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Topics - Ivniciix

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General Discussion / Close the Death Realm for now.
« on: May 29, 2006, 04:51:16 pm »
Just a suggestion...but since it's sooooooo easy to die through no fault of your own due to holes in the environment and other bugs, why not turn off the Death Realm for now...or at least make it one room and your out?

PvP,PK and Thieving / Earning the Right to PvP!
« on: August 30, 2005, 03:03:47 am »
Firstly, I\'m not a big PvPer and have little understanding of the pyschology of those who are. Games are entertainment. I can read a book with out spoiling someone elses fun. I can watch TV or go to a movie without doing so as well. Why must people be allowed, in deed demand, that they have the right to do so in an online game? There seems to be only one answer...because they can. OK. Fair enough. Then the question remains, what should they \"pay\" for this privelege?

In an RP-centric game, it\'s not enough to simply say your playing a \"bad\" person to justify killing another player. You have to prove it. How? By showing an unrelenting dedication to live outside the codes of law that govern that society. How, again? By doing \"evil\" quests and/or making choices within \"good\" quests that a \"good\" player would not and that advance an evil agenda.

Mind you, you must pursue evil not just once or twice but repeatedly and without exception until you\'ve attained a very high level, become a complete outcast to \"civilized\" society and relinquished the comforts and safety towns, taverns and vendors can provide as well as the protection of the civil authorities who will kill you on sight and place bounties for your death. In game terms, this also means becoming a pariah to \"good\" players who will no longer wish to team with you. Your evilness will become readily visible to everyone in some manner long before you attain your ultimate goal of essentially \"becoming the monster\".

Your only solace and support will be that of other equally twisted like-minded players...and of course since you are known to be dishonest by nature, none, not even other evil players will trade with you anymore. You will have become an island unto yourself and must live completely upon your own skills and resources, hopefully having learned those neccesary before venturing far enough down the path of evil for others to notice it.

I could elaborate more on this concept but I think you catch my drift. Wanna PvP, then work really, really hard for that privilege until it is your only existence, until you are a monster...nothing more and nothing less.

That pretty much says it all. It\'s be 48 hours now and I haven\'t gotten an authorization back which would allow me to play. What should I do ?
Yes, I\'ve re-sent several times. 6-9 times in fact.

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