
but when i try to connect it just shows connecting serwer please wait.

is that problem with serwer or just my connection?

General Discussion / mining
« on: December 24, 2004, 07:38:12 pm »
how to start mining?
i have a pickaxe.

at last i found some monsters including clacker which was supposed to be weak but all are impervious to atack. is it bug or are there other monsters that i can kill.
what are their names and where they are?

General Discussion / How to start.
« on: December 24, 2004, 03:22:45 pm »
since im a newbie and there are many experienced players (played closed beta).
i would like to know what to do on start.

for example i could not find anything to kill(killing is first thing to do isnt it?).where can i find easy monsters?

also i have 0 trias so if there is any begginers stuff avaible tell me pls.

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