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Topics - FMiddy

Pages: [1]
Wish list / Names
« on: March 07, 2003, 06:40:47 pm »
I was wondering if there could be example names on the races page, that way we have a sort of idea how to name our characters with race specifications, that will make identifying someone easier in my opinion, and also make it more RP like.  :)

General Discussion / New Site
« on: February 26, 2003, 04:08:13 pm »
I really like the new site, the colors are cool and its a bit easier on the eye, and its easier to navigate, also the enkidukai model adds a very nice touch, and you kept the old logo, which is another nice touch.

Wish list / Instruments
« on: February 13, 2003, 06:57:06 pm »
Im not sure if this has been thought of, I searched for it on the boards and didnt find anything, so here goes.

Could there be instruments in the game that you can buy, like Ocarinas, Flutes, small Guitars, just basic instruments that would fit in planeshift, these could be used to signal something, like an attack or maybe guilds could use them for secret signals, like when Robin Hood used his horn to call his men.  It could also be used to gain money, people could go around as traveling minstrals, there are 2 ways this could work, you could either equip the instrument and have buttons assigned to notes, or you could \"learn\" a song, or possibly write one youself, and you equip the instrument and it plays it for you, but now, this adds another stat, and bath to go by, the minstril path and stat.  If #2 were used, then you would need a certain stat lvl to be able to write your own music, which would simply go on a peice of paper for you to play later.

Wish list / Winged Creature Ideas
« on: January 22, 2003, 04:46:55 pm »
We have winged creatures right?
But how bout we give them some more features?
*great idea!*

all right here we go... hope none of this has been suggested.... :O

anyway, how about some way to call your creature when you need it, cuz if you die, or just decided to go on a walk, but then you all of a sudden need it and don\'t want to go back to where ever you left it, you should have some type of horn that you blow on, and your creature spawns in the sky out of sight and then flys to your aid (out of sight in the sky so it looks cool:D)

also in arena combat, you could have aerial arena combat, where people get on their winged creatures to battle it out in the air, attempting to knock the other from their mount causing them to plumet to their doom

and how about individuality for the creatures, will they come in different colors, will you be able to decorate them with certain things, can they wear their own armor, I think it would be cool...

and how about your winged creature having its own stats, like how high it can fly, how fast, and how long, you could have a stamina bar just for your creature, and the more you fly with it, the better it gets at flying...

and maybe your creature can fight, maybe even with you not mounted on it, this could also cause a need for certain other stats for the creature to be implemented into the game, such as ground speed, strength, and defense, maybe at certain lvls your creature could learn skills, like blowing fire (corny and cliche yes, but hey, its still cool)

hope my ideas are good, and as I said b4, hope they haven\'t already been suggested... or thought of by the team...

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