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Topics - acheronista

Pages: [1]
I was trading some potions to someone yesterday and apparently when he canceled the trade I just droped them onto the floor, insted of sliping them back into my pockets...
also when i attack a npc from far away they take of running as usual, but not in my direction....

Roleplaying (Communitive Storywriting) / The Philosophy of a Rebel
« on: January 07, 2006, 06:29:54 pm »
As I walked the land I saw many battles, many injustices, and many deceptions. I have seen women and children slain by rogue warriors, and harmless travlers demolished by dark knights of various breed. Alone I thought for many many months \"what could the gods possible care for if not their own people.\" I learned a terrible truth, the \"gods\" only care for themselves... So then I being a warrior must return the favor and care not for the gods... YA! I spit upon them in discust! Talad, Lannx. vodul, the black flame... worthless idols to be trodden underfoot! I alone shall decide my fate and destiny and if the gods do not like my path, then to hell with them! I have proclaimed my philosphy after my people and race, Diabolism. Those that would rather use their power within, then to seek the comfort of a coldhearted \"god.\" Those that would choose their own path in life and slay anyone that tells them otherwise... \"What is a Diabolist?\" the master of his own destiny I answer. I do not wish a war with the gods, I simply wish to enlighten those that can be. And if this angers them GOOD for they have angered me greatly. Should I be struck down by them, they themseleve then have shown their own insecurities, weakness and fear of the Diabolist and we will then become stronger than they could possibly imagine! I walk my path now with purpose and determination the Diabolist will have their place in the land and we shall be a proud
and honoured people for all to fear and admire. Hence forth I shall be known as Acheronista *Griglore - elite in The Chosen Few Hail Strength!

*Griglore- and ancient diaboli name meaning \"He/She that defys the gods\"

General Discussion / Halloween trick or treat party
« on: October 10, 2005, 09:46:15 am »
Hello, the TCF will be hosting a festival of forgotton souls in the death realm on oct 31 midnight central standard time.  the idea is that NEW players only may come recieve a treat from us be it weapons,tria or whatever....there is one catch, you will have to find out were we are hiding in the death realm to get a treat.  please not this session of generosity will only last a short time, as we will run out of stuff fast....after such we will tell stories, maybe even perform some sacred rite to talad and laanx... anyone interested in being helping us out and giving away gifts to new players post here or contact me in game - Acheronista elite in the choosen few

note to new players, when u find us please do not tell all your friends were we are as this will spoil the fun.

Linux Specific Issues / Cannot go into the arena
« on: September 12, 2005, 04:57:02 pm »
I am using mepis light on a dell deminsion 24000
# Intel Celeron 2.4 GHz Processor
# 256 MB PC2100 DDR Memory
# Integrated AC\'97 Audio with Altec Lansing ADA215 Speakers
# Intel Extreme 3D Graphics with 64MB Shared Memory
with nvidia-kernel-2.4.27-2-386
whenever i go into the arena i make it up the stairs then crash.
then i reload and can make it to the first glad and fight him but if i go anywere else i crash, so i have to use double unstick to get my character out.
any clue as to why? I know I probably need more ram but Im hoping there is another solution to the problem, any help is greatly appreciated :)
and thank you for all the work you do to provide this great game to all of us....for free at that :D

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