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Topics - mzsleeper

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Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / psclient.exe
« on: September 13, 2002, 07:50:36 pm »
after intalizing world psclient.exe causes an error or somethign like that. one time i actually made it to the world screen but before i could push anything it came up again and i had to close the program. after i changed the compatabilty mode to 98 then it actualy got to the screenand crashed.

Time of test: today (9/13/02)
OS: windows xp
Processor: amd athalon xp 2.1ghz
RAM: 1024 mb
Video Card: nvidia ge force 4 ti 4400
Video Card Memory: 128 mb
PS Client Version: 1.004
OpenGL or Safe Mode: open gl
Description of the bug: i go to character creation screen make a guy etc and try the gamiix server and it will start to lod up to intalizing character then it will say droped for unknmown reason. so i go back to the creation (everything is set the same as i customiozed it last time i made it) and i go to the upload character to server screen and the select server is ontop of the loading screen like the background is  the loading screen. and its part loaded. after that i just left and cam here for help.

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