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Topics - Lukasz

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Wish list / Spell System Ideas
« on: January 22, 2005, 07:26:12 pm »
here\'s a suggestion of an idea-source for the spell-system developers:

One of the best developed spell systems that I have ever come across is Rolemaster\'s Spell Law.  I would imagine that getting a hold of the Spell Law book these days would be a little challenging.  But it would be well worth the effort.  Spell Law was, to my mind, vastly better than the AD&D spell system, or any of the other alternatives that were around a decade ago or so.

I think that Spell Law (SL) would mesh well with PlaneShift spells as they have been conceived of so far for a couple of reasons.  First, SL was developed in the context of a game which permitted everyone to learn all skills (but used differential costs) much like PlaneShift.  One variant didn\'t have classes -- exactly like PlaneShift.  So in this respect, very little adaptation would be required to port some of the ideas.

SL divides spells into three groups: channelling, essence and mentalist.  Channelled spells come from a diety.  Essence spells are elemental in nature (in some broad sense).  Mentalist spells depend on the mind, just as the name suggests.  With some revisions, many of the spells that SL used could be translated into the 6-fold structure used by PlaneShift.  I would imagine that many of the channelling spells would end up being in the dark or crystal categories.  Many of the essence spells slot in naturally into the four elemental types.  The mentalism spells would again end up being azure (in the case of illusions) or perhaps dark for the rest.

I think the thing that would make SL most useful to look at would be the actual detailed content of the spell lists themselves.  Some of the spells were quite unique and very helpful.  Myself, I\'m really bored of two of the standard alternatives in games today: D&D spells (1st: magic missie, 2nd level: web etc., 3rd level: fireball, then globe of invulnerability and the various \'Hand\' spells, etc.  ).  The EverQuest system which involves having lots of \'pets\' which do most of the fighting for you sucks too.  Neverwinter when played conservatively also relies on pets like crazy.  The probelm is that the spell caster ends up being a sort of spectator.  Spell Law spells can give a developer some ideas as to how to go about creating a completely different system with few (if any) precedents in video-games.

Something else I should mention: Each of the three general spell schools in SL includes so-called \'open\', \'closed\' and \'arcane\' spell lists.  The open lists are relatively easy to acquire.  They can be learned from many teachers and contain common (but sometimes quite powerful) spells.  Characters who had not actually specialized in spell-casting, like ranger or rogue types, can learn these spells without much trouble.  The closed lists, in contrast, are available only to serious students.  The difference is not merely a question of the power of the spells (in fact, often it\'s not that) -- closed spell lists contain some rather useful spells not on the open ones.  I think the Planeshift equivalent might be glyphs which cannot be combined with other glyphs until a sufficiently high level in the various Ways had been attained.  Finally the arcane lists were highly specialied.  In some variants of the game, only particular classes had access to these lists and guarded them sedulously.  An astrologer, for example, would have no access to the seer\'s dedicated lists, and so on.  I think the way to implement that in PlaneShift might be to allow certain spells only once a particular combination of skills had been learned.  

I hope I\'ve managed to convey the flavour of some of why Spell Law might be worth looking at.  It would certainly be a great place to dig for ideas in making the PlaneShift spell system unique (at least among MMORPGs).

(In fact, Rolemaster generally--before the expansion packs--is a great place to look for design clues.)


Wish list / uneven creation point system
« on: January 19, 2005, 12:32:08 am »
Not everyone starts life with equal opportunities.  To reflect that, could you assign (say) 400 creation points per PLAYER rather than 100 points per CHARACTER?  You might want to set a per character limit (maybe 250).  The idea here is that it would allow players to create that extra-special character they would treasure--maybe the rogue who grew up with famous cartographer parents, had played on rooftoops in a Enkidukai village as a child, was born during an eclipse, is an only child, was born in the month of the hunter, etc.  The cost would be that after creating one extra special character to love and treasure, the other characters created by that account-holder would be mediocre.  They would only have half of their usual creation points and would therefore start at a bit of a disadvantage.  Such, after all, is life.

I think the benefit of this system would be that it would allow for more character variation and more personal development.  It would have to be balanced carefully, obviously (hence the 250 limit).  But I don\'t see any real potential for abuse.  After all, most of the starting stuff gets balanced over time by actual game-play anyway.

Another idea: permit special starting items.  Family heirlooms etc.  Nothing too fancy, but something to make life interesting.

One more: can we have tatoos or, even better, scars?  At some point in the future, anyway?  This will make unique characters even more unique.


i wonder who still remembers that old \'80s commercial?  Anyways...

I often find myself in the underworld in a prone position and can\'t seem to stand up and walk normally.  It\'s actually really hard to get back out while lying down on the platforms.  Can someone look into making sure that the dead stand up automatically?  (I play a Kran, if that\'s relevant.)


Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Mac mouse issue
« on: January 14, 2005, 09:09:26 pm »
There\'s an issue with Mac players and loot.  

Here\'s what\'s going on:  As I understand things, picking up loot on a PC machine requires the use of the second mouse button.  Mac\'s don\'t have a second mouse button (at least not normally).  As things stand, Mac users can remap the mouse buttons to shift+mouse, ctrl+mouse etc, so as to be able to loot up.  The problem however is that -- on my machine at least -- using one of these alt+mouse combinations causes a crash one in 10 times or so.  This is a major disincentive for me to pick up rat-pelts or whatever.  Without loot, my character can\'t really advance though.

Suggested solution: allow a remapping of the LOOT function to a non-mouse dependent key (like ~ or tab or ] or something).  This would be quick, effective and prevent me from crashing out whenever i have the urge to make some money.


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