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Topics - darkw00t

Pages: [1]
Guilds Forum / The right guild..
« on: November 23, 2005, 02:37:35 am »
I am looking for a guild that is right for me, i want it to be different instead of just people saying they are good,bad,neutral... i am enjoying my time in DC with the other members but am tired of the same thing, i wish to find a guild thats different to others, a guild that deons\'t claim they are evil yet still be good and do nothing much to prove they are evil, i ask of anyone to give me ideas on which where to find such a guild as it would restore my absence from PS

Technical Help: Problems BEFORE entering the game / Stuffing up badly
« on: October 24, 2005, 02:45:49 pm »
Well when i go to play PS after i have updated this new update it goes past the first loading screen (DOS like one) then it is about to load when a error message comes up, it does this every time and i have just freshly re-updated it to see if i missed anything, Have i missed anything or haven\'t done anything?

Guilds Forum / Orior de Atrum - Rise from Darkness
« on: October 22, 2005, 02:27:46 am »
Guild History -
(extract from website) (this is from Star)
Many of us came from far lands.  We traveled here to Yliakum, now a place
we call home.  We have many things we keep in the dark of our past lives
before we came to Yliakum. We keep these things locked up in the dark,
We hide them from many, yet they hold us down, I formed this guild, this
family, to help those who are trapped with memories.  To help rid of us of
the melencholy that keeps us from being our best.  Our goals are to help
others do the same, our family will grow larger by the days, because
everyone needs help.  We do not let just anyone join us, we do not want
those who do not want us.  We are here to help everyone, those in need,
in need of friendship, money, weapons.  Or just someone to show them
the way to get somewere.  We do not choose sides, we do not care for war,
but if war is necessary then so shall it be.  If there is a war, I would rather
fight it with just ourselves.  No one else.  Our allies are mere friends, and if
they are in need of help in a war, I will deny unless that guild is also one that
has disrespected ours.  Many ask what my goals are, what I was thinking
when I created this guild.  The honest truth is, I am young, and I came from
a terrible place, before I found Yliakum.  I was lonely searching for someone
to talk to, to call my friend.  I joined many guilds before, but none suit my
ideas. But all did not have the discipline that I needed.  I do not tolerate
rudeness, therefore I am not rude. Thats what I was thinking when I made
Shadows of Yliakum, our first name.  I realised that it did not suit what I
wanted either.  I wanted something to show what I stood for so I chose
Orior de Atrum, which is latin for \"rise from dark\"  This shows that I will
rise from the darkness my past has drawn me into, and hope that those who
are united with me feel the same passion for succeeding as I.  \"Nunch
atrum volo haud diutus potior noster vita\" Is also latin, meaning \"Soon dark
will no longer hold our life\"  That is all you need to know....Nunch atrum volo
diutus potior noster vita!  I Star Darkskye, and my companions of Orior de
Atrum will rise!!
Members/Ranking -

Being freshly selected to join the guild you would start off at our first rank-The Page,
After a while of training and starting to recognise the game a fair bit you will become-A Squire,
Once you have become our 3rd rank, The Mercenary , you will become a trusted member of the guild, you have also done a fair bit of training as well,
Knowing the art of war, a Warrior , is a skilled soldier, always trusted and well trained in the art of war, the warrior can be a relied-on member of the guild
The 5th rank, the Slayer , is the member at the frontline, eager for war when it comes but trusted and loyal to the guild, you are an example to other members and follow guild rules,
A Chaplain is the one who boosts the troops and becomes one of their leaders, setting a high example and being highly trusted by all, they have the power to control certain things and have a high say in guild meeting and so on.
The Shadow Master is a leader who is always doing good for the guild, being a well trained and high regarded member of the guild as well as having almost all privileges and permissions, they have a very high say on meetings and can control other units, they are also required to give guidance to other members when needed.
The Most Trusted leader of the guild, The Shadow Lord , has all permissions and is the one that gives messages to guild members and gives power to those in need, this is the highest position reached by a member and there is only limited numbers in the guild (3-5 at max).

Our Leader, Star Darkskye, is The Lady of the Shadows  and has all rights and the most say in a guild meeting, she has say over all members as well.

Our guild has only approximately 60 members at a max, we try not to be mass-recruiting and be the best of what we can do.

Guild Alignment -

We pick no sides, you may think we are good or bad but we are currently just neutral, we follow the laws that suit us so we are Lawful Neutral if we had to choose an alignment

You can contact us in-game to ask to join but doing so you will have to visit our website and check the guild rules and  etc. Currently our website is - but we will be changing the host soon.

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Few problems and bugs
« on: September 13, 2005, 06:09:22 pm »
There is a few bugs and problems some not that bad some annoying:
There is a slight minor bug where you get the xp before you kill the monster, you only get it 2 or 3 hits before you kill it though it could be a problem with a high lvl monster (where they just run off) though it nothing serious (and it might just be me)
There is a aware bug of the fact that a monster can hit/kill you or you can hit it after it is dead, bit wierd though not too serious
I have just had a problem where my stamina bar run out and i stood still for like a minute and no stamina regenerated at all so i had to log out, this is a bit more annoying though can be fixed
Thank You if you manage to fix these

Technical Help: IN GAME bugs (after loading world) / Can't Play
« on: September 12, 2005, 09:06:38 pm »
PS never stuffs up for me much  just bugs in game but now when i am loading the game it comes up with something (crashes i believe) and stops the game, it has happened alot now and yeh it annoying me, is anyone getting it?

Whenever you change a region it takes about 4 attempts until you actually get in there and i just logged on today and i couldn\'t kill any monsters (it didn\'t let me) yeh i got real annoyed. Can you please fix these bugs soon

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