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Topics - HighFish.DE

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The Text of the MOTD and the Tips are sometimes to long for my screen and I can see the Scroll Up/Down Button but theres no way to move the mouse, how am I supposed to scroll?

General Discussion / Laureleis booze!
« on: October 23, 2005, 08:46:24 pm »
Well this would have been another night like thousands before. But Laurelei decided to go to the tavern and have a beer.
One thing lead to the other and she got really drunk.

She dont even managed to find the doors out the first time, and fell down to the fireplace:

But managed to get out, afterwards, not without seeming to make no more step forward after this:

Laurelei couldnt even rememember how she got there...

...but found herselve in the middle of a large group of people:

Laurelei was so embarassed with herselve that she wanted to flee as quick as she could. This idea manifested in the next second, as she saw that sweet looking harnquist had green hair now. \"I must be hallucinating\" she tought and decided to go to sleep:

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Big movement problem
« on: October 23, 2005, 06:35:35 pm »
Updated to the new Version 0.3.012 and my character seems not to stand vertical on the ground. Heres a screenshot:

Wish list / A organized website
« on: October 18, 2005, 08:25:19 am »
One post I\'ve never seen here but is imo definite needed is a wish for a better website. Why has everything to be somewhere else?

Why not directly refer from the Sourceforge-Page to the italian?
Why can\'t I get some important informations like the Planeshift-Wiki or the API-Documentation directly from the italian site, maybe in a new section named \"developement\"?
Why isn\'t there a link to the Server-Status or even better a inframe on the official site?

You need four clicks on very complicated sites to enter the forum actually, why not place a link that everybody can acess on the main page?
Which design decisions lead the developer of the website to have the FAQ as a submenu of Community?
Why are the Project-Targets and the Setting labeled as Story?
Why is there a whole different website for registering a new account?
How much people do know how to send Bug-Reports? Who knows where to upload diagnostic files? How many people would come to the upload-site again if you write \"Service suspended\" and not why and how long?
Is the website useable without flash?
Since when is France, Spain, Germany, Italy a language?
For how long has the player guide gone 404?
Why is there a description in the section community->forum with the description of some board, which you can\'t click on altought they seem to be links?
The USA already gone so bad that you have to actually \"Help Us\" or do you want people to participate in the project?

A lot of questions I know, hopefully somebody takes the time to answer them, or make the website a little bit more userfriendly.

Because my Client crashes pretty ofthen I tried to turn the sound off, but if I use the ingame Preferences-Dialog it doesnt do anything. I can still hear sound, altough I turned everything off.
This should be a Bug-Report, because I do know that you can turn sound off in the Setup.

General Discussion / timestamps on website
« on: October 17, 2005, 03:41:54 pm »
Well I was checking the new Site with the server-stats and had a hard time figuring out when the latest news happened to took place. The problem is, that many people here post messages in different timezones (in this case SGT). Maybe it would be more readable if everyone would stick to one timezone e.g. GMT.

Thanks for youre time reading this.

Wish list / Keyboard-Shortcut to lower weapons
« on: January 24, 2005, 06:05:38 pm »
Id like to have a keyboard-shortcut to lower my weapons. In the current release I have to go to the Inventory if I want to unequip my weapons i.e. if I enter the tavern.

The thread ps has been plagued with beggers. . . by XeNoDeMoS was closed unfortunately. Because my character is mentioned there directly I opened another thread to defend my behaviour.
As you could guess from the title my character Laurelei is practicing one of the oldest jobs in the world  (colloquialism) and isn\'t begging for something but offering a service in exchange for money. So whats the Problem with that? If youre looking at what PlaneShift is actually intendet to be its exactly the thing you should do in PlaneShift. In fact you can play PlaneShift as an action RPG going to the sewers and hack & slay all day or as an real RPG by using your fancy to create a character with a personality, someone that differs from other players. If you\'re a real Roleplayer you would have recognized that its perfectly fitting if someone plays a character like a prostitute or beggar. Try to overcome the pigeonhole thinking and make your own.
Iam glad that many people on my first days in the world of Planeshift understood my intentions and I had mostly good reactions, especially from GM\'s.
So how can we solve such problems? In my opinion this isn\'t realizeable at the moment because the only thing you could really do is found another city and employ guards that ward people from begging and prostituting.
The other measures (except the ones that prevent players from actually roleplay in a RPG) wouldnt work. I downloaded my first PlaneShift release around 2000 from a cvs and compiled it under Slackware-Linux after I installed a 3D Card there, so the trick with the hide of download/register sites wont work. A long way trough a dark forrest to another city? I was there two times on my first day playing PS.
So what do you think about that?

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