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Topics - Rolf Blacksmith

Pages: [1]
Linux Specific Issues / Segmantation fault on PS splash screen
« on: July 14, 2006, 10:14:55 am »
I built Planeshift from CVS, and it segfaults on loading, namely when the "molecular blue"-splash screen appears.

Reading from the CVS tag, I'm using the "D2006."-version of  planeshift.

Console spits out the following:

DEBUG: Sound System Software Renderer Initializing...

  PlaneShift Crystal Blue
  This game uses Crystal Space Engine created by Jorrit and others
  0.99 r0 [Unix-x86-GCC]
All LOGS are off.
Mounting skin: /this/art/skins/
Skipping 'InfoButton' because it's already loaded
Skipping 'InfoButton_over' because it's already loaded


Skipping 'Loading Background' because it's already loaded
  psEngine initialized.
Using fontsize 16 for resolution 1024x768

<src/common/paws/pawstexturemanager.cpp:371> CreateTexture:
  Could not open image: >/paws/skin/backdrop/<

<src/common/paws/pawswidget.cpp:2482> SetMaskingImage:
  Could not locate masking image charborder for widget PaperDollView
Speicherzugriffsfehler (<-- Segfault)

Does that ring any bells with someone?

As a notice:
I compiled without debugging symbols, could rebuild with them if that helps somehow.
I also ran the updater before starting the app.

Kernel 2.6.17
1 GB Ram
GF 6600
Athlon XP 1700+

When I look towards the big cavern opening between the waterfall and the open land, PS literally becomes a dia-show. I get about 2 FPS if I'm lucky. this always happens when I look in the direction of the opening, even if I don't actually see anything of it, and it happens from any angles, be it from outside or from within.

Has anyone else experienced something similar?
It could be that something is wrong on my client, since I had to insert the data dir manually into the PS folder as the linux package is incomplete.
Still it is strange ...

AMD Athlon 1700
1 GB Ram
Kernel 2.6.17
GeForce 6600

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / /dequip crashes client
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:07:27 pm »
It seems to be an old issue, I had it during the old versions, too.

When I create a shortcut and type the command/dequip too fast, during the first letters the client crashes with an access violation.

OS: Linux, kernel 2.6, AMD Processor

First system specs:

AMD Athlon XP
NVidia Gf 6600
Gentoo Linux
512 MB RAM
glibc 2.3.5

I installed the newest binary client and just finished updating.

Now when trying pssetup it fails with an access violation after lots of rcystalspace \"ALERTS\" about an unknown command \"Include\". The last output before the access violation is
Code: [Select]

Mounting skin: /planeshift/art/
Skipping \'YesNo\' because it\'s already loaded

When trying to run psclient I also get bunch of crystalspace errors and then the following output:
Code: [Select]

  PlaneShift Crystal Blue
  This game uses Crystal Space Engine created by Jorrit and others
  0.99 r0 [Unix-x86-GCC]
  No iSoundManager plugin!
  Failed to init app!

I hope you can make something out of it.

switching off my music player or starting the apps as root didn\'t change anything, so I suppose it\'s neither a permission nor a soundcard-blocking issue.

I forgot something:
I ran the updater before with the --auto-switch, but when trying to connect to the server it said I\'m not running the correct version of PS, although it was version 0.3.013. Thereafter I ran the updater again in normal mode where it downloaded a whole load of stuff, and since then I can\'t launch PS.

OK, I seem not to be the only Linux-user with this problem. If this is Linux-specific, please move it there.

Wish list / double-handed weapons
« on: September 07, 2005, 03:09:32 am »
If this has been discussed before already, just ignore this post.

Up to now I haven\'t seen any double handed weapons in the game. Even battleaxes and longswords are used single-handed.

If there would be strong weapons blocking both hands, that would be more realistic and more fun, because the people would have to decide between two weaker weapons and one strong.

You could also limit this on the weaker races, so there would be some races that still can handle two of them, maybe with some punishment in damage, accuracy or speed.

Just an idea ...

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