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Topics - SovHed

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[OOCly] we should like to inform you all of the following: Yes the Elemental Light guildhall was cleaned out by a force of The Thieves of Yliakum and The Outlaws. We would like to thank all involved for taking part in this wonderful theft, which yielded a great number of lovely swords, sets of armor, helmets, plants, food, cabinets, closets, shelves, boxes, boots and the list goes on for quite a way.

Thank you all once again and we hope to see you all very soon in game.

I myself am back in Planeshift and am now back leading the ToY.

On the same note: I personally feel sorry for those who got robbed by us, you indeed have my sympathy, however leaving a guildhall unlocked and unattended with a few million trias of stuff is never a great idea.

Server Status / - Updated at last!
« on: December 12, 2007, 09:31:28 pm »
Just in case anyone was interested psmirror has been updated at long last to the latest version and you can now download the full clients there. I will continue to update the site from now on as I have been lacking rather.

Here it is:

Also this is my first post in.... years so Hi and I am here for a bit so throw in a wave!


In-Game Roleplay Events / An invitation to peace.
« on: October 27, 2006, 08:20:29 am »
Sov sits quietly in the tavern writing two identical notes.

Dear friends,

I invite you to my table in Kada El's to try and resolve this conflict once and for all. Can't we all just get along like we used to? Let us meet in this tavern, a neutral ground for us all and try to resolve this problem. I'm sure we can do it.

I look forward to seeing you there tomorrow evening [Saturday 28th 8pm GMT]


Sov folds up the letters and sends them off to Gwinn and Elvi with his groffels. "I hope they come" Sov mutters and drinks his beer, wondering what will happen.

Guilds Forum / A place for guilds
« on: January 29, 2006, 05:36:00 pm »
Greetings to all, I have recently founded a site for those of you who are looking to find a guild, new members, or advertise your own guild.
It is an ideal place to advertise your guild, you can register you guild on the frontpage and get it listed on the site. Not only that, we will give you a free website and forums to give your guild a place to call your own, (Forums are phpbb and you have full control of them and the site.)
If you are looking for a guild you can easily find one to suit your wishes and goals with our easy to use Guild listing. From this listing you can contact the guilds and visit their sites.

The site also offers useful information for if you are planning to start a guild of your own, get advice from other guild masters and learn how to build your guild.

So don\'t delay, if you are looking to start/join/recruit for a guild Visit:

when i update it takes ages now to download the registry and do updates, it used to be extremly fast getting the registry in about 5 seconds not it takes 5 mins. also it is slow in game when i try and select character it takes a few mins to come up with the names of hte chars and then a few more to bring the character to the podium thing. any help would be gr8!!!! ?(  ?(

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / various new bugs
« on: February 04, 2005, 09:51:43 pm »
I bet everyone else has seen these problems with the new update. well i guess i better get it over with:
1.The Dynamic follow is messed up because the camera no longer stays within buildings wehn at range and stops you from being able to see anything.
2. I know some people have said that no name tags was gd, but i think it has messed it up because now we cannot tell people apart.
3. Targetting is a bit bad and doesnt click properly, but htis has been a previous problem and im sure its easily fixed.

Ok sorry to make your lives a misery Devs lol. I appreciate all the work you have put into this game tho, thnx a lot!! :D  :)

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